. Photo: Lion Nebula: 1 Located in the constellation Cepheus. 2 The Lion is a strong Prophetic Symbol of the Messiah: “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah”—
Understanding these two concepts will greatly enhance your ability to grasp both the Old and New Testaments in their fullness.
“The Lion” has many Symbolic meanings in God’s Word, depending on context He could be the Christ, or he could be the Anti-Christ. 5
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1—The Bible is the best interpreter of itself. (first rule of interpretation.)
The Bible is unique in that there are over 63,779 cross references, where one scripture is connected to another scripture that gives both scriptures a fuller meaning and a deeper understanding. The more you read the Bible, the more familiar you will become with these illuminating interconnected undeniable cross references. . Often times God will start a story with the word picture, like being kicked out of Eden, or the first murder, or Noah’s flood, or the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. And then he’ll use those word pictures over and over throughout Israel’s history, thus cross referencing the Scriptures, making a masterful weaving of history, law, doctrine, consequences for obedience: His blessings, and consequences or curses for disobedience.
These examples repeat (over and over) and fill the scriptures. They tie together God’s incredibly detailed historical and legal accounts, that culminate and climax with the coming of the son of God and all they did to Him, and all He did for them. (Matthew 21:35-37)
2—A Text without a Context is a pretext. (second rule of interpretation.)
Every scripture is designed to be understood and interpreted from the point of view of the author.
A false understanding arises, when the reader tries to override the author’s perspective and purpose for writing.
Taking a text out of context is one of the main ways to produce a false understanding.
As One grows in his understanding of the context of a particular passage of scripture, so will One grow in his or her own understanding of all other scriptures interconnected with it.
The Bible is often a closed book to those who don’t try to learn its message in context.
When a person chooses to be ignorant of the meaning of one scripture, he simultaneously becomes ignorant of many other scriptures that are interconnected with it. (Luke 19:26)
Thankfully, the opposite is also true, when a person diligently seeks to understand a particular scripture in its right context, he begins to understand all the interconnected scriptures that come in contact with it. Thus, the reader’s mind expands, just while reading and interpreting the plain text in context.
3—When Common Sense make the best sense, any other sense is Nonsense. (third rule of interpretation.)
In other words, when the common sense interpretation is plain as day, any other spurious interpretation is unfounded, and likely, or prone to be in error. (2 Peter 1:20-21)
Note: The tools of literature are as active in the scriptures as they are in all other forms of human communication: Poetry, Metaphor, Symbolism, Parallelism, Drama, Romance, Technical Writing, Hyperbole, Allegory, Irony, Sarcasm, Humor, Comparison, Contrast, Apocryphal Language, and other literary devices are often employed in EVERY DAY writing. It’s necessary to use them when reading the scriptures, just like when reading a newspaper, or talking to a friend.
If you don’t understand the plain meaning of the text, chances are you might not be privy to the symbolism being used. Therefore it is a powerful tool to reference others scriptures that help explain the symbolism. (For example the Book of Daniel, greatly helps one understand the Book of Revelation, and vice versa, much of the symbolism in Revelation, is borrowed from the book of Daniel.
In review: When the Bible is not used asthe best interpreter of itself; and when: A Text without a Context becomes a pretext; and when you or others miss the Common Sense understanding of the text, multiplied misunderstandings will arise. That’s a Guaranteed!
But when you carefully backtrack your steps and see your own errors, you will begin to will see God’s perspective. And that is: “Good in Thy Sight!”
A computer generated image just some of the clearly identifiable 63,779 cross references contained in the Bible.6
1 minute will reveal this mystery.
#1 Challenge from Jesus:
To see what is Good in His Father’s Sight.
Do you see what is Good in God’s Sight?
Are certain key things hidden from Your Sight?
Changing your Perspective: Can Make All the Difference.
“I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, Because Thou hast hid ‘These Things‘ from the wise and prudent
And hast revealed them Unto babes.
“Even so, Father: for so it seemed:
“Good in Thy Sight.“
Matthew 11: 25
A Quote from Jesus of Nazareth, Written circa AD 28-30.
Putting this Quote in its Historical Context: (Matthew 11:25–26)
Note: If you already know all you want to know about the background of Jesus’ First Disciples, where they came from, what was happening in the World Wide Political Chicanery, and other critical factors that will assist your seeing things from God’s Perspective–You can skip this section.
The above quote was recorded, during the Reign of Tiberius, the second Emperor of the Roman Empire, who ruled from AD 14 to AD 37.
These Words of Jesus, the Messiah, were recorded, by his faithful, and possibly favorite, Tax Collector, Matthew (a.k.a. Levi, the son of Alphaeus), possibly, the most culturally despised, and spiritually undeserving apostle, on Jesus’ Team.
For my money: I believe Matthew was likely the first Gospel recorded and published. It is likely that many of the events and messages were recorded and written down before Jesus crucifixion. I can imagine it was likely presented within a year of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection (although official records don’t show up until later).
What is the exact time and place of this specific quote?
“At tThat Time Jesus answered and said, ‘I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.'” (Matthew 11:25, KJV)
In other words: When was “That Time“?
According to the New Testament, Jesus spoke these words in the region of Galilee, likely in the area around Capernaum, which was a major center of his ministry. As for the time of year, the Gospels don’t provide a specific date or season for this event. However, based on the context and the events surrounding this passage, it is believed to have occurred during the summer or early fall, around 28 AD. (Source: meta.ai)
What was the city of Capernaum like in 28 A.D?
Here are some logistics about Capernaum in 28 AD:
Some ruins of Capernaum, on the northern coast of the Sea of Galilee.
Location: Capernaum was a small fishing village located on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, in the Roman province of Judea (now northern Israel).
Population: Estimated to be around 1,500-2,000 people.
Language: The primary languages spoken in Capernaum were Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew.
Economy: The village was a major center for fishing and trade, with a bustling harbor and market. [Do you see how apropos {the “s” is silent} Jesus word to Peter was, and to many others in that region: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Culture: Capernaum was a Jewish community, with a strong presence of Pharisees and other Jewish religious leaders.
. Below is a fourth century synagogue in Capernaum. Underneath the synagogue are the ruins of a previous synagogue made of basalt stone (typically charcoal color), that is believed to be the synagogue of Jesus’ day.
Infrastructure: The village had a synagogue (where Jesus often taught), as well as homes made of stone and clay, with narrow streets and alleys.
Roman Presence: Capernaum was under Roman rule, with a centurion (a Roman military officer, typically a leader of 100 soldiers) stationed there.
Religious Significance: Capernaum was considered a sacred place, as it was the home of several important religious leaders, including Jesus.
Climate: The climate in Capernaum was Mediterranean, with hot summers and mild winters. In 28 AD, the summer months would have been quite warm, with average highs around 90°F (32°C).
Keep in mind that these details are based on historical records and archaeological findings, and some aspects may be subject to interpretation. Nonetheless, this gives you a general idea of what Capernaum was like during Jesus’ time. Capernaum is just south of Chorazin and just north of Magdala, on the North Shore of the sea of Galilee. (Source: meta.ai)
Why can you not trust many modern biblical scholars?
Big Side Note:Be careful reading/learning from modern Bible scholars, and trusting their work. A vast population of Bible scholars are not believers. They do not believe in even the minimal basics of BIBLICAL FAITH, so they prove themselves that they not actual followers of Christ. This makes them unreliable professors of the faith, even though many or most have professional degrees in Biblical Studies. . As a result of the above, many of their teachings do not come from a place of personal relationship with Christ, but from an academic machine that does not necessarily agree with the Bible, nor with the teachings of Christ (but often denies them, and actually opposes them). I
f you delve into what they teach, and why they teach it, and why they believe what they teach, you will discover many of these theologians do not believe, serve, honor, nor follow the Commandments of Jesus. That fits the definition of a false teacher, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. (Matthew 7:15–20)
For this reason, it is important to know who is teaching you the Bible. Why? Because their thoughts, attitudes, and ideas will become like seeds planted in your field (like tares in the wheat: Matthew 13:25). What others teach and believe, will inevitably affect and infect: your beliefs and attitudes, if you allow them to hold a place of authority in your life. Here is a simple test to guide you to know whether a Bible scholar is to believed, or to be rejected: if they say anything that contradicts the plain & simple teaching of Jesus, they should be rejected. Or if they try to complicate it, or theologize it, reject them.
Another test:Do your teachers hold to (live out) the priorities? values? and lifestyle of Jesus? Do they example the life of Christ? Do they live in one accord in the Word of God: just as Jesus and his apostles instructed the body of Christ to become living examples for those who would follow after Him?
Why should you not trust many modern Bible translations?
Big Big Side Note:Be careful reading/learning from Modern Bible Translations. Why? Because many modern translations delete Key Words, Phrases, Sentences, and whole Paragraphs from the Word of God. It was hard for me to believe, but I discovered that my own favorite Bible translation deleted many words phrases, and cast out on whole passages of scripture, because it was rooted and tied to the Westcott and Hort compromised manuscripts. From that learning experience, I created a rule of thumb that goes like this:
Any translation that deletes the Word of God, from the Word of God, is not the Word of God. (See: Revelation 22:19)
Be certain of this: God has promised to preserve His Word.
God has also warned us that the Enemy has come to steal God’s Word, poison God’s Word, dilute and confuse God’s Word. (Did God really say? Genesis 3:1-5)
And to be perfectly honest, the enemy is really good at what he does. If any man chooses to listen to the enemy’s voice, chances are very low that he will ever see this world, or the world to come from God’s perspective.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
.John 10:10 (KJV) .
Because of this: It is vitally important that you not allow the Word of God be stolen from you, nor poisoned, nor diluted, or nor confused. If English is your native language: The King James Version is the least changed, deleted, or diluted Bible Translation I have found.
For many years I did not believe that above statement, and I set out to prove it wrong, and yet to my surprise, I didn’t know how ignorant and duped I had become.
And please don’t take anyone’s word for this (especially not mine). Do your own research on this subject. View the Evidence. Make your own decision.
For a simple test: Compare Luke 4:4, in KJV to other modern translations (especially to the translation, you are currently reading), and tell me the difference.
More than 100 widely important scriptures, have been corrupted in modern translations.
But, you will need to learn that for yourself. Don’t take anyone’s word on this without personally investigating it for yourself. It will become a part of your own personal spiritual journey.
I myself denied the facts for more than 30 years, before investigating them for myself. And strangely enough, none of my teachers, pastors, mentors, or friends ever really challenge me to investigate the facts for myself–until one day, I met a stubborn old 86 year-old man who did indeed challenge me.
What was Simon Peter’s connection to Capernaum?
Background on where Peter lived. Was it Capernaum or Bethsaida?
According to the New Testament, Peter (also known as Simon Peter) lived in Bethsaida, a fishing village on the northeastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, before becoming a disciple of Jesus (Matthew 4:18, Mark 1:29, John 1:44). Bethsaida was a small village, and it’s believed to be the home of several apostles, including Peter, Andrew, and Philip. .
However, Peter also had a home in Capernaum, which is mentioned in several Gospel accounts (Matthew 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31, Luke 4:38-39). It’s possible that Peter and his family split their time between Bethsaida and Capernaum, or that they moved to Capernaum at some point. .
Capernaum became a central location for Jesus’ ministry, and Peter’s home there became a sort of headquarters for Jesus and his disciples. It was in Capernaum that Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law (Matthew 8:14-15). Near there is where Peter walked on water with Jesus, and where Jesus calmed the storm, and let’s not forget the miracle catch of fish (two times.) (Matthew 14:28-31). .
So, to summarize, Peter lived in Bethsaida before becoming a disciple of Jesus, but he also had a home in Capernaum, which played an important role in Jesus’ ministry. (Source: meta.ai) .
Note: This view is looking from the north, for instance, from the Golan Heights, looking down on the sea of Galilee towards the south with a panoramic view towards the dead sea Jerusalem and the Mediterranean Sea. It’s actually quite a good picture to give you some anchored reference points for the story of the Bible. Mount Carmel would be to the right towards the sea, the Mediterranean Sea just off the side of the map there.
When, and to whom, was the gospel of Matthew originally written?
The Gospel of Matthew was possibly written in Hebrew first, to reach those in Jerusalem & Judea (primarily Jews), with the Testimony of Christ, according to Matthew, and then later translated into Greek to reach those in Rome, and others throughout the Roman Empire.
Why do I say that? Because Matthew is the one gospel specifically and originally written for a Jewish audience. Matthew was actually more Jewish oriented than the other three gospels.
Why is “historical narrative” so important to the integrity of the Bible?
How does “historical narrative” set the Bible far above other religious texts and beliefs?
Here’s a quote from Cliff Knechtle on the “historical narrative” style of writing in the Bible:
“The Bible is written in a historical narrative style, which means it’s telling us what happened, where it happened, and when it happened. It’s not a book of abstract principles or metaphysical musings [or fictional characters with fictional places]. It’s a book that says, ‘This is what God did, here’s where He did it, and here’s who He did it with.’ That’s a historical narrative style, and that’s what makes the Bible so unique.”
― Cliff Knechtle
What does the evidence show us? (Here’s why the Bible is accurate–Cliff)
Who did Jesus not claim to be?
If Jesus was not who he claimed to be, and did not raise himself from the dead as he promised he would (John 10:17): Why did tens of thousands of monotheistic, hard-core Jewish people begin to worship Jesus as God? Begin to Live for Jesus? and Die for Jesus, as a Witnesses of His Resurrection?
That went totally against the religious training, religious history, and against their religious teachers, why would they do that? Even at the threat of death?
When Paul, the apostle returned to Jerusalem, before being sent to Rome in chains, it is recorded in the book of Acts that more than 20,000 Jewish believers had put their faith in Christ (1 myriad = 10,000; 2 myriads = 20,000 minimum: the Greek word used for tens of thousands in Acts 21:20 is “myriads”). That (20,000) was about 1/3 of the population of Jerusalem, in Paul’s day.
How/Why did the early disciples become so effective at converting lost (unsaved, unbelieving) souls?
Jesus told his disciples, that On the day of Pentecost: they would receive power from on high to preach the gospel to the lost. That proved to be true. On the day of Pentecost, 3000 Jewish men from all over the Roman Empire converted their lives over to Christ to become followers of Him–a recently resurrected Heavenly King. That was the result of the first message preached by Peter, after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
Just a short time later, in Acts, chapter 4, Peter preaches another message after they heal the man that was lame for many years. At that time, another 5000 men repent of their sins, and became disciples of Jesus.
Acts 4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.
The result of only two messages preached to the people in Jerusalem. 3000 people believed first message, and later 5000 people believed the second message. This totaled 8000 believers from only two messages preached.
These were eyewitness accounts, recorded during the time these people lived. No one denied the gospel transforming power phenomena. Many religious leaders became obedient to the faith.
Many other religious believers tried to stop the message of Christ being preached. But even in their efforts to stop believers from sharing the message, the religious leaders actually further authenticated the message of Christ.
That is all part of the historical narrative preserved, in the word of God for us to read today, same as they read it in the first century only translated into the English language because most people in America don’t speak Greek. If they did, it would even be better to read it from the original Greek manuscripts.
Why can we not trust modern worldly history professors?
Side Note: A Warning to Be Careful. Not everything written in scholarly textbooks (and especially secular history books), can be trusted.
The viewpoint of much modern day scholarship comes from Mainstream Modern “Critical Theory” Theologians and Scholars.
I personally have found much of their theories and teachings to be in error, and contradicting the very word of God, they claim to be studying.
This point accentuates the need to have spiritual discernment about who you allow to teach you the word of God.
If the root of the tree is diseased, so will be the branches, and the fruit also will be diseased. Jesus warned us that after he had sown good, seed in his own good field, later an enemy came at night and sowed bad seeds (weeds) among the wheat. This parable is known as the parable of the wheat and the tares, in Matthew 13:24-30.
Those who truly delve into modern theological studies and doctrines, often get confused and loaded it down with doubts and obscure thoughts that lead us not to the throne of God (where the fullness of knowledge and wisdom resides), but away from it.
There have been countless young enthusiastic students entering into seminaries with a hope to grow in the knowledge of God, but upon their graduation, a vast amount of graduates had been puffed up with the knowledge of men, and walked away with their degree, poor: both financially, and spiritually, then when they entered into such man-made institutions
And instead of growing closer to God, and becoming more intimate, and their knowledge of him, having a deeper and bolder conviction and clarity, on how to walk out the wheel of God in their lives, instead, they are more oozed, and divided in their walk with God.
In their faith, they are more puffed up in their minds, and more corrupted in their souls learning the traditions of men, rather than being equipped to do the marvelous and miraculous Will of God. Why is that? Because they had not been taught nor trained, nor even challenged to overcome the 7 Hurdles we have mentioned already.
God has called us to become disciples of Christ, who alone is the true Teacher, the holy Leader of his church. And the job of a true disciple maker is to connect the disciple with Jesus to become a follower of Christ, not to make him a follower of men. And we are not called to create new religions, that deny the basic core realities of Christ and his kingdom, which block people from being truly connected to the one and only true king of heaven: As you can see in the video below.
