The Reasonings of God
(Part 1)

Come Now, and
Let Us Reason Together,
Saith the LORD:
Though your sins
Be as scarlet,
They shall be as
White as Snow;
Though they
Be red like crimson,
They shall be
as wool . . .

Written Circa 700 BC
 ~Isaiah 1:18~


[Day One]


Who can make your sins
 “White as Snow?”

Only one person can wash away your sins,
making them white as snow.


Who will take the time to sit down and
“Reason with God?”

Only the one who wants
his sins white as snow.


Who can rightfully enter into the
Reasonings of God?

Only the one who possesseth a humble spirit,
The one who hath received a teachable mind,
The one with a contrite heart.
He will never be rejected by God,
but the proud,
God knows from afar.



Though the LORD be high,
yet hath he respect unto the lowly:
but the proud he knoweth afar off.

Psalms 138:6


The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit:
a broken and a contrite heart,
O God, thou wilt not despise.
Psalms 51:17


The LORD is nigh [near] unto them
that are of a broken heart;

and [He] saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Psalms 34:18


For thus saith the high and lofty One
that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy;
I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit,
to revive the spirit of the humble,
and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Isaiah 57:15


From the above verses …  
Can we confirm that God says clearly that God will draw near to the humble? Yes?

Can we also establish that God keeps His distance away from the Proud? ( a.k.a, “also known as,” the haughty, arrogant, hard hearted, self focused, and self absorbed?)

If these verses make sense to you, count your blessings. It is the God of heaven who has given you a mind to know Him, His Word, and His Ways.

God is giving “us” (“us” = those who want to learn) His Open Invitation to “Come Now.” This is extraordinary. The God of Creation is Calling from Heaven, inviting you to have a personal session of counsel with Him individually. And the stated goal is this: “To Make Your Sins as White as Snow.”

And the general stated requirements is that you do so:

  1. Now.
  2. With a humble heart, a teachable mind, and  a contrite spirit, (broken and pierced heart, mind, and soul) which God will never despise.

If you are not exactly sure what these verses mean or how they actually apply to your very own life in this day, in this hour, count your blessings, we are going to dive into this subject in the next section (Day Two). May God bless, refresh, and eternally establish your sound understanding of these immortal and unbreakable principles in His Word (set forth through His Own  Definitions, and through His Own Eternal and Trustworthy Perspective).


If your heart is proud, and your mind is hardened against the Reasonings of God: Now is your opportunity, to change that internal reality. Now is the time to see your life through a different lens. Now is the chance to step into a new and never ending, never changing reality, one that will be with you Now, and into eternity.

The choice is a free one. It will not cost you one penny. The real things in life are given freely, without money, and without price. (Isaiah 55:1-7)

[End of Day One]

Supplemental Study Recommendations:

  1. Meditate on the Spiritual War: between God and his servants (Jesus being the Prime Example), and The Devil and his servants, by reading: John 8:1-59. (Ask yourself: Who is wanting to cast stones and why?)
  2. Memorise: Isaiah 1:18


Please Note: If you hover over any scripture address, like Isaiah 57:15, or Isaiah 1:19-20, the verse should pop up in a window, if you want to read the whole passage in context you can click on the link and it will jump to a safe website, to read the whole passage.
Hope that makes sense. It is a useful tool for your own further study. Please don’t take anything we write here as the final Word. Study each point. Make your own decision. We are called to wrestle through biblical issues to make us strong in Spirit and Truth. We may make strong statements here, but they are not all the Word of God. Trust in God’s Word and not man’s. Test every man’s word, against the Word of God and you will be kept safe.
By the way, we know some articles (the most important ones) on this website are long. Some are more like books than articles. The readings are broken up into small sections for each day. Let that not discourage you. Just read the portion you are on. Save the rest for later. Take your time. Be at ease. Enjoy the Journey. Rome wasn’t build in a day. 
Most the points are short and hopefully self explanatory. They should stand alone by themselves, even as they contribute to and build the message as a whole. By the time your finish “The Reasonings of God” Part One., you should have a strong and serious grasp on the issues facing the man, woman, or child who wants to have his or her sins made white as snow. And you should be able to clearly discern between true and false teaching on this subject, as well as true and false fellowship, a true versus a false Gospel Salvation Message, and the difference between being a doer of the the Word, or just a hearer only. And you should be introduced into the Reasonings why there is a false church with false converts, false preachers, with false church boards of elders all that hinder rather than Promote the Gospel Work of Jesus Christ. You should be able to identify a true church with truly dedicated and heavenly motivated workers, who joyously doing “The Will of the Father” just as Jesus did the Will of His father, and are not getting caught up in false religion, that does not bear the fruit of the Vine that Jesus commands us to bear, and promises to us, that we will bear his eternal fruit, with we simply choose to abide in Him. (John 15:1-9) Sadly, much if not most modern Christianity, does not do this. 

As you read, you should notice a progression of depth, and breadth, this is by design. That is something you simply cannot do when sharing a short article. And Yes, there will be repetition, this is also by design. Repetition is the Mother of learning.
May this website be of good service to you, assisting you in investigating “the Whole Counsel of God.”



[Day Two]

The Proud vs. The Humble

The Holy One (God) treats these two different types of people differently.

Should that be a surprise?

No. Of course not. If you have ever raised or carefully observed children, you know that the strong willed child needs a strong hand when being trained to go in the right direction, so that when he is old he will not depart from it.

