Skeptics Welcome—Part 1

The Evolution Theory 5 Minute Challenge

Most of the videos clips below are less than 1 minute long.

The Challenge:  Pick 5 clips from the list below to Watch and Decide … 
Which Evidence best supports the Theories Presented?


And Please share what you have discovered.



For Those looking for a quick reference:
Skeptics Welcome—For 5 Minutes
Skeptics Welcome—For 4 Minutes
Skeptics Welcome—Scientist’s Challenge


Part 1 — Deals with Science & Evolutionary Theory Problems

Part 2 — Deals with Science, Evolution, Age of the Earth, and Theology Problems

Part 3 — Deals with the “Full Monty” — The Challenge of Scientists who Challenge Evolution




Comments Below are most welcome on this Page.


Abiogenesis: Refuting the basis for the theory of evolution?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Epigenetics: Does it not require an intelligent designer to program our DNA?    

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Fossils (1):  Does the Fossil record solidly support or cast doubt on the theory Evolution?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Fossils (2): Does the Fossil record resoundingly prove Evolution?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Lucy: Does the single most well preserved evolutionary skeleton, support Evolution?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Neanderthals: Modern Humans or Ancient Ape?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Have our Ears Evolved?   Examine and decide for yourself

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Consensus:  Does the Consensus among scholars support the reality of Evolution?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Mitochondrial DNA:   Does it not prove to opposite of evolution?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Historical Evidence:  Which is Stronger? Which takes greater faith to believe?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)




Dating: Over 500 geology books, can they all be wrong?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)




Consistency: How often is the story of evolution changing?
Vs. The steadfast nature and permanence of the Creation Record?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Darwin’s Finches:  Now Proven– It was never evolution.

That can happen in one generation.  BTW–Adaptation does nothing to explain macro evolution.

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Your Eyesight:   Made by random accidental mutations?

(Under 1 minute Video Short)



Meet Nebraska Man & Piltdown Man:   Famous British and American Proofs or Fakes?

(2 minutes, 5 seconds)




Here are 6 Examinations: Combined into 1 video

(9 minutes, 14 seconds)




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