Again Here you can see how a person’s perspective can either open their eyes to the clear straight forward teaching of God, or it can block, confuse, and disturb a person and keep them from understanding the plain and simple knowledge of God, and who He is and what He came to accomplish.
7 Hurdles that block us from seeing what is “Good in God’s Sight.”
7 Hurdles that hinder Us: from Answering Life’s Toughest Questions
The answer to both of those questions should be, “Yes, absolutely!” But there is a problem. Something is getting in the way.
God’s wisdom has been provided by God for the benefit of man, yet most men are unable to comprehend it. Could it be that something is blocking their sight? Why is that?
TRUTH CLAIM #1:7The majority of Men born on Earth today have inherited a mental disease: The majority of men tend to act and believe, that they are wiser than God, The Creator, The Sustainer, and The Final Judge of Mankind.
Many men have drunk the Kool-Aid of their false educators, who earnestly believe they know more than God.
For this and other reasons: We all have 7 Hurdles that we need to overcome in order to be able to walk in God’s wisdom, and to answer all of life’s toughest questions.
Below are just some ancillary thoughts on the reason why, I believe, we struggle with overcoming the hurdles that are inevitable. We must face these hurdles head on if we want to make progress in understanding God’s Wisdom, which is Foolishness to Man (1 Corinthians 3:18–19), blocking us from seeing this world, and our lives from His Eternal Perspective.
One thing, many don’t take into account:
Because so many cannot see the eternal things of God’s perspective: They don’t understand that they, their families, their friends, their neighbors, and all those on the Earth today, are in a spiritual battle between light and darkness, good and evil, eternal life, and eternal death.
The Word of God is very clear about this from the very first BOOK, and is very gracious to help us understand it, unto the very last BOOK in the Bible. Of course, the Bible is a collection of testimonies, written down for our benefit, by over 40 different authors, spanning the lives of four millennia of God followers. And those prophets of God predicted the future, not only for their own people, but also for everyone living on the planet today.
TRUTH CLAIM #2: God promised to preserve His Word. So either He did preserve His Word, as He has said (and He is telling us the Truth), Or, He did not preserve His Word for Us, (and that would make Him a liar.)
Psalm 12:6-7 “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
Isaiah 40:8: “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”
Matthew 24:35: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
Again, I restate: God is either: 1) a Liar, or 2) He is telling the Truth–both cannot be true.
God has given us His evidence: so the ball is in our court. The only way to know which one is right, is to do your own thorough investigation. Hence the reason and purpose for this website: to assist you to accomplish that one goal, first by identifying and overcoming the obstacles that are directly in front of you. (Remember those 7 Hurdles.)
Not only to despise God, but also to Dishonor and to Reject His Word (calling it a fairytale).
So let’s ask the question:Who benefits?
Who on earth (or in heaven, or in hell) benefits from dishonoring and rejecting God’s Preserved Word?
When you dig down to the bottom of that answer, it will become abundantly clear that: No one benefits from dishonoring and rejecting God’s Preserved Word, not even the devil himself. That is the insanity of it all.
The only one who could benefit, would be Satan. But his miniature BENEFIT now (his own temporary twisted sense of perverting the pleasures of God), will end in terrible pain and suffering from himself, for all eternity. So how could that be called a benefit? Torment beyond human imagination. That is what is coming. That is also exactly what will happen to all who choose to walk in Satan’s Insanity. (Matthew 25:41)
Their temporary stolen pleasure now, can never be compared to their eternal torment in the near future.
TRUTH CLAIM #3: The Longer you wait, or block yourself, from hearing God’s Word, from God’s Perspective, the harder it will be to openly listen to, or to hear it in the future.
Why is that? Becomes over time the heart becomes hard, and continues to grow harder. 9
The problem with a lie, is the source from which it comes
TRUTH CLAIM #4:Lies always come from liars.
Every lie ever spoken, has an original source. When you trace a lie to its source, you discover the original lie, along with the original liar.
John 8:44-45
… When he [The Liar] speaks a lie, he speaks of his own [native language]: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And [yet] because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
Can You See the Dilemma?
Not only God’s dilemma but your dilemma also?
What many do not realize: All people are linked together in the Spirit by an age old spiritual networking system: either one of lies, or one of truth, and, “The two are at war with one another.”
God can’t just wipe out the opposing view, because that would remove free speech, and that would remove freedom of choice. And the whole purpose of discovering love in this life, is to do so from the spirit of free choice.
As a result, God insists that we must make our own choice.
The ones following lies have made their choice to follow the source of those lies–the original Liar. Over time, one who is caught up in a lie, begins to act, think, believe, and speak more and more like the original Liar. One can literally see the transformation happen over time. The more carefully you notice, the more carefully you will see the same attitude, mindset, and belief systems coming out of their mouth, that originate with the original Liar.
Many feel it is their spiritual duty to speak a lie, and then to protect the lie that they have spoken, following the very code and thought logic represented by the whole lying network–using whatever means possible or necessary.
Those who back a lie, and those who fill the airways with lies, become integral parts of the same huge lying spiritual network. Some are generals, but most are just simple foot soldiers.
“A lie travels around the worldwhile the truth is still putting on its shoes.” – Mark Twain
Many Men trust in Man-Made Misinformation
Many only embrace the confirmation bias, generated by their own social network echo chambers. Some insulate themselves behind walls of: anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Creation, and anti-Christ bias and sentiments. Some feel so threatened if you raise a question, or topic of discussion that is outside their comfort zone: they have created “safe zones” for those needing intellectual shelters of refuge. They constantly seek to shut down the free, sharing of ideas about God in Christ. And particularly, they like to quickly shut down any viewpoint that accurately expresses God’s Eternal Perspective.
TRUTH CLAIM #4“: It’s hard to hear any thing “new” when your lips are moving; or, when you are thinking more about the next sentence you are going to speak, rather than hearing the current sentence being spoken to you.
What many men do not recognize is that there is an all out war being waged against them, and just like in Nazi Germany, many have fallen prey, literally, to the lying propaganda machine. (1 Peter 5:8)
Once an individual becomes a mouth piece for the propaganda machine, chances plummet quickly on the likelihood of a person’s ability to learn new information. Once, in mind has been invaded in, has become thoroughly filled with misinformation, there seems to be no room for any other kind of information.
“It’s easier to lie to a person, than to convince him that he has been lied to.” – Mark Twain (loosely quoted)
Sadly, many never truly challenge, nor investigate ‘the facts‘
That puts them at a disadvantage. When someone is afraid of the Truth–that also puts them at a disadvantage from hearing, or God forbid, learning the Truth.
Simply put, many are afraid of being proven wrong–Many keep a closed mind, in order to protect their delicate egos.
In essence, the majority of people are afraid of being exposed, just as God has declared:
John 3:19-20 (KJV)
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, [but] men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
Note: if you see brackets […] in a quote, {like [but] above} that is an added word, or bit of information. it is not a part of the original quote. I sometime do this to help the reader (or maybe just myself) better understand the plain sense of the scripture. The goal here is not to change the scripture in any way, but to help me better understand it.
That pretty much sums it up in a nutshell
The Truth be Told (in John 3: 19): Most men want to meet with God, as much as most criminals want to meet a prison warden, or the guards with German Shepherds on their trail.
That is the disease at the root.
Who wants to be condemned for something they know is wrong, but they don’t want to stop doing it?
Yet, they know intuitively, in their conscience, what they’re doing is wrong. That is a setup for failure, if I ever saw one.
Our addictions not only harming ourselves, but they harm other innocents all around us also. Often, our addictions cause death, and spreading lies, and the spreading disease both spiritually and physically.
We can see that ultimately no one benefits. But we can’t stop it (on our own). That’s the insanity of it all. Many are acting just like the devil himself, and they can’t stop themselves. That is exactly why we need Jesus’ Salvation. Only He can forgive us and empower us with his weapons that can destroy Satan’s Strong Hold Over Us.
It’s a rare person, who wants to make that change
It takes a rare person who will go against the grain, fight against the tide of peer pressure, and can defeat today’s cancel culture.
But for the rare person who truly has seen the mental disease in operation, and has decided he or she wants the cure, and truly wants to answer Life’s Toughest Questions from God’s unchanging eternal perspective …
God’s answers have been laid out by God for them from the beginning of time: 1) From the very beginning, to 2) where we are today, and even to 3) the very end. No Book is so comprehensive, so accurate, and so reliable, has not changed, and has endured most coordinated and demonic attacks against it and survived, and thrived: NO BOOK COMES CLOSE.
And people throughout the centuries have given their lives for this book, and for the author of it.
No other book has in the past had the same track record of the Bible, and no book in the future will ever compare to it. It is truly, and forever One of a Kind.
This video is really worth your time.
The problem is: God’s Walk is not a carefree path.
In order to walk this New Road, the traveler will have to give up his own infernal pride. He will need to stop and ask for directions from heaven. And those directions won’t always make sense to him, at least first. Why is that? Because as any one knows, who has walked the narrow way more than five minutes: all the old ways of thinking and doing things no longer apply. The old man of pride, superiority, and arrogance — will have to take a heavy hit. So will the old man of lust, greed, and self absorption. They all will have to die, before the traveler can be truly successful walking in the KINGDOM OF GOD. (Galatians 2:20) So that is just another reason, why you will find so few people truly traveling the narrow road.
The fallout, or attrition rate, is great.
For many, The Narrow Road, will seem like too big a sacrifice, too big a change, too steep a mountain to climb. Hence the popular term “BackSliders.” So many just keep sliding back down the Hill, on their backsides.
Some men will receive God’s Word for a minute, but then, due to trials: They fall away. Some men will take a longer stance, but will eventually succumb to: the pressures and worries of the World, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desire for other things–and they too will become: Dead on the vine. Dead in the faith, and unfruitful in the KINGDOM OF GOD. why? because men still refuse to humbly receive God’s information, and direct instructions. (See the Parable of the Sower: It explains this problem in detail: Matthew 13:1-20; also a second witness: Mark 4:1-10, which is basically the same.)
God’s Perspective will challenge you
Learning to relearn everything that you have ever thought or believed is hard enough, but …
Beyond that: Even your closest friends will try to detour you. The old saying, “With friends like these, who needs enemies?” –it will take you to a new level. Those old friends (so called): They don’t want to lose you to the Other Side. Intuitively they know that once you make the change, they will have to loose you, either that or make the change themselves. And everyone can feel the strangeness of it all.
The mental disorder men were born with blocks them from SEEING LIFE from God’s unique and eternal perspective, but it also wants to block others as well. It is not content with being diseased alone. The disease loves company, actually thrives on it, and can’t function without it. All dysfunctional relationships need to support of others dysfunctionality, to support their own insanity.
It really requires a group delirium to keep it going, but as soon as one person jumps ship, that exposes a crack in the lie. Sometimes, like a severe leak in a boat, others start abandoning the Ship: the USS INSANITY, is going down, and others are waking up and seeing all the dysfunctionality, so others are very likely to follow.
“It only takes a spark to get a fire going!”
This whole mental disease is sometimes called SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS, among other titles.
Apparently, this disease is rather sticky and persistent. It’s a pervasive and invasive sickness that’s not quick to give up or give in. In other words, it is not easy to get rid of (speaking from experience). It touches every area of a man’s thoughts, feelings, desires, relationships, and worldview.
Sadly, this disease is highly contagious and self replicating. It deeply affects and infects the mind, the heart, and the will of a man (also speaking from experience).
There is only one cure for this disease: but men reject the cure, because they have become spiritually blind to the fact that they have such a bad case of the disease.
The more they shrug (mock, scoff) it off the worse the disease becomes. In order to overcome the disease each, and every single man, woman, and child must overcome 7 hurdles, in order to enter the privileged place and position to obtain God’s unique eternal perspective.
Without a man’s sincere, earnest, and diligent personal work in attacking the fatal disease residing in his own mind, heart, and soul, he may make no real progress in being set free from the disease he has inherited from those around him.
Before a man can be cured or set free from a disease, he must recognize in a spirit of humility, that he has the disease, and it is way worse than he ever thought.
He must, at some point, identify the damage that disease has done: and not want to spread his disease to all those around him.
What is true for a physically contagious disease, is also true for a spiritually contagious disease.
Before dealing with a contagious disease, one must acknowledge, those around him have been infected. Some may have been ravaged, and become mentally, physically, and spiritually degraded.
(Quick 1 min. clip: exposing intellectual dishonesty and arrogancy)
Sometimes the pride of a man’s heart sets him up for a fall.
You can skip here to go to the 7 Hurdles article, or continue this short message dealing with spiritual darkness and man’s freewill below, and then go the the 7 Hurdles.
The kingdom of God functions by the power of free will
When a man walks in darkness, not much help can be offered, if the heart and soul that wants to remain in the dark.
One way to overcome, spiritual darkness, is;
To Recognize the damage the disease is causing, and
To Desire to stop causing the damage, and
To Decide to agree to God’s solutions:
To Expose The Darkness. and
To Overcome The Disease, and
To Maintain The Victory
By walking in the Light: And by living in Relationship with Christ through Way, the Truth, and the Life in Christ, by allowing his life to abide in us, so that our life can abide in him.
When we can walk in agreement with Christ: We can be healed from our spiritual blindness, our own past life of spiritual darkness.
Another word God uses to identify our spiritual darkness is “foolishness”.
To overcome the disease of “foolishness”, there is one cure: We must stop walking in our own ignorance. We must overcome the delusion that: We are smarter than God.
Come out of spiritual darkness!
Watch where your feet are treading, so that God’s Light may illuminate your path.
Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 (NASB)
Guard your steps as you go to the house of God, and
Draw near to listen,
Rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools;
for they do not know they are doing evil.
Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought
to bring up a matter in the presence of God.
For God is in heaven and you are on the earth;
therefore let your words be few.
We must let go of our offended-ness
We must let go of the lie that: We know more than God. We must stop demanding that God must answer all our arrogant questions. Instead, we must submit ourselves to the questions God has already asked, and answered on our behalf: In a spirit of humility. That is how we can be transformed from being foolish in God’s eyes, to becoming wise in the kingdom of God.
“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14
The one who truly wants to be set free from his own disease of spiritual blindness and eternal death, will continue their journey to uncover their own sickness, and apply the Heavenly prescriptions ordained from the beginning of time, by the only true trustworthy physician that can cure this disease.
If that is you, I pray, you will pay careful attention to reading and discerning, The Seven Hurdles and God’s prescriptions on how to overcome them. And may you be reconnected in your soul to the one who created you for his purpose, that you may experience all of his blessings, and receive all the treasures, and all the inheritance, he has prepared for you from the beginning of time, until the end of this age. Amen.
So often our spiritual battles are hard to see. We can feel negative things going on around us, but it’s hard to put our finger on exactly what is happening, and what the exact source of the problem is.
In the video below, you can definitely see the care, and concern coming from one individual. You can literally see: Patience, Respect, and genuine Love coming from one individual towards another. You can see her being tolerant and forgiving. You can see her carefully choosing her words and her tone of voice. You can see her resolve not to become offended (which would be the normal response in her position).
On the other hand, you can clearly see how the man is offended. How he speaks with derision, and even an acid tongue of assumed superiority. You can see how he belittles the thoughts, values and beliefs of the person he is speaking with.
What is interesting to underline is that: if a man or a woman would hold the beliefs of the man, they would think his thoughts, they would feel his feelings, and share his point of view. And would likely not think anything wrong with his arrogant stance and assumed position of superior intelligence.
Below you can see the spiritual battle in a real time relationship.
One soul, has seen her disease and decided she wants to be cured. Another soul, walking in spiritual blindness, dishonors, disrespects, and even despises, and out right ridicules the thoughts and cure the awakened soul is experiencing. With great grace, patience, love, and forgiveness (all parts of the cure for the disease) the wakened soul chooses not to ridicule back, but forbears, and carries the disrespect she has received with nobility. So is so often a rare, but beautiful thing.
Hope you enjoy this brief, interaction:
This video, gives you a perfect glimpse through the window of both the spiritually blinded mind, versus the spiritually awakened mind, and how they actually will relate to one another. One from a Spirit of Pride (arrogance, and self absorbed mindset, that produces a mocking spirit of self imposed superiority). Such a person has the mental disease we are talking about here. The other is coming from a gentle, humble non-aggressive, patient, and yet unyielding sense of purpose, truth, care and love. She has obviously overcome many hurdles to get where she is today. She has recognized and clearly beaten her own previous mental disease.
The challenge to overcome our own personal hurdles is clear
The man has clearly not overcome his own hurdles, at least not yet. But there is a crack in his armor, and many people are praying for him. So there still is hope.
That stronghold of pride can be a fortified high tower of defense and offense in the war of faith. That’s when you know, the man has the disease and a strong way. But the love of God, being presented through the truth of God, can take down the wall of pride and a high tower of self importance, and penetrate the disease of spiritual blindness. It has happened for me, and many others, I know, so it can happen for you and many others, that you will meet along the road.
Are You Curious to Know:
What wisdom is being hidden from “the wise and prudent”? (If so, click the triangle below)
What does Jesus mean by: “Good in Thy Sight”?
Mark this Down: “Good in Thy Sight” means that:
It is “Good fromGod’s Heavenly, Eternal, and Unchanging Perspective.” God’s Eternal Perspective is the missing ingredient, in every false convert, false teacher, false leader, false religion, and self absorbed person.
To Be Clear: My Perspective (or your perspective) is not what matters here. Why is that?
Our Natural Perspective is not Eternal. Not Unchanging. Not Everlasting.
Our comprehension is limited to our own finite Reality. God’s Reality is Infinite. In order to see anything from God’s eternal perspective, one must humble himself. He must suspend his own natural, self-centered, prideful, prejudice, and his limited preconceived notions: In order to gain God’s Unlimited Perspective.
Due to man’s own preprogrammed pride, such true humility, may only come through some miraculous intervention, or terrible fall: Only then will some people find the grace to see, “What is good in Thy Sight.” (Romans 5:8)
So here lies an inherent challenge: God’s Word is Unchanging and Unbiased from the Beginning to the End. Therefore, every individual who enters the narrow roadof humility before God, must choose to remove the log from his own eye. He must remove his own immature, adolescent, ignorant: judgments and prejudices, and his own self-absorbed egotistical pride, and arrogance, and his notions of superiority. Only such a person can pop the bubble of his own self importance. Such an individual can then put himself into the position of being able to receive the knowledge of God.
This illustration is simple. How much more liquid can you put into a completely full cup? None.
You cannot put any more liquid into a completely full cup. It is the same with the prideful man’s boastful self.
His cup is completely filled with himself. That is the basic definition of spiritual narcissism. (Everyone I know has been there at one time or another–and I put myself at the top of the list.)
His ideas, his goals, his reality, his reasons for pursuing his own pleasures and plans: fill his own cup to the brim. Therefore nothing else can come in. Period.
Such is the poisoned wine of a man’s own, self-imposed reality. Such a man can be understood, as being drunk on the wine of this world, on his own foolishness, ego, and doesn’t even know he is walking in his own pathway of death. (Some people call that drinking their own Kool-Aid.)
But, there is a far greater wine: far finer, far more healing, and far more life preserving wine that comes down from heaven.
That wine is not poisoned. Not tainted with the fouled ingredients in the wine of men. If any man should empty his cup of the polluted worldly wine, he would then be able to make room, and fill his cup with God’s heavenly wine.
Choose Humility: The Un-Poisoned Wine
If any man, should choose the vehicle of humility, and perchance should empty, the overweening pride filling his cup.
If a man should choose to completely empty all the foul, dirty, unclean liquid in his cup, and wash the cup completely clean, so that it might sparkle, and then pour the king’s new wine into his cup, then he might begin a totally new life experience.
Compare the difference between:
Belshazar’s wine drinking, and the party spirit surrounding him, in Daniel 5:1-20, with:
Jesus’ wine drinking party, and the celebration connected to him, in John 14:1-20.
You should be able to immediately see a clearly a vast difference between the two. Although both parties were drinking wine. Both were celebrating and dedicating themselves to their God–the outcome of each was radically different, although there are many parallels.
A man of Humility can begin a new journey
He could discover himself walking along a new narrow road, that he could not previously see, nor value, nor desire, having his eyes blinded, and his ears blocked to hearing about or seeing this new road, even though it has been traveled by the angels, the prophets, and the Saints of God for many millennia.
Taking a road to a place unknown is a mysterious journey. But with every new step, and every new revelation the path will become clearer, and straighter, and undeniable.
Check out this 1 minute clip. See Want to see: What is God in a Child’s Sight?
Matthew 18:3 “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3-6 (KJV)
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
(One minute clip: this woman, like so many today, could not see what was good, and God sight.)
There is a blinder on the eyes of people today, that know not the work of God in Humility. They literally call that which is “good” evil, and that which is “evil” good.
That begs the question (and segues into Challenge #2 quite nicely):
Why are religion and politics taboo topics in many modern cultures?
Here’s my take on it. Because both topics will eventually boil down to the subject of morals and morality. Those who are insecure about the morality positions, don’t want them challenged. In other words, they want to remain in the dark, they don’t want the darkness in them to be exposed. (Almost none of us are comfortable about that prospect.)
Challenge #2: Be the Light of the World
Jesus said:
14 Ye are The Light of the World.
A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel,
But on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16 (KJV)
Are you the LiGHT of the world?
A tall order: Who can fulfill it?
The answer may surprise you.
No One can fulfill that tall of an order: To BE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD?
Do you know what YE means in Old English? ‘Ye’ is You Plural. ‘Thee’ is You Singular.
[A visual way to remember this: The “Y” has two parts at the top of its letter. Two is plural. The “T” has one part at the top. One is singular. I learn visually, so this little rule helps me.]
So you see, no one person can fulfill the order to become the light of the world. That is a job description addressed to many people. In fact, it is addressed to all people collectively. We are all called together to be the light of the world. That’s why Jesus said, a city on the hill cannot be hidden. Of course, the light we shine into the darkness is our spiritual light. It is also our spiritual right and our spiritual inheritance. We as God’s collective light in our generation, collectively WE become his witnesses of his greatness, glory, and life.
Philippians 2:15-16 (KJV)
15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; 16 Holding forth the word of life …
So yes, this is a tall order: especially coming from the Son of God.
There is a clear and undeniable challenge and expectation. There is an inherent duty involved in this message. Once you become a light, you will expose darkness. You cannot help that. It will be a central part of your New Nature.
Now, with that new nature comes new challenges. It’s all fun and games and Christian circles to be the light and shine with others. But, what happens when the light doesn’t want to be exposed? That is when the fun and games cease, and the war begins. And as Jesus and his apostles, learned by personal experience, the war can and will be costly, and be bloody, and can even take your life.
In order for you and I to become his light: We will have to be transformed and made New. We must be made: Whole, Clean, Pure, and ready to Shine Brightly for God. That is no small undertaking. Would you agree?
In order to be a light of God: You will need to See things from His Perspective. You will need to see what is: Good in His Sight. You will need to reveal things from His Perspective. You will need to expose Darkness, wherever it is hiding. That is what a Light does, Right?
The Closer You Grow towards God: the brighter your Light must become. The stronger, bolder, clearer, truer, cleaner, and purer You will Shine. That is exciting. It’s an adventure like no other. It is also scary. It is a narrow road, and few thereby that find it. That’s just the reality of it. At times, It is a lonely road, due to the fact that so many: Hate the Light. But, many have gone before you and have made the way clear, and all of that has been recorded in the word of God for your encouragement, strength, and hope. Faithful men and women have gone before you, and faithful men and women will follow behind you, and collectively, you all are part of being a light of God.
In order to be a brightly burning Light for God: You will need to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. You will also need to keep your eye single, so that your whole body, mind, and spirit, can be filled with God’s LIGHT, having no part dark. But that is getting ahead of this story.
In order to have a single eye we need to know who Jesus is:
Who does Jesus say is the Lord of the Sabbath, and the great I am?
Are You presently walking in the Fullness of God’s Light?
If your candle is lit, and you are growing brighter, and you are combining your light with others, who are also burning brightly: then you will truly be fulfilling the full measure this Messianic Teaching. Why is that?
Here is a huge clue, that many might miss. Do you know what the word “YE” means? It is the old English plural form of “you.” So “Ye” literally means ‘you plural.’ This Message is directed to ‘You Plural.’ You plural are the Light of the World. A City of Bright Lights cannot be hidden. For more on this subject click here. And here. And here.
7 Important “Life Questions“:
The following topic represents seven questions that many top scholars and university professors are often simply not equipped, nor able to answer, clearly, concisely, convincingly, compellingly. Therefore we’re calling them some of life’s toughest questions.
The cause for the inability to answer these questions directly and simply it’s not due to intellectual problems, but rather spiritual problems that Jesus clearly and concisely addresses for all who have ears to hear, eyes to see, a mind to perceive, and a heart to believe.
Jeremiah 1:4-9 (KJV) . 4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and
I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. 6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.
7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child:
For thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.
8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.
9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth.
And the LORD said unto me,
Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
Children in the womb, have a soul and a spirit, that is alive and fully functioning, and they understand things that are happening all around them.
They feel pain, fear, and aggression. They feel love and security.
Peace and Tranquility.
They also feel joy, and exhilaration.
Often people have vivid memories recorded and shared that they could have only known about except while they were in the womb of their mothers.
He Leaped for Joy from within my Womb …
Luke 1:41-45 (KJV)
41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:
42 And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears,
the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
45 And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
The Call to Act on Behalf of the Vulnerable and the Innocent >>>
Proverbs 24:9-12 (KJV)
9 The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.
10 If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.
11 If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;
12 If thou sayest,
Behold, we knew it not;
Doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it?
And he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it?
And shall not he render to every man according to his works?
Leviticus 18:21
“Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.”
Is not abortion the same as ancient day child sacrifice, getting rid of unwanted, children, and the name of convenience?
Are not the motives the same?
Are not the end results the same?
2 Chronicles 28:3
“He burned incense in the Valley of Ben Hinnom and sacrificed his children in the fire, following the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites.”
Throughout the Old Testament, the term “innocent blood” is a code term often referring to the sacrifice of children to demon God’s.
Psalm 106:37-38
“They sacrificed their sons and daughters to false gods. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood.”
Isaiah 57:5
“You burn incense to the gods that are no gods, under every green tree, slaughtering your children in the valleys, under the clefts of the rocks.”
Again God asks us:
10 If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!
11 Rescue those being led away to death;
Hold back those staggering toward slaughter.
12 If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
Does not he who guards your life know it?
Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?
Proverbs 24:10-12 (NIV)
This is the first question we truly need to answer.
A Simple Question to Answer, Right?
I came from my mother’s womb. But does that really get to the root of the question?
Don’t we need to ask: Where did she come from? Her Mother, and of course her mother, and so on.
But where did she come from originally? A Monkey? An Amoeba? Or did she come from Adam and Eve, who came from God?
My choice that “I CHOOSE” will literally change everything about me.
Who am I? Where am I from? Where am I going? How will I get there?
Everything Changes with this one choice. And “the World” 11 knows It. That’s why it is fighting so hard to keep this generation in the dark? Just as God abundantly predicted it would.
As we go about our own business, and make our daily individual choices, everyone of those choices becomes a reflection of who it is, we are serving: The ruler of this world, “the dark Lord of deception”, or the ruler of heaven, the king of salvation.
As the collective choices of all the people on the Earth unfold, the truth rings out loud and clear. There is a war between the two camps. And the story, the true story, between the light, and the darkness reads like a two bit dime store
In the Days of Moses, there was a genocide of Children12
It was decreed by the Law of the Land, made by a man, namely, pharaoh, the king/ruler of Egypt (who didn’t follow the Law of God). Pharaoh decreed that a certain race of children were to be sacrificed to the god of the Nile River (aka, eaten by crocodiles).
Even though this sounds totally barbaric, today’s modern practices are even far more barbaric, less conscionable, much more deceptive, and producing a far more pandemic of evil than anything, the king, pharaoh, ever imagined.
Today, we are under a similar curse, sacrificing our precious children unto a god, once called Molech (by the People of Ammon) 13 and to Chemosh (by the people of Moab). 14
Only today, our precious innocent children are not sacrificed in stone temples made by man’s hands, but our children are being sacrificed in modern steel and glass buildings built by contractors for their clients called Planned Parenthood, an oxymoron, if there ever was one. If anything, they should be called Planned Un-Parenthood.
Please Note: Moab and Ammon were the two sons of Lot, born by incest with his two daughters, who were raised and influenced in their worldview by the people and culture of Sodom and Gomorrah–who also didn’t follow the law of God, nor trust in wisdom, leadership, or truth of God, nor were led by his justice.
This simply proves the point that when you build on a broken, decayed, immoral foundation, you’re going to build a crappy building, and evil things are going to be done there.
If you start with a bad seed, chances are good, you are going to reproduce bad fruit in due time.
If your family tree is not thoroughly grounded and living from the Tree of Life (by Faith), then it is probably going to get its education, and be taught from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and instead of being led by the king of Heaven, your family will follow the serpent of the Earth.
Everything in life and death, including eternal life, and eternal death, hinges on how a person answers the question: Where do I come from?
If we get our information and education and social moral conscience, from the serpent, we will certainly act and behave like serpents ourselves.
But if we get our information and education from the king of heaven, we will act and behave like the Saints of God, the angels of God, and all citizens living in the kingdom of heaven.
The deciding factor between these two highly predictable outcomes is this. Do I see life from God’s eternal perspective? And, Do I lineup all my choices and decisions along that revelation?
Or do I simply follow the politically correct path, also known as the broad Road, that leads to destruction, that the majority of the population is following, and remain oblivious to the eternal consequences, that God’s perspective has clearly warned me about?
When you start with a good seed
You begin laying a solid foundation … upon the revelation of the God from Psalm 139, you are going to build a lasting building, a Heavenly Tree, and an enduring legacy, that is going to feed people on truth and righteousness of God for Eternity.
This shouldn’t need to be said, but just for the Record: Our Current Abortion Culture has been founded upon a bad seed, and is growing in a field of evil, built upon a broken, decayed, and toxic landfill, full of Dead Babies bodies, more that 70 million since Roe v. Wade.
This evil Culture has far outstripped the wickedness the early nations who worshipped Chemosh and Molech. That is what men do when they choose to walk in their own wisdom, who choose to be educated by the serpent, and walk in the light of their own fires. (Isaiah 50:11)
They completely ignore: where they came from, who created them, why they are here, for what purpose, and to what end …
When Men don’t Know: Where they come from?
They become unhinged from their Heavenly Reality: That makes them vulnerable to every lie the devil can contrive.
This one evil move on the Chess board of life, wickedly traps a man and woman to live by their own lusts, greed, selfishness, and opens a pandoras box of evil, that seemingly knows no limit of moral decay.
That’s exactly why it’s so important to answer the question: “Where did I come from?” from God’s perspective, and not man’s, nor the Devil’s.
If you don’t know where you have come from, you must read Psalm 139, carefully, slowly, and completely. Let every word penetrate your true heart, let it reveal to you the secrets withheld from you since your birth, and even before that.
Am I TRULY Fearfully & Wonderfully Made? (Psalms 139)
. 1 O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. 2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. 4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? 8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; 10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. 12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise thee; For I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Marvellous are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.
20 For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. 21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Galatians 1:15
“But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased.”
Is abortion murder?
Isaiah 49:1
“Before I was born the Lord called me; from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name.”
Below is a depiction of the kind of deep personal and intimate relatiionship God invites us into having with himself. Could a personal in Love with God, even consider Murdering one of His Innocent Ones? Or offering them as a sacrifice to Molech, Chemosh, Milcom, Baal, Ashram, Dagon, or Planned Parenthood?
Psalm 63:
“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.
Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.
Learn where are you come from from God’s perspective.
Note: A Big Reason to Get this First Answer Right from the Beginning, is that this will have a strong influence on your second question: Where I am going? If you cannot get this answer right (According to God’s Eternal Perspective), chances are good, (ACTUALLY CERTAIN) you won’t get the next answer right either.
Right away, you will notice that we have two major contradictory Solutions to this Question.
The truth be told: you were marvelously and mysteriously made. The construction and the formation of your person, soul, spirit, and body are far beyond the technical ability of any scientist, or genius ever to be born.
Why have our children been lied to for the majority of their schooling and education, from kindergarten through High school, through college, through graduate school?
You were uniquely and wonderfully planned (Psalm 139). That is an undeniable fact.
You, of course did not make yourself. And you know, of course, that you’re mother and father didn’t make you because they had the skill and ability to re-create a human being and their own likeness the simple, most direct, most logical, most scientific and common sense answer to where you came from, is that you came from God. That he created you just as his word says. He designed every part of your body. He designed all of your systems. And he put them together all at once to create one miraculously incredible human being. He gave you the breath of life. And then he gave you lungs to sustain that breath, and the day that you were born to the day that you die. He created the oxygen that you need to breathe. He created the water that you need to drink. He created the food that you need to eat. He created the sun, that, without which there would be no food. He created the soil in order to plant the seed that he created in order to grow the trees for fruit and herbs for foods and vegetables and such. Then he created a system to water the Earth to bring freshwater from the ocean to the top of the mountain to the valley back into the ocean.
You might just have a clock on the wall at home. And if you do, you know that you didn’t create that clock. But do you know it did have a creator, because it didn’t make itself. You also know from experience, possibly that the clock needs maintenance. Sometimes it might run slow and you have to advance the minute hand forward. Or the batteries may die and you will need to replace them. Otherwise, the clock won’t work anymore. Or you may have it plugged into the wall but if the electricity goes out. You will have to reset the clock otherwise it won’t tell the correct time anymore. It is the same with your body only your body as far more complex. But as we learn from God, you were fearfully and wonderfully made into the image of God in his lightness. But this knowledge has been hidden from the majority population for over 70 years.
That is nothing short of scandalous
Your DNA proves you have been written. Without the Language of DNA, and the ability to write DNA, and read DNA, and the ability to duplicate and rapidly reproduce DNA faster than you can blink, there would be no you.
Someone had to write your code. Someone had to give that code the ability to be read, in everyone one of the Approximately 37.2 trillion cells in your body.
That Body was built upon the ability to read the code that is you, and copy that code to every new living cell in your body, to make you into a living being. Your DNA in VIRTUALLY every cell of your body identifies who you are. 15
Each cell in your body contains 6.4 billion bits of information.
When you take in all this incredible information, from the perspective of the Tree of Life, you gain an understanding about yourself, and about the one who created you, and that has set you up for an incredible future, having a potential relationship with the Creator of the Universe.
But, when you ignore all this incredible information, and remain ignorant in your soul and spirit, you can quickly and easily DENY the one who created you, or even condemn, the one who created you, because you have chosen to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
That gives you the opportunity to break your covenant with God, and be joined in a liaison to the liar of the universe, the great serpent of old, the tempter, the deceiver, the conniver, also known as the thief, and the murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). God has given you the choice to make on your own. All of his creation shouts that He is here, that He is active, and springing and bringing up life all around you. If He didn’t you would not be alive today.
But yes, you and I can ignore such grand and undeniable witnesses if we choose to walk in darkness, and hate the light. God has given us that option.
So we can make our bed the way we want to, but we will have to lie in it for all of eternity.
All I am suggesting here, is that each, and everyone of US, should do our own personal deep dive investigation into the claims that God has created you in His image, in His likeness, and He has given you an opportunity to choose Him, if you want to.
Every word on this website is written,
and devoted to the hope that you will choose wisely.
You can skip this next rant little rant, if you want: but please check out the link for skeptics welcome at the end.
Why are teachers and scientists so ignorant? Why have they been drinking down poisoned Kool-Aid, and kamikaze propaganda? Why can’t highly educated people not answer the most basic and profound questions of life–from God’s perspective?
How can they possibly think that they came from bacteria? There is no scientific evidence whatsoever backing that foolishness. There is no scientific mechanism whatsoever that can turn a bacteria into a living being. Science has never observed life coming from non-life. Science has never observed simple structures becoming complex without intelligent input. Everything about the human body denies the fact that random chance had anything to do with its creation.
If you don’t believe this is true, please take the evolutionary challenge, click here for Skeptics welcome.
In order to answer the questions from the above message, one should get familiar, and dare I say “very familiar,” with one short passage/chapter in the letter of Paul, the apostle to the Romans, specifically chapter 1:
This chapter contains a revelation, that has cut through the lies, vain philosophies, and false teachings of wolves in sheep’s clothing, for nearly 2000 years.
Romans 1:13-32 (KJV)
13 Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren … [Here you see God’s Heart]
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ … [Here you see God’s Conviction]
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections …
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient [not Good];
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
[Note: This passage was dramatically shortened, to focus on the above main points above.]
But people have been robbed of the truth for over 150 years. they have been lied to flat out. Every evolutionary textbook is full of lies, that have no science, no integrity, no truth, and no reality backing them. Although they have tons of fraudulent examples and fraudulent information, disinformation, and misinformation, still circulating after 20+ years that the information has been proven scientifically to be wrong.
ALL That is a mouthful of language the Atheist, and Materialist Scientist, has no answer for.
But God could not be more clear. Again, the problem is not intellectual. The problem is moral ignorance and hatred for the truth, stemming from a hatred for the light, because the light exposes the darkness.
How much information is contained in one cell in your body?
The amount of information contained in one cell in your body is truly mind-boggling.
Here’s a simplified breakdown: DNA content:
Each cell contains approximately 6.4 picograms (pg) of DNA.
This DNA is made up of about 3.2 billion base pairs of nucleotides (A, C, G, and T).
If we assume each base pair represents 2 bits of information (since there are 4 possible nucleotides), we get:
3.2 billion base pairs x 2 bits/base pair = 6.4 billion bits of information
Storage capacity: To put this into perspective, 6.4 billion bits is equivalent to:
About 1.6 gigabytes (GB) of digital storage
The contents of about 1,000 average-sized books
The entire genome of an individual is equivalent to about 200 GB, which is roughly the storage capacity of a small hard drive
Information density: The information density of DNA is incredibly high, with about:
1 exabyte (1 billion GB) of information stored in just 1 gram of DNA
This is many orders of magnitude denser than current digital storage technologies.
Keep in mind that this is a simplified calculation and doesn’t account for the complexity of gene expression, epigenetics, and other cellular processes. Nevertheless, it gives you an idea of the immense amount of information contained within a single cell.
Information complements of Meta.ia
Two Choices: Which One Best Fits the Evidence? Which One makes the Most Sense?
Genesis 1:27-28 (KJV) 7 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…
Two Choices:
I basically have one of two competing Choices to choose from, to believe in, and to follow after.
Each choice will lead me in a different direction. Each choice will end in one final ultimate conclusion.
Godcreated me. (God is my ultimate Father.) (I am a glorious Being.) (I am Designed for Heaven.) (Earth is not my ultimate home. It’s just my temporary residence.)
Random Chancecreated me. (Bacteria “is” my daddy.) (I am worm food.) (I came from a compost pile, and I am headed for the compost pile, but who made the compost pile and where did it come from originally?) (This Planet earth is my only existence, Because I live in a mindless meaningless, Naturalist, Materialistic Cosmos–without a creator, without a designer, without a moral arbitrator, without a Redeemer, without a Father– I will die alone.)
The First Choice: Ends in a Radiance Beyond Our Imagination–Where Angels Dwell.
Moses & Elijah, Meet with Jesus. Wow!
Jesus reveals a miniature picture of our Glorious Future, in Matthew 17:1-13.
Notice how Jesus hides his Glory from the Multitudes.
Jesus chooses to reveal Himself, To Intimate, Loyal, Faithful, Humble, and Royal Children, in God’s Heavenly Family –and unto babes.
The first choice: Sets us up with a royal future heavenly life, a heavenly inheritance, an eternal value, eternal promises, eternal purposes, the highest order of Creation, the closest relationship to God, the greatest potential in this life, the greatest freedom, the deepest love, the greatest longevity, and the highest quality of life imaginable in the near future.
All the Details of this Relationship are laid out in a Blood Covenant, That began approximately 6,000 years ago. It was written down and codified by Moses approximately 3,500 years ago. It has been “lived out” and historically documented for all of those 3500 years, both positively, and negatively. And its purpose and plan has be fully and ultimately revealed in the New Testament 2000 years ago.
People have become an eternal part of God’s Record. Eye witness Testimonies of What God has done for His People are abundantly available, and God gives us plenty of Examples on: How to Follow God & walk under His Hand of Blessings, and also, we have even more examples of: How to Rebel against God & walk under His Hand of Curses.
God’s Record has accurately predicted and prophesied major world events throughout history. And Yehovah (or Jehovah) has been patiently waiting to fulfill all parts of the Covenant, each one at its appointed time. (See: The #1 Proof of God)
Here’s just one example:
The man who has lived the longest life ever recorded was Methuselah. He lived 969 years. His name means, “his death shall bring.” Everyone on of those 969 years, they called his name, the people were prophesying or rather reiterating the prophecy of Methuselah’s Name. “His death shall bring.”
Methuselah’s son was named “Lamech” which means mourning, as in mourning at a funeral. Lamech lived 777 years, which is the sign of prophetic fulfillment in triplicate.
Lamech’s son was name Noah, which means rest. Noah lived 950 years. He lived to see the birth of both Abraham, and Issac.
When you combine these three names you get this message:
His Death Shall Bring … the mourning (or despairing) … comfort & rest.
When you combine all of the 10 names of the first born men in the family lineage of Adam you get this message.
Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching: His death shall bring (the) despairing, comfort and rest.
[That is a basic summary of the entire Bible in one sentence, declaring the salvation of God from beginning to end.]
We are the link between the past and the future when we possess the word of God
Although, in our present mess, you and I are in, we will suffer. (That is simply the nature of the spiritual war we are in at this present time.) We can suffer, knowing that our suffering is not in vain.
It is only temporary condition (and will be over in the blink of an eye), but it cannot be avoided.
Even so, we know we are not suffering alone, as demonstrated by Christ on the Cross. If we follow in his footsteps, our future is secure, all his promises will be applied to our account, His Covenant will surely be fulfilled.
For the believer in Christ, Death is our Graduation Day. It is the end of our trials and tribulations. When we die, we do not perish (in a rubbish heap), we just change locations. Yes, when we die, our temporary physical bodies will return to the dust. But our permanent spiritual bodies will be reunited with God for eternity.
Only Then, will perfect justice be served, all our rewards are stored up in heaven. They will be shared and enjoyed abundantly, without measure. There will be no lack, and no competition in heaven, no aggression, no violence, no abuse (neither emotional, nor physical, nor spiritual abuse of any kind), no sickness, no dying, no more suffering, and no more evil of any kind.
4 For since the beginning of the world:
Men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen,
O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him That waiteth for Him.
5 Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, Those that remember thee in thy ways:
Isaiah 64:4-5 (KJV)
(Also See: 1 Corinthians 2:9-16)
The Second Choice: Ends in a Garbage Dump—Where Trash is Burned.
That is not just a cute saying, about ending up in a Garbage Dump.
That is a present day reality, controversy, and current news issue today. 16
They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. [No Not One … Romans 3:10, 23]
2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”
The Environmental Protection Agency says medical waste from hospitals is generally excluded from the municipal solid waste used to generate electricity. First published on April 24, 2014 / 6:14 AM EDT
The second choice: Marries one to a dismal future. It diminishes your value. It retracts all of your inheritance. It deletes and denies all of your heavenly promises and purposes, all of your noble status, your royal freedom, and your heavenly longevity. It creates the lowest quality of life in the near future. We are but Worm Food. It reduces your value to a walking compost pile. From rubbish and bacteria, you came into this world, and to rubbish and bacteria you shall return.
Also, in this present mess, you will suffer greatly–but without any hope of any redemption whatsoever.
Therefore, all suffering is without any reason or purpose–for there is no justice, no redemption, no salvation, for a walking evolved mutated germ.
Soon, we must decide which choice is more appealing, more noble, more worthy of our time and effort to investigate? Which is more worthy of the loyalty of our heart, mind, soul, spirit, strength, will and whole being?
Abortion Dump–they used to use industrial garbage disposals, and the public sewer system in the city. Ever find a baby part in your recycled water? How would you know?
An Ohio investigation of Planned Parenthood practices in the state found that aborted fetuses from clinics there were disposed of in landfills, in violation of state rules, officials said Friday …
What exactly does macro evolution teach?
In short, macro evolution is about how living things change and diversify over billions of years, resulting in the incredible range of species we see today!
In a nutshell, evolution teaches that:
== Books Write Themselves ==
How? By following a process of random chance.
That would be like believing that over millions and billions of years the Constitution of the United States, just wrote itself by random accident with no help from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or any of the founding Fathers.
But it is far crazier than that:
Your human genome consists of approximately 3.2 billion base pairs.
Your DNA is found in nearly every cell of the human body (approximately 37.2 trillion cells. (Exceptions include red blood cells and some immune cells.)
If unwound, the DNA in a single human cell would stretch approximately 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) long.
The total DNA in all your human cells would reach the moon and back about 500 times.
It gets crazier than that: Then it: published itself, printed itself, editted, and updated itself, and distributed itself to all the interested people in the world, all by itself.
Do you think the US Constitution could do that all by itself without any paper, printing machines, ink, transportation systems, investors, etc.
Now, the Evolutionist, Atheist, Materialist, and Naturalist: all by force of choice, have to believe that DNA reading, writing, duplicating, and reproducing, with fail safe error correcting code …. ALL of that …. happened by random chance and arbitrary accident (or by aliens or demons).
Where is the science to back up these purely unscientific beliefs and man-made faith based truth claims?
It doesn’t exist.
Those who believe in evolution are believing in a man made fairy tale written for adults, because children are too smart to believe it on their own. There is no data, facts, evidence, and no science that proves that a book can write itself.
In fact, all common sense, and human reason, opposes such a crazy belief system. It has been said that, Macro Evolution is a fantasy cooked up and promoted by atheists who don’t want to believe in our Creator God. There is nothing but fraudulent science backing macro evolution. NO science. No logic. No reason. It’s pure faith
Abiogenesis:When did non-living matter, ever become alive?
The truth is, no one has ever seen it. It has never been proven. And it must be taken by Blind Faith.Another words it has the same scientific evidence and equal status of a fairytale made for adults in the science, world, who refused to believe the word of God not on intellectual grounds, but on spiritual grounds.
Check this out! (Under 1 minute Video Short)
How does Nothing Create Everything?
Does it prove the Mastermind of intelligent design in our DNA?
(Under 1 minute Video Short)
Are dinosaurs actually millions of years old?
If so, how can we find soft tissue in dinosaur bones?
Once a man unhinges himself from the word of God, and the truth about creation, any lie will fill the gap.
Top university professors: Don’t have a clue
Can top Evolutionary University Professors provide one single piece of observable evidence that proves that macro evolution is true? Something we don’t have to believe in by blind faith? Something observable that is consistent with the scientific method? Let’s see what how these professors answered this question:
Let’s see if you can see how drunk these professors are on their own Kool-Aid.
Has there ever been a change of kinds? In Genesis chapter 1, God’s word says that he made animals according to their kinds. And he gave them power to reproduce according to their kinds. When dogs reproduce, they don’t create cats, and vice versa. Never has there been any observable evidence that an animal has transitioned from one kind to another. Mutations are normally fatal and destructive to the gene pool, NOT beneficial. This puts the entire theory of evolution at risk from the very beginning
If Heaven is Not Your Permanent and Infinite Home: Where will you go when you die?
This section is sort of a prelude to the next section.
If not interested you can skip it and go to the next section.
It is recommended that every person should investigate this topic thoroughly, and not be swayed by peer pressure, nor majority vote, nor lazy armchair opinionated vacuous philosophical speculation.
Your Eternal Choices and Decisions should not be swayed by any emotional WHIM or Fancy. You need solid, reliable, honest, unchanging information, that is not man-made, man centered, nor based on the whim of man in the moment.
In order to investigate this subject according to God’s Eternal Perspective, you will probably have to eat humble pie.
And yes, you will have to do some reading, and some thinking, and some study of the source documents that everybody seems to be attacking without any real objectivity, or integrity.
It appears many people who have read a couple paragraphs in the Bible, now consider themselves experts, and are willing to trash God’s word, and anyone that would, speak favorably about the testimony of God. [because apparently, they know more than God, and they are wiser than God’s word. Yet they don’t have the intellectual integrity and honesty to quote God’s word, accurately and faithfully.]
[I pray for your own sake, this will never become you. You will not be the ignorant know-it-all in the house.]
If you are anything like me, you have been swayed by a large amount of human tradition, Satanic Propaganda, and heavily laced doctrines of selfishness, pride, ego, lust, greed, and self importance, all of which will have to be laid aside, cleansed, and submitted to the King of Heaven, in order to gain the Mindset of Heaven on your own life, and the lives of all people who live near you.
I hope you will keep going in your own investigation …
If you study this topic, carefully, the end result is designed to give you a complete sense of certainty about where you will spend eternity.
And all it takes is a little more reading, personal study, personal reflection, and personal integrity–that comes from the spirit of humility.
2. Where am I going to?
Only one of two options:
From God’s perspective.
Choice #1: To Live with God forever in the place he has prepared for you.
Choice #2: To exist away from God, separated from God forever, in the place he has prepared for the devil and his angels. (Revelation 12:9; Matthew 25:41)
It is similar to the gender question. Just like there are only two genders, from God’s Perspective (“male and female, created he them”)–There are only two final destinations or resting places for all people created by God to reside for eternity.
The preferred place, although more exclusive, would be Heaven. That is the Place with God–In God’s Presence. All those, interested in and committed to having eternal fellowship with God, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, all of his angels, all of his saints, and many of the other wild and eternal, living heavenly beings will be Living here permanently.
The less preferred place, has only one requirement: Reject the Will of God for your Life. (Matt. 7:21-23) This place would be Hell, and later the lake of Fire. That is the place where God’s Presence forever has been withdrawn.
For more on this subject: Click Here. Are There any reliable signs that I might be headed towards hell?
If you have done any of these, there is only one hope for you.
Have you mocked God?
Have you scoffed at God’s Witnesses?
Have you despised the Bible?Disregarded the Bible? Spoken abusively against God’s Word, without reasonable cause, without integrity?
Have you spurned the Teachings of Jesus? Convinced others to deny God’s Word, according to the Spirit of this Evil World?
Have you used God’s name in Vain? As a curse word to express disgust?
Have you committed Sexual Sin? Looked at pornography? Committed Adultery? Or any kind of perversion?
Have you lied?
Have you stolen?
Have you worshipped demons?
Have you spent countless hours watching TV, Movies, etc., which deny the word of God?
If you have sinned in any of the above ways, or in any other way: There is only one hope for you.
That hope is that you will repent of all your sins, and turn to Christ, the only person in Heaven or Earth who is qualified to forgive your sin.
Note: It is not God’s will that any man should perish.
That personal choice is the soul responsibility of every single individual.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV)
And the reason for you or I making our choice to not be with God for all of eternity is clearly laid out in easy to understand sentences. That are easily understood, if the individual reading them, wants to understand them.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
John 3:17-21 (KJV)
Note: Why are so Many Professors Atheists?
And why do so many people follow their anti-God message?
You can quickly share this with anyone in the Anti-God camp:
What PROOF do you have that, there is no God? ( … Crickets … )
The problem is not intellectual; the problem is moral. The atheist does not want to admit there is a God, because he wants to continue in sin. He doesn’t want to have accountability to God for his moral culpability.
Men hate the light. Why? Because it exposes their darkness. Pure and simple.
3. Why am I here?
I am here to make One Choice:
I will attempt to answer this question purely from God’s Perspective, by following his own self declared written Testimony.
The choice God is calling attention to is important, vitally important.
Compared to all other choices, it will be the most important, most life impacting, most awesomely freeing or correspondingly, eternally confining choice, that I will ever make during my lifetime (again according to God’s Perspective).
Every other choice that I make in this life will be subordinate to this one–most holy, most integral, and most life-giving, or life degrading choice I can ever make.
Essentially, the choice is boiled down to this: Will I Open the Door?
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock…”
Revelation 3:14-22 (KJV) 14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
I have been given complete freedom: during my entire Life Time (from the day I am born to the day that I die) to seek God, and to find God. To learn God’s Ways according to God’s Perspective on my Life, to receive God’s Wisdom, to be instructed in God’s Word, all the while seeking to honor God’s Will with my whole life and being.
God will not force His Will upon me. He is no evil Dictator. And he is not a rapist. He will let me make my own choice for me, that I must make myself:
To Love, Honor, Respect, and Serve Him, in Spirit and in Truth, or …
To play games with God, like a child playing peek-a-boo, pretending God is not there and cannot see, when the child closes his eyes. Men and women have been playing peek-a-boo with God for thousands of years. But only those who decided to grow up, will realize that God sees everything we think, say, and do. Yet still God offers us the option to seek the Lord while he may be found by Him, with the promise that we will find Him, when we seek Him with all our heart.
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and Let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Isaiah, Circa 700 BC, (Isaiah 55:6-7, KJV)
The Earthly Miner seeks Hidden Treasure, using a valuable humanly made map.
The Hungry Soul seeks Heavenly Treasure following a divinely Written and Inspired Heavenly Made Map that can show him the Way to Heaven.
While seeking God, we would do well to seek Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, because those are the ones who will truly find Him. Seeking God half heartedly, or nonchalantly, or in a lukewarm or double minded way, will never yield a good Result.
Below is a promise to Recover and Redeem those who turned away from God, and their motivation for returning to God was that they found their lives a mess, full of oppression, confusion, and dissipation. They found their lives unbearable, because of their sins, sicknesses, enemy attacks, and negative life circumstances that happened when God withdrew His Mighty Arm of Protection and Provision from His People.
But if from thence [in the place of sin and despair] thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, Thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. 17
Moses, Circa 1500 BC, (Deuteronomy 4:29 KJV)
Above are two Old Testament Prophecies and Promises: That Direct us to Seek God, that were directed originally mainly to the Jewish Nation of Israel. Below is one short Message given by Paul the Apostle to Top Brass of the Wise Men of Athens (Non-Israelites). They were the top Scholars, Debaters, Teachers, and Philosophers of their time. Mars Hill was the place where they all hung out. Here Paul lays out the reason, we are here on this planet at this time. Check it out:
Acts 17:22-34 (KJV) 22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too [or very] superstitious [or religious]. 23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. 24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
[Notice; That Paul’s teaching would have been very offensive in his day. It flew in the face of all the money made by the Roman Multi-God Universe, and it totally disgraced all those who worshipped idols. And it freed the masses from control of man-made idols. No wonder why Paul faced such persecutions. The Gentiles hated Paul, because he exposed their false religious systems. The Jews hated Paul and planned and attempted to execute him many times, but were unable, due to God’s Protection. But why did the Jews hate Paul. It was for the same reason that the Gentiles hated Paul, the same reason, both Gentiles and Jews hated Jesus: Because He exposed their false religious systems made by man, which were devoted to the elevation of certain men, having status and control over certain other men. God hates that kind of religion, and so did Paul, therefore men hated him for exposing them. ]
25 Neither is [God] worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; 26 And [God] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. 30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: 31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. 32 And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter. 33 So Paul departed from among them. 34 Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the which was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them. 18
One of our greatest challenges in this life is: To See Him. Do you see him? Do you see his hand guiding your life? Do you see his handiwork spicing up your life?
If, Yes, then you are likely seeking him, righteously.
If No, chances are good, you are not seeking him righteously.
When you seek him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength–He promises that you will find him. (Jeremiah 29:13)
But the question is, what will you find? And what will he find in you? When you seek the kingdom of God, you must know that you are seeking his righteousness. When you seek properly, you shall find properly. But when you seek improperly, chances are good that you will that which will be improper–out of order.
The motivation of the heart changes the deeper you grow in your journey in seeking the kingdom of God. As you will seek more, the more righteous you become in Him. In other words, you will take on more of his character, more of his likeness, more of his patience and kindness and goodness, even some of his righteous anger.
The more righteous you will become, the more you want even more of his righteousness. The more we see of God, the more we want to be like him.
In other words, it’s like the opposite of a worldly addiction.
Challenge #3 from Jesus:
“But Seek ye First The Kingdom of God, And His Righteousness; And ALL these things Shall be added unto you.”
Jesus is speaking here to a multitude, again during the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
A Quick reminder: Remember the “these things” that were hidden from the rigid: Wise and Prudent, and high minded folks? Now you see them being offered to graceful: humble and willing: the lowly in heart (that’s the opposite of being proud of heart).
Jesus promises that all these things shall be added onto you, if you humble yourself, and seek first, the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.
What are these things? I dare say they are the invisible elements involved in the kingdom of God. The salvation, sanctification, and glorification of a man’s soul that is progressing, in the things of the kingdom, and maturing into the likeness of Christ, and shining his light for all to see. He is the one that shall have all the things of the kingdom added unto himself. In other words, he will be storing up for himself the treasures of Heaven. Where moth and rust cannot destroy, and thieves cannot break in and steal.
A little Re-cap: The First Challenge was to See what is “Good in Thy Sight.” To See: that which is hidden from the Wise and Prudent. This challenge is especially critical to those who have the ability to read, write, think, and pursue knowledge. Why? Because knowledge often “puffs up” … (1 Corinthians 8:1).
The key around pride, ironically: is to See “These Things” from God’s Perspective, no matter what you are learning.
Because, if you grasp His perspective, your mind and heart will be humbled, and deeply challenged to walk in His Will, which will be far beyond your own ability. So you will absolutely need His Grace to carry you through.
Note: ALL worldly wisdom and social prudence will be of no benefit, when it comes to entering into His Heavenly Salvation that has been prepared for you, according to His Will for Your Eternal Soul.
Once you can begin seeing what is “Good in Thy Sight” then the next step naturally follows: to light your candle and keep it burning. While doing that, you are challenged to seek first kingdom and his righteousness, so that all these things can be added into your life.
Can you see the Priority Jesus places upon His Commands?
While seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness, the very things, “these things” that were hidden from the wise, proud and prudent, will be revealed to humble. In fact, Jesus says all “these things” shall be added onto him.
While seeking you should looking for what? “His righteousness.” And as you seek it, His Righteousness will bleed into your Life, while you are seeking first the Kingdom of God, His Righteousness will put your feet upon the Solid Rock. That is a place of blessing: a place where your prayers can be heard and answered, where God can add unto you the “All these things” promised in His covenant Blessing.
4. What is Life?
Choose Life!
Choose Life, seems like it would ge a silly thing to have to say, or to recommend, or to promote and a vital concept. But in our world today, it is an imperative from Heaven, that needs to be heeded from the womb, to the classroom, to the boardroom, the Supreme Courts of Justice around the World.
If we reject this simple command and admonition, we do so to our own peril.
Genesis 1:27-28 (KJV) 7 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…
Once a man or woman has a restored re-connection with God, then he is able to reconnect with others, in deeper and far more lasting ways, according to the perspective of heaven, having received the gifts of the spirit, enabling such a person to be unselfish, humble, caring, giving, generous, and self sacrificing towards others.
Also, LIFE = Connection with others
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
… For there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
King David, circa 1000 BC Psalms 133 (KJV)
The Sooner we begin to start living by the BluePrint of Life, and seeing and doing things from God’s Heavenly Perspective, the sooner our lives will dramatically improve in the depth of our being, where it really matters.
We can then become worshippers of God in Spirit and Truth, and enjoy the favor God promises to all those who obey him and keep His Commandments.
When we get this Picture of Life Right from God’s Perspective, we enter into a fellowship with God and with Others at an Eternal Level, and we keep the two greatest commandments of God, not because we are forced to, or because we have to, but because we want to, and deep down inside of us, we feel the need to.
Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him,
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
As we learned, death is like an unspiritual man being disconnected from God, like an appliance being disconnected from the source of electricity, having no power to operate the way it was designed.
Life is like a spiritual man being re-connected to God, like an appliance been reconnected to its source of power, and being able to function as it was designed.
One of God’s best illustrations of this dynamic, comes from John chapter 15 the parable of the vine. It pictures: both a branch connected to the vine, and a branch being cut off from the vine.
The unhealthy vine branch that is withered, and no longer able to produce good fruit, no longer allows the powerful life-giving sap of the vine to flow through it. As a result, it becomes dried out, withered, and prone to disease. As such the duty and job of the vine dresser is to cut off the withered branch that has no life in it, and threatens the vine with disease and sickness. Once fully dry, it is thrown into the fire, to permanently cleanse the vine from any mold, mildew, fungus, bacteria, or disease, that vine branch may have succumbed to.
So also the healthy vine branch that has the flow of the Life of the Vine running through it: It produces good fruit, and is under the constant care and hand of the vine dresser, who will prune it, so that it can produce even more fruit.
as a result, of the special relationship between the good fruit, bearing branch of the vine, and the vine dresser, the good vine branch can ask for the things that it needs to produce more fruit, and the vine dresser will gladly provide those things so that divine ranch can produce even more fruit.
This represents the intimate and ultimate personal relationship between Jesus and one of his followers.
John 15:7-8 (KJV)
7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
Jesus uses this parable to illustrate how vitally important it is for every branch, not only to be fruit bearing, according to the will of the father, but also how vitally important it is to remain connected to the vine. In this intimate relationship, we become a conduit of life, not only for ourselves, but also with the ultimate purpose of producing fruit, that is not for us to eat, but for others to eat, and enjoy.
In other words, you and I, are not the source of life, Jesus is. If we choose by our own free will, to remain in him, and he and us, we will produce much fruit. As a branch cannot produce life in itself unless it is connected to the vine, so neither can we produce any life in ourselves, or any of the fruits which God commands, unless we remain in covenant fellowship with him.
Simply put, our mission from God is this: 1) To go into all the world, 2) to preach the gospel, and 3) to make disciples, that are 4) also able to go, preach the gospel, and make more disciples. That is how we become fruit bearing branches attached to his Vine. It is a self replicating plan that requires his life flow in order to reproduce the fruit that he requires.
In other words, the only way we can reproduce the kind of fruit God requires of his vine– is for us to remain connected to his Vine. As such, the vine dresser will prune our lives, removing everything that hinders fruit, in such an intimate way, that we allow the power and source of life to flow through our lives.
When the full power and Lifeforce of the vine is flowing through us, we can’t help but reproduce the fruit that God requires. Every branch connected to the vine will produce fruit. Good fruit. Fruit that oats. This is the kind of fruit. God is looking for: The kind of fruit that produces eternal life; That connects the children of God to their father.
When this kind of fruit is produced and reproduced, the kingdom of God comes with power and authority. And it is clearly seen what has been done has been done through God.
The problem in the false Church: A great portion of what is happening in the modern church, is that it is not producing the fruit that God requires. The very character and nature of the fruit is evidence that it is not the Fruit of the Vine.
Therefore, those not reproducing God’s Fruit, are clearly not connected to God’s Vine. They are hypocrites. They are actors playing a role. But like fake actors on the stage, they are not real. They are living a fake life, without the Fruit of Heaven. They are cut off of the Vine, and disconnected, withering, diseased, and without the Power of God flowing through them. They care more about producing money, than producing God’s fruit. Therefore is clear they’re not part of the Vine. Because of this, they eventually dry out completely, and be throne into the Fire, according to God’s Word, if they do not repent of their hypocrisy, lust, greed, selfishness, witchcraft, sexual sin, and their spiritual death.
God is the only source of life that can produce the only fruit that God requires.
The Church not connected to the Vine, cannot reproduce the fruit God requires. Therefore, it is producing and reproducing, hypocrites, not True Fruit, but Bad Fruit. It is reproducing Tares in the Wheat. The fruit is diseased.
The fruit is not true. Not lovely. Not full of grace. Not full of humility. Not full of the love of God. Not overcoming the 7 Hurdles. Not Alive. Not Connected to God. Not connected to the self sacrificing work intimately connected to the gospel, the vine, and the flow of life, that God ordained it to have.
The Problem is Clear: the conduit of life, the vine itself, is the source of life. In nother words as soon as we begin to be disconnected from the source of life, we lose our value in the kingdom of God. We lose our purpose in the kingdom of God. We lose our fruitfulness in the kingdom of God. We lose our relationship with the one who saved us in the kingdom of God. And we allow diseases and sicknesses into our conduit, that were never intended to come in, and harm our fruitfulness in the kingdom of God. So that eventually bone choices, and our own terrible decisions, and our lust for those things outside the kingdom of God, that will defile us: they will be our ultimate ruin.
And Jesus makes no apology for cutting us off the vine, and ultimately throwing us into the fire, if we choose not to abide in the vine, and decide not to allow the heavenly life flow of God to flow through our lives, so that it can reach others, and reproduce the fruit of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ in us being communicated to others.
See here: it is His word that bring us light, and connect us to His heavenly kingdom. As we do the will of the Father, we deepen the bonds of love, joy, peace, patience, truth and power.
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Moses, Deuteronomy 30:19 (KJV)
It has been the plan of God from the very Beginning to have unbroken Fellowship with His Children.
The Only Problem was: He gave his children FREE WILL.
And man chose to use his FREE WILL to reject and betray God’s Will, rather than to accept and believe God. But it doesn’t stop there. Man also chose to accept and replace God’s Will with Satan’s Will. But it doesn’t stop there. Man also choose to commit the crime of betrayal and deceit: Just Like Judas Iscariot, who sold out his entire spiritual inheritance in Christ, for a measly 30 pieces of silver, so Adam and Eve, sold out their Spiritual Birthright and the Inheritance of their Leadership Position, as the Managers of All of God’s Creation, and all of its bountiful resources, for a single piece of forbidden, stolen, bitter fruit. But it doesn’t stop there.
They made an idol out of the fruit, and worshipped and served the creature (the serpent), rather than the Creator, 19who is forever blessed, Amen. But it doesn’t stop there.
They chose to steal from God, and then later to lie about it and blame others for the crimes they committed, rather than take responsibility for their own sins against God. But it doesn’t stop there.
Within one generation, their disrespect for God, and the sin that ensued, had turned the first child born in this World, into a Murderer, who murdered his very own brother, for not for doing anything wrong, but for doing something right and “Good in God’s Sight,” and being accepted for it. Thus causing Cain to go berserk with jealousy, and murder his brother and later lie about it. Following the same pattern of sin his parents chose to follow. Cain aggressively and angrily murdered the most holy, most righteous, most pure minded Son in the Family of God, sound familiar at all? And then he denied it, lied about it, mocked God to His face, and didn’t cry until until he heard his judgement.
That scenario, in a nutshell, will be the experience of everyone who has chosen to stand before the judge of all the earth, on the great day of the Lord, the day of judgment, who has chosen to go the route of Cain, and of Adam and Eve. They will twist and squirm, and seek to blame others for the wrong they themselves have done, but in the end it will be a fruitless effort. They will see themselves as mocking God, and then they will tremble at the outcome of their own personal rebellion, when they hear the words: “Depart from me, I never knew you.”
All this will happen, because they refused to see, and refused to answer, God’s questions from God’s eternal perspective.
It is recommended that every person should investigate this topic and not be swayed by peer pressure, or sinful distraction, that will bring its own destruction.
In order to investigate this subject according to God’s Perspective, you will need to have your mind renewed. So keep this in mind as your constant prayer, while choosing to transition, from becoming a carnal Son of Cain, into becoming a spiritual, Son of Abel.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2 (KJV)
The Apostle Paul, Written circa late 55 to early 57 AD. The letter was most probably written while Paul was in Corinth, likely staying in the house of Gaius.
Those who want to Walk in God’s Life, will gladly and eagerly walk in God’s Love, towards one another …
As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. 11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. 12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
Jesus (Yeshua) John 15:9-14 (KJV)
5. What is Death?
Death = disconnection from God.
Sadly, when we walk in sin, we blame God for the reason that we sin. And we blame men for causing us to sin.
The one person we somehow forget, and neglect to blame for sin is ourselves.
Such as the mindset and the nature of the primary enemy of God.
When we join the enemy ranks, we adopt, and even embellish:
the mindset
behavior, and
Of the Evil One.
It can be subtle at first: But overtime it gets worse and worse.
What happens when you disconnect the power cord to your radio? How well do you hear the voices and music coming across the airwaves? Not so well, Right?
Can you see that the same condition will be true, when you disconnect your power cord from your connection to God in heaven?
God told Adam on the day he should eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that he should surely die. What other thing happened on that same day?
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Yehovah-God, circa the Sixth day of Creation Genesis 2:16-17 (KJV)
On the day Adam rebelled, he was cast out of God’s Eternally Life Giving Presence. On that day, he died, spiritually. Man’s physical life is directly connected to his spiritual life. The moment we disconnect from God, spiritually, it is an inevitable fact that we will die, physically.
Had Adam remained in God’s Presence, Keeping God’s Commandments, resisting sin, lies, evil, temptations, darkness, sickness, theft, murder and death: (All things that any sane person should surely want to avoid) Adam would have remained alive to this day.
In other words, being connected to the source of life, having your power plug into the source of power, means that your power and your life will never run out.
But, once you disconnect from the power source, and stop having the life flow of God, enter into your body, soul and spirit–having already died spiritually: From that point on it’s only a matter of time before you will surely die, physically.
That is how I interpret the scripture in Genesis 2:17.
So, what is it that separates us from God, and results in death?
The answer is a simple three letter word: S I N
Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
But your iniquities [Sins/transgressions] have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
Isaiah 59:1-2 (KJV)
Once you unplug the power cord, you will no longer hear the messages and music coming from your radio. That should make sense even to an atheist, a pagan-ist, a feminist, or even a humanist.
More references on the Subject of Hell. A little preview for the question: What is Hell?
“Hell” occurs 54 times in 54 verses in the KJV. 20
Below are just a few quotes:
Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Psalms 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
Psalms 86:13 For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell.
Isaiah 5:14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Matthew 5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Again: It is not God’s will that any man should perish.
That personal choice is the soul responsibility of every single individual.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV) 9
In order to understand God, one must see God for who he truly is.
Yes, he is a god of love. But he is also a god of justice. He is not one or the other but both. We cannot pick and choose what parts of God we like, and accept, and what parts of God we dislike and reject. If we are going to receive God and Christ, we have to receive all of who he is.
Did you know that God is an all consuming fire?
What happens when you put something flammable next to a fire? Typically whatever is flammable will burn, and what is not flammable, will be left behind after the fire has consumed all flammable material.
That is why God calls his people to build their lives with long lasting building materials.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15 (KJV)
12 Now if any man build upon this foundation [with] gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 13 Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. 14 If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss:
Do you see him? Do you see his challenge?
Do you see his eternal perspective?
God wants your workmanship to remain. He wants you to use precious building materials to build your house with. He wants you to have an eternal treasure. He desires to bless the work of your hands. The work of your heart. The work of your spiritual life. But, he can only bless his will for your life. Not Satan’s will. Not this world’s will. But his and his alone. His will is what he will bless.
Once you plug into God, and you have the electrical power of God flowing through your life: You hear the voice of heaven speaking clearly. You hear the music coming loud and clear through the radio of God.
It will be nigh impossible, not to fulfill the will of God for your life.
But if you remain distant. If you remain disconnected. If you’re out of touch with God. With his word. With his will. It will be nigh impossible to know the will of God for your life, or to do it.
John chapter 3, the whole chapter makes this pretty clear. Especially in verse 17 and following:
John 3:17-21 (KJV)
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Many today are dead spiritually
Why is that? Because they have chosen to become disconnected from God, (by rejecting his will) they are not dead physically yet. So they still have time to redeem their lives in the will of God. But if they do not redeem their lives, according to the plan, purpose, power, and provision, provided by God himself: if they choose to reject all this, then it is inevitable that they will face the second death, which is a permanent and infinite, separation from God for all eternity. This is referred to by God as the second death in the lake of fire.
The Biblical place and time we live in today is called, spiritually speaking, “the valley of decision.”
We all have a limited time to make our choice, and to do the will of God for our lives from our hearts. The longer we wait the hard it will become.
When we don’t choose in time: That will become the ultimate death, the ultimate separation from God himself: The ultimate disconnect of the power cord of God from the life flow of God.
Just as a vine branch can become diseased, and withered, and dried out, when not fully attached to the vine, so can a human being become diseased and withered and dried out when not attached to God by the spirit of God.
When the life flow of the vine is not flowing through the branch, it cannot reproduce the fruit of the vine. And worse yet, such a diseased branch that is withered and dying on the vine, can threaten the life of the vine. It can become a an entry point for disease to attack the whole vine.
Therefore, the duty of the vine dresser to cut off the withered diseased and dried out vine branch that is no longer capable of producing fruit, and is also a threat to the life of the vine.
Once the vine branch is been cut off and fully dried out, the vine dresser will want to protect his vineyard from any mold or diseases, yeast, or bacteria associated with the diseased vine branch, so he will burn the branch that is dead and sickly, rotten and drying. He will purge that which is dead, and separate it from that which is living.
But on the contrary, that same vine dresser will rejoice in the branches that produce beautiful grapes, and produce a harvest, bearing fruit and bringing joy and blessing not only to the vine dresser, but also to his family, his community, and his clients. They may turn those grapes into wine that can be preserved for years and years to come. Such is the fruit, production, and reward of a good fine branch.
The same can be said, for a life-giving witness of God, bearing fruit, by bringing the life of the gospel to light in the lives of those seeking, and needing God’s light.
Just as the withered vine branch, receives not the life flow of the vine, so do false and non-believers reject the sap of his vine. Therefore, they become dry and brittle, withered and barren. Ultimately prepared for the fire.
This little story of life and death, fruitfulness and bareness is told concisely by Jesus in the parable of the vine, and John chapter 15, in less than 8 verses.
John 15:1-7 (KJV)
I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
One big problem with a dry and withering fine branch is that it wastes valuable, nutrition and life from going into the branches producing fruit. And it negatively affects the other branches around it.
Therefore this branch will be cut off, and thrown into the fire just as God says wise farmer will do. In the end, the angels will be doing the Hardesty harvesting of both the good grapes and good vine, branches and bad grapes, and bad vine branches. This will all happen on a day an hour, but no man knows. But that is no excuse for not being ready. Because we can read ahead to the end of the story, and know fully what God’s will is, if we read it from his perspective.
Revelation 20:13
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.
This is the second death.
But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.
Luke 12:5
Ok, so here’s a little comedic relief to help lighten the mood for a minute. This is hilarious, because it is so true.
Warning: Jimmy Carr has a potty mouth … which I do not endorse. Thankfully, his potty mouth is not prominent on this video clip .
6. Where does God want Me?
That is a very humbling question to ask and answer sincerely.
I believe it is a rare person who can dive down into the depths, of who they are, and who God really is, and come up with the answer to the question, with absolute assurance: Where does God want me?
I dare say today, churches are filled with people, including pastors, leaders, and pew sitters, that have never adequately asked, nor answered this question, and the results are apparent all around them.
Why is that? I dare say that most people live by their own personal feelings. They direct nearly all their decisions by how they feel. They don’t make their decisions based on: What is God’s Will in this situation? And they don’t seek to answer that question from God’s Eternal Perspective either.
The problem is this: Due to the fall, and the corrupt mindset of man: Men’s feelings are self oriented. Pleasure centered. And typically sin-based.
All it takes is a cursory survey of the world around you to confirm this to be verifiably and undeniably true, especially if you seek to see the entire world around you from God’s perspective.
For those who can and will choose to die to themselves and live in Christ’s Will, they will indeed discover where God Wants them to be. And because of that, they will bear much Fruit–that will prove to themselves, and to others, that they are walking in God’s Heavenly Will, by bearing God’s Heavenly Fruit.
To be perfectly honest, it is a simple matter to answer the question: Where does God want me? that is, when we humble ourselves, and put the highest priority of life into this one topic/objective: Am I Doing the will of the Father?
Mark this Down: God is not looking for dead Robots to Do His Will, He is desiring to have fellowship with His Living Sons and Daughters, who have chosen to live in the Revelation, that doing God’s Will is their best choice in this Life (like the first son below). And that God will so fill them with Joy and Strength, Peace and Hope, Power and Love, that doing His Will will become the most satisfying occupation they have ever experienced or ever will experience.
Nothing will be hidden. All will be exposed. That is what influenced the decision of the first son, to repent of his rejection of the Father, and decided to do his duty, fulfilling the will of the Father, to go and work in His Father’s Vineyard.
That made it possible for him, to treat God with Honor, and Respect, and to treat himself with Dignity, and Truth.
That changed the entire perspective in his mind.
Once you consider that God sees All, and God Knows ALL–And that on the Day, that is more important than any other Day, we will have to give a full accounting of the Question: Did you do the Will of the Father in Your Life on Earth?
That understanding should indeed strongly inform your decision making process this very day.
But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. 29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. 30 And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not.
31 Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first.
Jesus (Yeshua) Circa AD 33 Matthew 21:28-31 (KJV)
Clearly, the second son, who proposed that he would do the Will of His Father, never did His Father’s Will. Like children playing peek-a-boo with God. The second son, had to fool himself first, that his father would not know that he was a liar, a con-artist, a narcissist, and a fool before God. This son just continued to go his own way, living in a fantasy of his own mind, never coming to terms with the reality that the Day of Judgment is Near. That all who reject God, will also be Rejected. That All who deny God, will also be denied. That All who dishonor, disrespect and blaspheme God, will also be dishonored and disrespected before God.
Nothing will be kept hidden. All will be exposed. (Mark 4:22)
God’s Spiritual Life is Not Shallow
It does not begin and end with a sinner’s prayer. Not even close.
It begins with repentance, humility, contrition, and dying to yourself, dying to your old man, dying to your worldly mindset, your worldly attitude, your worldly triggers of lust and greed.
And all that is a process.
All of that is very humbling, and all that humbling doesn’t get you in the door yet.
The key factor that puts gas in the tank, and fuel for the fire is this:
Until Submission is the primary operating system on your computer, and submission hijacks and overwrites all your previously virus infected programs: Your Spiritual Computer Ain’t Gonna Run Right! Ain’t gonna calculate right. And going to get you where you need to go.
James 4:7 – “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Again: Jesus is standing at the Door of Your LIFE, Waiting for You to Respond:
Will you open the Door? Will you invite Jesus in? Will you grant access to Jesus, to be Your LORD?
A) Lord of your Finances; B) Lord of you Time; C) Lord of your Priorities; D) Lord of your Relationships; E) Lord of your Family; F) Lord of your Marriage; G) Lord of your Tongue? H) Lord over all your important Life Choices?
Will you allow Jesus to grant to You: His Pure Riches, His Holy Raiment? His Heavenly Eyesalve and Corrective Lens.
Gold tried [refined] in the fire (Heavenly treasure that will never rust, rot, nor be robbed)
White raiment, that thou mayest be clothed (So you will not stand before the court of God naked)
Eyesalve, that thou mayest see (That you might have God’s Eternal Perspective Guiding you).
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:17-20
Written while John was exiled on the Island of Patmos, because he refused to die, after being boiled in a pot of scalding hot Oil–while being persecuted under the Dominion of Nero, in Rome.
Possible Dating: Speculated somewhere between A.D. 63 to 65 (?). Before Nero’s end in A.D. 68; and before the Fall of Jerusalem, A.D. 70 under Emperor Vespasian, the ruler of the Roman Empire, but his son Titus led the siege and destruction of Jerusalem. 21
You andI have been given complete freedom: to choose to do the Will of the Father, or to chose not to do it.
The Ball is in Our Court.
Our Decision will Determine Our Eternal Destiny
The Good News is, if we have been lacking, slacking, and/or inattentive to the Will of the Father (like the second son).
We can repent today. We can begin doing His will from this Day forward–Just like the First Son, who repented of his own selfish mindset.
The Bad News is, the scriptures predicts in voluminous cases, that the majority will reject the Will of God, and play religious games with God (playing peek-a-boo), but on the final day of evaluation, it will be clearly evident that they will be rejected by God for their own lack of integrity, honesty, and truthfulness. That is why Jesus clearly stated:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 7:21 (KJV)
That is the bad news for sure. And no one will have an excusable excuse on the day of judgement. Every soul will be judged by the exact same undeniable, unmovable, and unbiased standard. And because of that problem, many will hear the words. “Depart from Me, I never knew you!”
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV)
Side Note: When were the gospels of Matthew and John written?
Be careful. Don’t believe everything a biblical scholar says to you.
With a little investigation, you will find that many scholars today push the narrative that the gospels were written much later than the early church fathers indicated they were written. Many modern scholars push the idea that Matthew was written after the fall of Jerusalem. I find that theory quite untenable.
Instead of confusing you with the myriad of opinions in modern scholarship. I will given you my viewpoint and you can test it for yourself.
I personally Believe it is likely that Matthew penned His Gospel First. Also, I don’t see collusion between, Mark, Matthew, and Luke. I perceive they were each written separately. That makes the most sense, because each of them was written from a differing perspective.
It makes sense to me that Matthew’s audience was primarily Jewish. It is the most Jewish Gospel. And Early on the first priority was to reach the Jews, in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. Then later, the Disciples would extend into the far reaches of the Roman Empire and across the world.
The Early Church was predominantly Jewish and would need a Jewish friendly text to reach Jewish believers–and to keep the Gospel Clear, and Uncompromised. It is likely Matthew would have been the one to write this message to his fellow Jews, possibly first in Hebrew or Aramaic. With the fall of Jerusalem and the burning the City to the ground, it’s possible that no Hebrew or Aramaic Texts survived the 70 AD destruction. It is likely that different church leaders from differing places may have translated Matthew into their native languages even as we do today. The majority language was Koine Greek so the text would have been preserved in Greek, and that is what we have passed down to us today.
Personally, I see no reason for Matthew, a first-hand eye witness of Jesus’ Apostles, to copy a text from Mark, a student of Paul, who spent most his time in Roman provinces far north of Jerusalem. Where as Matthew started out in Jerusalem and later went south to Ethiopia, where church tradition teaches he was eventually martyred.
Why would Matthew copy from Mark? How does that even make any sense?
It makes sense to me that Matthew was the first gospel written by an eyewitness of all that Jesus said, and did. Mark and Luke are also based on eyewitness accounts, but we don’t see them as complete first eyewitnesses themselves. They likely collected their testimonies from other eyewitnesses. Mark from Peter. Luke from Paul. As church tradition seems to believe.
One more reason not to trust Modern Biblical Scholarship, and modern Bible Translators. Many are not believers. Many have other agendas, other than believing and obeying the Words they claim to be studying.
Matthew Believed to Have Been Written First (according to Church Fathers)
“We now go a step further by considering Matthew’s gospel. According to the unanimous testimony of the early church, Matthew was the first gospel written. The church father Eusebius places the date of Matthew’s gospel in A.D. 41. If the ancient testimony is true, and there is no reason to doubt it, then we have a third independent source about the life of Christ written during the eyewitness period.” Source: https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/stewart_don/faq/historical-accuracy-of-the-bible/question10-when-were-the-gospels-written.cfm
There Is Internal Evidence for an Early Date for John
There is also internal evidence that John himself wrote before A.D. 70. We read the following description of Jerusalem in the fifth chapter of John. Notice the word: Now …
Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches, called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades.
John 5:2 (KJV)
John describes the sheep gate as still standing at the time he wrote. He could not have made this statement after A.D. 70.
The sheep gate was destroyed in the year A.D. 70, along with the rest of the city of Jerusalem. This is evidence that John wrote his gospel before the city of Jerusalem was destroyed.
Conclusion: There Is Strong Evidence for an Early Date for the Four Gospels
When all the historical and textual evidence is amassed, it becomes clear that the four gospels were composed at a very early date either by eyewitnesses, or those who recorded eyewitness testimony. Therefore, we have good reason to trust what they wrote. Knowing that any misinformation would have been corrected by eyewitnesses at the time of the writing.
One day, you may just find yourself in the position of the Prodigal Son: Living Far Away from Doing Your Father’s Will. Eating all the wrong foods, picking all the wrong friends.
When that day comes, open your eyes and heart to Jesus, and receive all that He has to give you. Accept His invitation to: Follow Me. And go wherever He leads you, with confidence and faith. He will give you his words to speak, words that will cut deep into the heart. Words that will transform, lowly sinners, and to heavenly saints. That, for sure, is the wheel of God, the place that he wants you is in his vineyard. What he wants you to be doing is to be harvesting grapes. Planting, watering, nurturing, and harvesting grapes for the kingdom of God. His message of repentance, Faith, and obedience to do the will of the father will be preached in every nation around the world. And then the end shall come.
The purpose of the Gospel is clear: To bring men, women, and children into a place of repentance and intimacy with Christ.
The Good News is: There is still time to Repent.
The Bad News is: The time is getting shorter every day, not only for you and I, but even more so for our families.
And hardened hearts are getting harder everyday. And the deceived, and the deceiver are getting more and more deceived every day. And preachers are watering down the Word more and more every day. And Liars are filling the airwaves with deception on steroids laced with lust, greed, and selfishness, more and more every day.
The Good News is: All we need is a humble mind and heart, willing to see Life from God’s Perspective.
The Bad News is: We are daily bombarded with reasons and pressure to be proud and selfish, brash and bitter, sinful and resentful, angry, hateful, and downright evil.
Only God knows those who are fully His, and those who are not. But we are called to make our own election sure.
Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
2 Peter 1:10 (KJV) Written between AD 64 and 68.
All this diligence takes effort on our part. You won’t become a spiritual giant, able to take down the strongholds of the strong man, by twiddling your thumbs all day long.
How to know God’s Will for your Life, in less than 60 seconds.
Of course this is an over simplification, but for many, it may be a helpful place to start.
7. Why do so many Powerful World Leaders: Hate the Gospel?
Define World Leaders?
Kings & Rulers: Social Guides (Political Agents, News Agencies, Entertainment Agencies, Education Agencies, Military Dictators, Mega Corporation CEO’s, Scientists– in a nutshell People in Power)
As mentioned previously: Certain Men Hate the Light? Why is that?
The Problem is not an intellectual problem. It is a Moral Problem.
For every one that Doeth Evil
Hateth “The Light,”
Neither [does he] cometh to “The Light,”
Lest his deeds should be [exposed and] reproved.
John 3:20 (KJV)
Men hate the light, for the same reason cockroaches hate the light. They don’t want to be exposed.
When a man or woman chooses to hate the light, he or she is actually in the process of bankrupting their own moral code. They are denying the Work of the Light. The number one reason people reject the Gospel is because it creates a demand for moral excellence. As a result, the rejection of moral excellence (according the standards of Heaven’s Approval) cause men and women to become morally bankrupt, more and more. The deeper their rejection, the darker they become. The End can begin with one little sin, left unchecked, which can lead to another, and another, until all the light one once had has now become darkness (according the standards of Heaven’s Approval).
Interestingly enough: Some people you just cannot lead or help
No matter how good, godly, and rightly directed a leader may be, it may not be enough for some.
Here is a short Rabbi Trail. Check this out:
I just had a conversation with a person who said, your truth, is your truth, and my truth is my truth. I have my own relationship with God. Well, maybe, but I wanted to make this point.
When John the Baptist came they criticized him. Then when Jesus came they criticized him for doing the opposite of what they criticized the Baptist for doing.
Luke 7:33-35 (KJV)
33 For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil. 34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! 35 But wisdom is justified of all her children.
Some people are so wounded in their souls, that cannot be appeased.
Some have made their identity about being unhappy, and critical, and rejecting others before they may be rejected.
Titus 1:15 (KJV)
15 Unto the pure all things are pure:
but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure;
but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Getting back to Deception in Leadership
Thankfully: God’s Light has Come.
…Light is come into the world,
[yet] men loved darkness
rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
{And this is the condemnation …}
John 3:19 (KJV)
Thankfully, we are only responsible to: Do the Will of the Father. Outside of that we are called to serve one another. If we either from false motives or true, our rewards will come from the Father. So it all shakes out in the end. In the mean time, we should do our best to serve Christ with a clean heart and a pure mind.
For this reason, both men and women are without excuse: And their Condemnation will be Just, when they receive the reward that they have earned for themselves:
Romans 6:23 (KJV)
For the wages of sin is DEATH; But the gift of God Is eternal LIFE Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
NOTE: Our bankruptcy, in not possessing the knowledge of God, is not due to God’s inability to communicate.
He has done He job. He has faithfully recorded His Word. He has preserved His Word, and Watched over He Word from the Very Beginning to the Very Ending. Yet, due to man’s stubborn nature, hardness of heart, and his outright prideful refusal to open his eyes and see what God sees, open his ears and hear what God speaks, and BECAUSE man has chosen to close his soul, thus blocking himself from Receiving God’s Eternal Invitation to Enter into God’s Eternal Family, and share in the total inheritance of the Children of God: All this has be clearly written, communicated to every generation.
Therefore, the World Leaders that want their man centered Power and Privilege, above God’s Favor and Eternal Blessing, have chosen not only to bankrupt their own Knowledge of God’s Warnings, God’s Judgments, and God’s Requirements for ALL who would enter into His Family for Eternity, but they also vehemently oppose others who are seeking to learn these eternal values?
Matthew 23:13 (KJV)
But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: For ye neither go in yourselves, Neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
As a result, the man with eyes wide open can see: the warfare between those with eyes open, and those with eyes closed. And he knows his time is short, and his efforts limited, but in grace, hope, and love, he proceeds to labor by faith, to change the minds of the lost, and reach even the dark leaders, who are lords to their own destruction, before it is too late. That’s why Jesus said:
I must work the Works Of Him that sent Me, While it is day: the night cometh, When no man can work. As long as I am in the world,
I am the light of the world.
John 9:4-5 (KJV)
The Great, Heavy, and Sad part of God’s Testimony to man, is that He will not force or push, others to do His Will.
Again, he is not a dictator, nor a rapist.
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: 48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a ROCK: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a ROCK. 49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.
Luke 6:46-49 (KJV)
Can I earn my way into heaven?
No. We don’t earn our way into heaven. Our debt has been paid. If we have truly received the kingdom of God by faith, like little children, our hearts will be grateful, and our lives will be transformed, and will be predictably responsive to do Our Father’s Will. We will willingly enter into the Covenant of Grace whereby we offer up our whole lives to Him, who offered up His whole Life to Us. That is the Blood Covenant of God in a nutshell.
All the while there will be a great Crowd of Witnesses Watching Over Us, Cheering us On, and Setting the Bar High, to keep Stirring us on to Love and Good Works.
Hebrews 12:1-2 (KJV)
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
The man will eyes and ear wide open will be hearing the Shouts of those in Heaven Cheering Him ON! KEEP GOING! YOU HAVE ALMOST MADE IT!!!
While those with eyes and ears wide shut, only hear and see the shouts of the angry mob: AWAY WITH HIM, STONE HIM, BEAT HIM, CRUCIFY HIM!!!
Those who receive HIS VISION, as God intended, through His Eternal Perspective, And Holy viewpoint: They will fully understand and value the cost He paid to provide the Salvation that only He could provide, and make the offer of forgiveness, that only He could make.
The gospel is simply enough for a child to understand. But it is still too difficult for the proud man to comprehend.
What is the sign we have been born again?
We should no longer be acting like dead men.
If we have truly been born again, by the spirit of God, and we truly have put the old man to death, and have become alive to Christ, then our lives will show it. The genuineness of our faith will be proven, by the transformation we have undergone.
What if there is no transformation?
Has there been no change? Are we still choosing sin over God? Then we should be concerned. We should seek to self examine. If we are not living the life, chances are good, we are not in the life.
In order to believe in Christ, you still have to believe in miracles.
If a man refuses to enter the kingdom of God:
What is the real root of his problem?
Does this not prove the point that the problem does not reside in the intellect alone, but more so in the Will of Man, that is in direct Conflict with the Will of God.
Man does not know, because man does not want to know, God’s perspective.
Jesus pinned the tail on this Donkey–by showing us His Perspective: See for yourself. This explains Jesus’ understanding of why men choose not to learn about this world from God’s Perspective.
Every one who does evil hates the light
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:19-20 (KJV)
There it is plain as Day. Men don’t seek the light, anymore than cockroaches seek the light, or rapists or thieves seek the light–for fear their evil deeds will be exposed.
Then comes their judgment. Then their punishment. They don’t come into the light, because they don’t want to come into the Light. Why? Because they know they want to continue doing even though they know it is wrong, but have deceived themselves to believe it is right, or ok, or no so bad, at least not a bad as Hitler.
What is the key problem here? They don’t know God’s Standards: His Holiness. His Perfection. His Son is the Standard He Himself has set for all mankind to measure up to. To Be Perfect, as Your Father in Heaven is Perfect. Anything less than that is below His Standard.
And Yes. It takes great humility, to want to See His Standard above our own standard.
From my own experience, it appears that even the first six of the most basic questions about life and existence are practically beyond the reach of many of the most educated and brilliant minds on this planet. This leads us to this conundrum.
What blocks the human mind from having a Healthy Heavenly understanding? What hinders the intelligent human soul from obtaining wisdom? knowledge? insight? and common sense–from God’s perspective? What blocks a proud man from having spiritual discernment? What is at the root of the problem?
We must deal with these paradoxes at a future point. I believe, one part of the nature of this problem is rooted in the subject of “Group Identity,” which we will address later on.
It appears to me that those who claim that others have been brain-washed, are actually the one’s who have brain-washed themselves.
Message from Jesus: from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:22 ff; Luke, 11:34 ff)
The light of the body is the eye: Therefore when thine eye is single, Thy whole body also is full of light;
But when thine eye is evil, Thy body also is full of darkness.
Take heed therefore that the light Which is in thee be not darkness.
If thy whole body therefore be full of light, Having no part dark, The whole shall be full of light, As when the bright shining of a candle Doth give thee light.
Luke 11:34-36 (KJV)
Who is responsible? Who must take heed that the light, that is in them, is not darkness? Who is responsible for the body to not become full of darkness? How can the light in us become darkness? What activities can, and will contribute to the eye of the body becoming dark?
How do I make my body full of light? What makes the eye single? What responsibility do I have to make my eyes single? What kind of light is Jesus talking about here? What activities can I do to fill my eye and my body with light?
If you have begun this journey, filling your eye with light: I pray that we can have fellowship in the light. That no darkness would gain access to our walk with Christ, and our walk with one another. That no greed and no lust should tarnish our fellowship in Christ. I pray that we would be known in heaven, as those who do the will of our Father in Heaven. I pray that we would face our challenges with the word of God: that We would become skilled in using the sword of the spirit to cut through the lies, and fill our eye with light from above.
I pray that with courage, boldness, truth, wisdom, and grace: We would build eternal relationships in the kingdom of God that will never end. I pray that with the faith and power God gives us, we will overcome every obstacle: every hurdle, lie, and evil scheme set up against us. I pray that we would be content with all that God has given us: that we would be storing up great treasures in heaven. I pray that we will someday, be able to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God, our savior, and take up our place in the long line of disciples, who have laid down their lives for the children, in the Kingdom of God. I pray that every part of your body, mind, soul, and whole being will be filled with the light of God, and that you would grow and mature into the full measure of Christ, living out the hope of glory, the one who witnesses to the world, that brings heavens light to all who walk in darkness. (Ephesians 4:13)
Congratulations, for making it this far.
May the word of God continuously bless you richly.
Your diligence in Seeking God, will be its own Reward. May it be glorious.
Your investment into The Kingdom of God, will be rewarded according to the New Light that you shall live by.
What you have read thus far barely scratches the surface of the treasures waiting for you in God’s Word. This Website, has nearly 400 posts, some admittedly better than others, but all are devoted to spurring us (each other) on in digging into the Word of God, and urging every soul to grow up into Maturity in Christ. Many Posts are aimed at reaching souls from all kinds of backgrounds and cultures. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. I have struggled through many issues, and have wrestled with many problems, and listed many helpful tools/studies that have been valuable to me to overcome my trials and troubles. Hopefully some posts will be helpful to others as well.
I pray you have been strengthened and gained confidence in your personal walk with Jesus, in doing THE WILL OF THE FATHER. (Sadly, everyone is going to feel bad, before they begin to feel good. The Good News is Death to the Flesh, but Life to the Spirit.)
I do suggest you continue to walk with caution, and with discernment. Let nothing get in between you and God’s Word. We are all called to serve Christ first. And not become slaves of men. Nor fooled and led astray by men. Test everything. Take nothing that is not from His Word.
May His Word be your daily Food. May you share it with others richly.
May His Wisdom and His Light grow in you Daily. May you pursue the Will of God for your Life, even as Christ and His Apostles pursued the will of God for their lives. His Work is well defined, for those with eyes to see His Plan, from His Perspective, and who have ears to hear His Voice, in order to do the work required of the Servant Son. (Matthew 21:28–32; Matthew 7:21-23)
Yes. His Will takes Faith and Effort to walk out, day by day, but His reward is well worth the investment. Soon, we will see Him face to face. Then, we will hopefully hear this eternal greeting, on the most important, pivotal, and critical day of our lives: (Matthew 25:20-21)
And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. 21 His lord said unto him,
Well done, thou good and faithful servant:
Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things:
“Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.“
Matthew 25:20-21 (KJV)
How can you ensure that you and your family and friends remain close, and stay connected to the Vine? How do you know you are reproducing good fruit? That together you are fulfilling the great commission? How do you know you have not, nor will not get sidetracked? Distracted? Complacent? Lukewarm? Complicit? Double minded?
How do you know that your faith and religion, have not been infected and influenced by the world?
These are serious and critical concerns and challenges for every follower of Christ.
How do you know how to keep yourself Pure and Free? Un-Compromised by the Mixture of False Religion and False Faith, that both Jesus and the Apostles continually warn us about?
This one minute clip has a a good answer to the above questions: Please Check it out.
If you have a healthy Fear of the LORD, you will stay safe from many attacks against you, even as Job stayed strong in the midst of his trials, may you remain strong in the midst of your trials. Amen!!
A parting message. A final challenge. A quick Summary.
A Significant Challenge has been Prepared: for all who would have ears to hear, eyes to see, a heart to receive, and a soul to store up the many treasures from Heaven prepared for you by the son of God himself.
Has a friend of yours, ever dared you to do Something Truly Extraordinary?
Well, oddly enough, you have a friend in Heaven, that has prepared a dare for you and I, and all who would seek to learn to see with “The Eyes of Eternity.” Who is this friend?
He is the Creator of the Universe. He is the One who Created You. He is the One who breathed the breath of life into you. He is the One who gave you: your eyes, your ears, your heart, your mind, your ability to reason, and your gift for communication (in order that you could hear him, see him, know him, and enjoy communion with him). He is the One who gave you the desire for relationship, for intimacy, for truth and love. He is the One who gave you the freedom to choose light and life with Him, or darkness and death away from Him. He is the One who allowed you to go your own way, to reject: his wisdom, his righteousness, his holiness, his goodness, and his mercy. He is the One who has allowed you to taste evil, taste sickness, taste perversity and wickedness. Why? So that you would have the freedom, to accept or reject by your own free will, a life with God (and know the difference), forever, and ever (and have personal knowledge in order to understand and choose the difference between life and death, wickedness and righteousness). Without that free choice, you could never know Love, never know Communion with Him, never know the Depth of Commitment He has gone through to bring You to Himself. All that is required on your part is humility.
This also is my greatest Fear!
Only in Him is there ETERNAL LIFE. Only in Him is there eternal fellowship with loved ones. Only in Him is there hope for the future. Only in Him is there power to overcome the darkness. Only in Him can we see ourselves from God’s perspective. Only in Him, can we humble ourselves like little children, and see “the things” which are Good in His Sight. Only in Seeking His Kingdom can all the things of God that: are pure, right, good and noble, and just– be added to our lives. Only in Him can we become the Light of the World. Only in Him can Our eye be Single, and our whole body be Full of Light. Only in Him can all the evil, that we have done, and wanted to do, be forgiven. Only in Him, is there any hope in avoiding the Lake of Fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels. Only in Him can the power of greed in man’s heart, and lust of the flesh, and the Boastful Pride of Life: BE HUMBLED AND EXTINGUISHED, through His bond of love and humility that will last for eternity.
If you have not met Him: Not known His perfection, His patience, His dedication, His devotion to set you free from every sickness, every disease, every deception, every dark thought, every wicked plan and scheme, every impure desire and dark motive, every dark path—-then it is possible for you to meet Him now.
YOU CAN BE: Reconnected to God for eternity–the ultimate challenge!
In order to do that, you must make some changes in your life, and take some specific biblical steps forward.
First, you must be CONVICTED of your SINS: without this first step, your attempt to make future steps towards him, we will be dramatically less effective. You must see from God’s perspective the damage you have done to Him, and the damage you have done to his kingdom, and to his people, to his eternal family. You must see how you have negatively impacted: the vulnerable, the weak, the lost and the hurting souls in his family. You must see how you have harmed him in your allegiance with the ruler of darkness to poison your mind (infecting everyone around you), corrupt your thoughts, and pervert your ways before God. You Must see the depths of YOUR EVIL is the reason for HIS TORMENT (that he paid for on the cross). You must acknowledge your own sin. You must no longer make excuses for it. You must see that it was your sin that put Jesus on THE CROSS. It was your sin that caused the Son of God to suffer and die in your place. That sent him to hell for three days. It was your sin that he paid for with HIS OWN BLOOD, and through the violent torture and torment, He took your place. He took the punishment that you deserved upon Himself. He paid the price for your separation from God. You were a slave owned by another slave master, but he paid for your freedom, and signed your liberty papers, with his own signature, in his own blood. By this conviction, you can realize, that you are the cause of the problem. You personally chose to go your own way, and like the prodigal son (a great song): you need a savior, and you need to return to your father’s house. This is the prerequisite step to repentance, although it can be seen as a part of the step of repentance. Either way: You cannot skip this step.
Second, you must REPENT of your Sins: without this step, no further steps can be taken. The Hebrew word for repent is SHEEN-BETH (see this video that explains it). SHEEN-BETH is a picture word, that combines two images to create one thought. The first image is two teeth. The concept of these two teeth means to cut, to crush, and by extension to destroy. The second image is a house. When, combining these two images, we have this message: to crush your house, and even burn it to the ground, to destroy it forever, so that you can never return to it, and never live in that same old house again. That is true biblical repentance. It is not just saying I’m sorry. It is not fake forgiveness. It is not a temporary feeling of guilt or shame. It is a decision to make a permanent life-changing, life transforming decision that will last forever. True repentance is immediate, complete, and permanent. It is a commitment to never repeat the same crime, and do the same harm you have done previously. It is a covenant to not continue in the same pattern, doing the same evil things, you have done in the past. And to no longer violate your holy oath to walk with God in the spirit of truth. You cannot skip this step before going on to the next one.
Third, you must BELIEVE in God and Christ: The Hebrew biblical concept “to believe” is vastly different from the worldly Greek concept “to believe.” And these two concepts must not be misunderstood, nor mixed up. “To believe” is a verb. It is something you have to actively do. In order to fulfill the Hebrew concept of “believing” one must walk in agreement with the One with whom they are believing. The prophet Amos, asks this question: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” The answer is simple: no! No, two cannot walk together, unless they walk in agreement. Walk in the same direction. Walk with the same conviction. Walk with the same value system, the same beliefs, the same foundation for trust and truth. Without these, how can the two walk together in agreement? As soon as two people stop walking in agreement, they correspondingly stop walking together. When a soul has been convicted of his sins, and repented of his sins, due to the revelation of God, that his sins have separated him from God, and from the life of God, and assuming he wants that life restored, then he can begin to accept the covenant of God, the value systems of God, and the life of God, created for him to walk in agreement with God from before the foundation of the earth was laid. This walk does not begin and end in one day. One single confession, as in the sinners prayer, doesn’t cut the mustard. This walk of believing is a daily pursuit. It is a joyful adventure, and a painful revelation. The soul that believes in God is entering into an ancient covenant that cannot be broken. This covenant changes, and affects every single thought, word, deed, habit, attitude, and community mindset and vision of all those who choose to walk together: fulfilling, the mission of God.
This also is my greatest Fear!
Without the hand of the Holy Spirit of God, leading and guiding the soul of the man walking in agreement with God, there cannot be true, biblical relationships established. Without the deep seeds of faith, being planted in good field with rich soil, the ability to walk with God will be too shallow, and too weak to overcome the hurdles of life, and the powers of darkness that will come against every man, woman, and child who chooses to walk in agreement with God.
True, biblical believing, is not just intellectual thinking. It is a mindset that includes God’s Mission, His objectives, His Plan to Defeat the Enemy, and Ultimately to Win the War on Death.
It doesn’t come from just taking a class, and memorizing some key points, and making a pledge, like joining the Boy Scouts (or like a religious catechism). It goes much deeper than that. It is a deep and costly life-changing value system, that has been established by God, and calls every soul to reconnect to God himself. It causes us to connect with all of God’s children, and to develop eternal relationships that begin here on earth, but will continue to grow in bear fruit in heaven for eternity.
As result, we shall receive a whole New Spirit, the Holy Ghost, who will accompany us, and help us to see all of life from God’s perspective. This new life looks nothing like the old one we had before. All of our old ways of doing things and our own thoughts and value systems that drove our decisions need to die, that we can be born again into a new life that is directed by the king of heaven. In his new kingdom, we will have new thoughts, and new ways of thinking, new seeing, and new life continually coming forth and bearing fruit in new and mysterious ways.
This is the challenge of eternity. This is the treasure buried in the field, that no one can see (except the man with eyes of faith), who goes and sells everything that he has that he might buy this field. In other words, there is a commitment involved. Unless someone is ready to go and sell everything they have, chances are good they won’t see the treasure in the field. The one is closely related to the other.
If you have not met him yet, but you choose to follow these steps, it will not take you long, to be convicted, to repent, and to believe in the one who has your name written on the palm of his hand. For me, it took close to three months of intensive personal study. That’s because I was so hardhearted and selfishly high-minded. Thankfully God can take the proudest nerd and bring him into God’s kingdom, but it’s gonna be painful kind of like taking a camel through the eye of a Needle. It can be done, but it’s gonna be hard on the camel.
To walk out this new life, you will need a Bible, and will need to read it daily. It will be your own spiritual food. Once you enter the kingdom, and are born again, not by the will of man, but by the power of God, there is nothing that can stop you from doing all that God has prepared for you to do–but you. And yes, if you don’t already know, it will soon find out: that you are your own worst enemy. And you will need that daily Bible reading to overcome the enemy from within.
Once you make that new connection, the sky is the limit, you can say to this mountain be removed, and it shall be done for you–if you have the faith of a mustard seed. Nothing shall be too difficult for you, when you put your complete faith and trust in the One who came down from heaven. That’s not my promise, that’s the promise from Jesus own mouth.
how important is eyewitness personal testimony?
The entire Bible is based on eyewitness testimony from Genesis to Revelation. Without the recorded eyewitness testimony of men who have gone before us, we would have no Bible.
In your journey, many things will be revealed to you. Many things will need to be laid in the foundation of your faith. Many things will be made new that have been gifts you have been given previously. I pray this website may assist you in your journey. But in the end it will be you and the spirit of God, living in you, and breathing out goodness and kindness to the world around you, that will bring you to the place of your own fulfillment and joy in his kingdom, and that will make all the difference in this world.
If you are just beginning your journey in Christ, I pray specifically that this website will be a blessing to you to assist you in your growth in Christ. I Pray that you will walk in God’s blessings.
A Summary
Just a quick recap before saying goodbye:
Are You Seeing LiFE from God’s Eternal Perspective, yet?
If you have accepted this challenge and read through this page: you will have hopefully gained insight in these seven areas:
You will hopefully have begun to see things from God’s perspective.
You will hopefully be able to identify 7 Hurdles that would seek to block your vision and your mission.
You will hopefully be able to “cogently”22 answer 7 of Life’s Toughest Questions (that most professors cannot answer).
You will hopefully be able to logically/spiritually see: Why so many people cannot answer these Questions.
You will have been invited to take 4 of Jesus’ Life Changing Challenges.
You will hopefully be able to discern the Primary Reason: Why so many People will not make it into Heaven?
You will hopefully soon be able to See how God wants to use you to be His witness to your friends and family.
If you will fill yourself up with the Gospel of Christ, to the point of overflowing, you will then become a witness and soldier in his army spreading His Vision, His Mission, His Light & Truth, Love & Purity, Light and Salt: Not only to save our world but even to preserve it, as it is Good in His Sight:
“The Lion” has many Symbolic meanings in God’s Word, depending on the Context. The Messiah was promised to come from the Tribe of Judah, and would be called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. (Revelation 5:5) In the age to come. The Lion will lie down with the Lamb, and eat grass like a cow … They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. Isaiah 11:6 (KJV) 6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Isaiah 65:25 (KJV) 25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. . ↩︎
The Lion Nebula, also known as Sh2-132 or Sharpless 132, is a deep-sky nebula located in the constellation Cepheus. Characteristics: Location: The Lion Nebula is situated in the southern part of the constellation Cepheus, bordering the constellation Lacerta ¹ ³. Composition: It is a rich hydrogen region with star clusters, emission nebulae, and dark dust regions ¹ ³. Distance: The Lion Nebula is approximately 10,000 light-years away in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Size: It has an angular size slightly greater than that of the full moon. ↩︎
The Messiah came first as the Passover Lamb. This is the main reason, the Jewish Teachers, Rulers, Scribes, Pharisees, Saduccees, Priests, Lawyers, Rabbis, Zealots, and many Jewish Synagogues at Large rejected Jesus as their Messiah. Why? Because Jesus was not what they were looking for. They wanted the Conquering “Lion of Judah.” So the rejected the Humble, Suffering, Militarily Weak, and Passover Lamb, that John the Baptist Preached would come. The Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the World. All those who rejected John’s Message, also rejected Jesus’ Message and Jesus’ Authority. Why? Again, because He wasn’t what they wanted. The same reason Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus’. Judas was smart. He could see the “Handwriting on the Wall.” He clearly saw that Jesus intended to die like all the other prophets before him, even John the Baptist, the most privileged Prophet of All, was beheaded by the Jews in conjunction with Herod,
But in. order to reject God’s Son, they only had to reject parts of the Revelations and Prophecies of God. They had so built their religion around their own personal prejudices, that their religion allowed to betray, torture, and crucify the Son of God, and still think that God would be ok with that. How Whack is That??!!
Sadly, these thing happen whenever we try to read God’s Heavenly Word, without seeing it through God’s Heavenly and Eternal Perspective. ↩︎
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah:
Please Note: This is in Regard to the Future Coming of Christ. The first Time Christ appeared as a humble servant: The Lamb of God who taketh away the Sins of the World. But the Second time he comes in the Form of: “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah” with fearful judgments, and ruthless retribution on his enemies who have harmed his children.
Revelation 5:4-5 (KJV) 4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. 5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda[h], the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. ↩︎
“The Lion” has several Symbolic meanings in God’s Word, depending on the Context.
The Messiah was promised to come from the Tribe of Judah, and would be called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. (Revelation 5:5) In the age to come.
The Devil himself is referred to as a roaring lion, seeking to devour the saints (and sometimes successfully).
1 Peter 5:8-11 (KJV) 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
For more understanding of this topic: Check out The Lion of Judah. ↩︎
63,779 cross references in total: where one scripture is connected to another scripture. That gives both scriptures a fuller meaning and a deeper understanding.
The more you read the Bible, the more familiar you will become with these illuminating interconnected cross references.
Sometimes connections are made by one Bible author quoting a previous Bible Author.
But most often there are no official quotes: just strong connections being made by the Spirit, who is guiding the Biblical Author to write down His Spiritual Words, for the Spiritual Minds, that will be reading His Words. They will be making the connections spiritually, using the same visuals, symbols, themes, metaphors, parables, and a preponderance of literary devices that illuminate His Purposes, but would be heavily overburdened by having to explain every nuance.
Each time you read more of the Bible, with good intention, you should expect to grow more in your understanding, and interpretation of the scriptures, and your eyes will become ns a ormally and spiritually connected to all these intended connections. That is all a part of the Spiritual Adventure you have embarked on. . ↩︎
Note: Whenever you come upon a truth claim, Feel free to not that claim, and argue against it. Share your evidence that opposes the Truth Claim, and if interested, I would like to share the evidence that supports the truth claim. . ↩︎
“in vogue” simply mean Fashionable (hip, cool, trendy, etc.) ↩︎
It is a known fact, that the pathways in the brain are created by repeating the same thoughts (and behaviors) over and over again. The more a mental, emotional, physical or chemical habit is repeated, the harder it is to break that cycle of repetition. That’s exactly what we call the addiction cycle. ↩︎
Dr. Noel Tulipan was quoted in the Tennessean Newspaper Feb. 10, 2011, in reference to my picture. The article: “Spina Bifida Study Vindicates Vanderbilt”, by Tom Wilemon. “But it was a photograph that caused a public controversy. Michael Clancy, a freelance photographer on assignment for USA TODAY, was photographing surgery on a 21-week-old fetus in 1999 when the baby’s arm emerged from the womb. The shot was a powerful image one that abortion opponents embraced”. “I hadn’t really anticipated that was going to happen when it happened,” Tulipan said. “I tried to stay on the sidelines as far as that goes. That’s obviously yet another controversial issue. We never really got into that debate here at Vanderbilt. We really tried to sidestep that.” Dear Dr. Tulipan, You invited a photographer into your surgical suite and a miraculous moment was captured on film. This is a miracle picture and you all played a part in history being made. It’s time you all shared in the miracle. Source: http://www.michaelclancy.com/index.html . ↩︎
In the Bible, “the world” is an expression, or are euphemism, that is describing the kingdom of Satan. It is identifying, the spiritual forces of darkness at work behind the scenes, that are highly trained, highly intelligent, highly organized, and demonically inspired, by the prince of darkness, the ruler of this evil age. . ↩︎
First Israeli Holocaust/Genocide: Check this Out The Gaza Strip and Hamas and Hezbollah are not new, just ancient history repeating themselves–Ever Hear of Goliath and the Philistines?
A Genocide of Male Children:
Exodus 1:22 (KJV) And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river [drown and feed the crocodiles], and every daughter ye shall save alive. ↩︎
Molech (Milcom, also Molach), the God of the Ammonites.
Leviticus 18:21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 20:2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
Leviticus 20:3 And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.
Leviticus 20:4 And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:
Leviticus 20:5 Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.
1 Kings 11:7 Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.
2 Kings 23:10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.
Jeremiah 32:35 And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
2 Chronicles 33:6 And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
Ezekiel 16:21 That thou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them?
Numbers 21:29 Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites.
Judges 11:24 Wilt not thou possess that which Chemosh thy god giveth thee to possess? So whomsoever the LORD our God shall drive out from before us, them will we possess.
1 Kings 11:7 Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.
1 Kings 11:33 Because that they have forsaken me, and have worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the children of Ammon, and have not walked in my ways, to do that which is right in mine eyes, and to keep my statutes and my judgments, as did David his father.
2 Kings 23:13 And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile.
Jeremiah 48:7 For because thou hast trusted in thy works and in thy treasures, thou shalt also be taken: and Chemosh shall go forth into captivity with his priests and his princes together.
Jeremiah 48:13 And Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel their confidence.
Jeremiah 48:46 Woe be unto thee, O Moab! the people of Chemosh perisheth: for thy sons are taken captives, and thy daughters captives.
Make a Strong Mental Note Here: Whenever a culture departs from God’s Living Word–Bad things Happen. The further a culture departs from God’s Word, the Greater the Evil and Wicked things that they allow themselves to Do.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
A quote sometimes incorrectly attribute to George Orwell, Written by: Selwyn Duke.
Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are the only human cells that do not carry DNA. Why? RBCs lose their nucleus and DNA during development to: –Increase oxygen-carrying capacity –Enhance flexibility for traversing narrow blood vessels
Some immature RBCs, called reticulocytes, may still contain remnants of DNA.
All other human cells, including: -White Blood Cells -Platelets -Epithelial Cells -Muscle Cells -Nerve Cells All contain DNA. ↩︎
That was quite a merciful, promise. It included a gift of forgiveness offered for the repentance of the criminal acts against God, and the rebellion, and the hardhearted defiance of refusing to seek God and obey him. ↩︎
The Areopagus was the supreme court in ancient Athens. Dionysius the Areopagite, would have likely been a member of the Athenian Supreme Court. Areopagus may also refer to: Areopagus sermon, delivered there by the Apostle Paul ↩︎
It is an immortal spiritual law that: You shall become a slave to the one who you obey. ↩︎
In the King James Version of the Bible, the term “hell” is used to translate several different Hebrew and Greek words, each with slightly different connotations. Here are the primary words translated as “hell” in the KJV:
1. **Sheol**: This is the Hebrew word often translated as “hell” in the Old Testament. It generally refers to the grave or the realm of the dead, rather than a place of punishment.
2. **Hades**: This is the Greek equivalent of Sheol, used in the New Testament. It also refers to the realm of the dead.
3. **Gehenna**: This is a Greek term used in the New Testament, derived from the Hebrew “Valley of Hinnom.” It came to symbolize the place of punishment or destruction, often associated with fire.
4. **Tartarus**: This is a Greek word used once in the New Testament (2 Peter 2:4), referring specifically to a place of confinement for certain fallen angels.
These terms are translated as “hell” in the King James Version depending on the context in which they appear. Each term carries nuanced meanings within the biblical text, ranging from the grave (Sheol) to a place of punishment (Gehenna). ↩︎
Proofs for Early Dating of the Book of Revelation: 1. The Syriac Version: One compelling proof for an earlier dating of the Book of Revelation comes from The Syriac Version, specifically the Peshitto from the fourth century. The title page of this ancient version states that John received the revelation on Patmos when he was thrown there by Emperor Nero. Since Nero ruled from AD 54 to AD 68, this indicates that Revelation was written before AD 70. 2. Revelation 17:10: Internal evidence within the Book of Revelation itself provides another indicator of its early authorship date. In Revelation 17:10, there is a reference to seven kings which aligns with the succession of Roman Emperors in the first century. This passage accurately identifies Nero as one of these rulers, further supporting an early composition date for Revelation. These proofs suggest that the Apostle John was exiled to Patmos prior to AD 70 and that the Book of Revelation was likely written during this earlier period.
Other Scholars argue for a later date, under the persecution of Domitian, A.D. 94. Personally, I don’t favor that date. I foresee that the Saints needed this book to help prepare, equip, instruct, and support them, prior to the Fall of Jerusalem.
This book would have been an incredible asset to all believers during the times of destruction, persecution, and tribulation, that the Body of Christ was surely being prepared for, before that Apocalypse happened.
Therefore, I favor the earlier date. And see no reason not to trust in it, as well as, many good reasons to support it.
One big reason, is that nothing in any of the New Testament Books states that the Fall of Jerusalem has already happened. There is no direct mention of that–that I can see.
cogently: cogently | ˈkōjən(t)lē | adverb “… in a clear, logical, and convincing way: the authors have solid credentials and they cogently argue their points.” ↩︎