The compliant child needs a firm but gentler hand. She could be wounded and may become fearful by the same strong hand. She will respond best to a caring compassionate and gentle hand. Where the strong willed child may likely flat out ignore a gentle hand, and possibly even despise it.

The Gospel of God (the good news) also treats different individuals differently:

It gives Law to the Proud, and Grace to the Humble. This picture will become clearer later. This is the Big Picture we will need to grasp in order to Walk with God and to become fruitful workers in His Vineyard. It will deepen your appreciation of God’s Ways and His Wisdom.


[Day Three]

Has your heart been pierced? 

That may seem like a funny question, but it is quite relevant to the topic at hand.

The Word of God sees the human heart.

God identifies your heart as either hardened or tender.

God likens your heart to the soil of the earth. Different soils need to be treated differently. That only makes sense, Right?

Hard soil needs to be pierced. It needs to be broken up. It needs a sharp steel plow and a yoke of powerful oxen to break through the hardened soil, to break up the fallow ground, to finally make it useful to the farmer, so that it can receive the seed to be planted in the soil.

If you sow any seed on hardened ground, it will lay on top of the soil and be eaten by the birds of the air.

Behold, a sower went forth to sow;
And when he sowed,
some seeds fell by the way side [the hardened soil],

and the fowls  [birds] came
and devoured them up.

Matthew 13:3-4

Mark this Down:
The fowls
 (or birds of the air), in the parables of Jesus regularly are referring to  demonic spirits, or devils. They come to devour the Good Seed which God has sown through his servants, which is the Word of God.

[Day Four]

Demons/Devils are Thieves

The demons steal “The Word” from the one who would receive it, and then replace it with their own seeds (words or  “lies”). Their words (agree with their mindset, including blasphemy), and all their lies are used to trap and enslave their victims into sin, to think and do every kind of unrighteousness. And think it is fun and cool. (Like putting others down, while lifting themselves up.)

If you’ve ever confronted a demon,
you will know this:

Devils are proud and hard hearted, deeply deceived themselves, and deeply insecure. They follow the mindset of their master.

But this is interesting: Devil’s are required by God, to obey the commands of his servants (a.k.a., his disciples: who are doers of God’s Word), in the name of Christ. This proves who is their ultimate authority. It also proves exactly how much authority has been given to the doers of God’s Word, in Jesus’ Name.

 “… Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.”   ~Luke 10:17 (KJV)

Note: The Devil is arguably the proudest, most seductive, most arrogant, most deceitful, most corrupt, greatest thief and liar, the most perverse and murderous being in the universe. 

All Satan’s servants walk in his footsteps (both devils and humans), and emulate his mindset (walking in agreement with him) each according to their different levels of lust, greed, selfishness, evil, intimidation, deception, and murderous intent.

And yet, the believer has authority over all of them, to expose and destroy their works, through the Word of God.

Luke 10:18-20 (KJV)
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. 19 Behold, I give unto you power [authority] to tread on serpents and scorpions [devils and demons], and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Now, the believer in Christ has a choice to make: Which side of this spiritual war do I want to be a part?

“Can two walk together,
except they be agreed?”

Amos 3:3 (KJV)

The answer to that question should be simple. No.

Two cannot walk together except they be agreed. Therefore, when we walk with devils, we walk in agreement with their mindset, and do the things they want us to do (sin against God). How ugly is that?

When we walk with Jesus, we do the things Jesus did upholding the Authority of Jesus, and exercising the power of Jesus, to glorify His Name.

[Day Five]

Devil’s cannot reproduce physically

… but they can reproduce Spiritually.

They do that by infecting the lives of their victims with their own thoughts and their own ways. They like to infiltrate and populate the lives of the Children of the World (men, women, and children who are unprotected by the Word of God). They reproduce their thoughts and their ways to the point that these men, women, and children of the World become like them.

They become shaped into their image–full of their thoughts and their ways, and they, in turn, strongly influence others to become like them. Such is the way of the world and those who follow the leaders of the world.

What is wrong with that?

Nothing, if the influence is good. But here’s a simple example:

Demon’s convince untrained and unprotected (unbelieving) teenagers it is cool to drink a bunch of toxic alcohol (which is literally poison in the body); then to vomit up it upon themselves. And then to have sex with a person you don’t know, don’t care about, and don’t want to see in the morning, or even want to look at. Yet, you have impregnated that person with another eternal person made in the image of God. A child was conceived in your drunken delusion, but you feel no remorse, and take no responsibility for your actions, because you have this ignorant excuse: “Everybody is Doing it!”     
           On top of that, you get an incurable sexually transmitted disease. On top of that, chances are high that in nine months, or sooner, you will likely have contributed to the murder of one of God’s Holy Children, One who sees the face of His Holy Angels (Matthew 18:10-11). And you call this your idea of fun? And many ignorant souls believe this is fun and “cool” for the rest of their lives.
          “Party on!”

Where does one ever get such a perverse idea?

I only know of one such place, and from one such a person, who would teach and train people to enter into one such an ignorant and demonically evil mindset and lifestyle.
          The icing on the cake? They have the nerve to call this fun, or good, or desirable in any way. Only one person would advise and promote such behavior as acceptable.    
           Only one person who has no depth of character, nor sense of personal, nor social honor, and has no concept of personal responsibility, nor commitment to be kind, loving, honest, truthful, or upright in any moral kind of wholistic life paradigm. Who would teach such activities as being fun? Only One Person.

John 10:10 (KJV)
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy

As you can see the Word of God is not unclear. It has no deception about what the evil one is about, and why he wants his thoughts and his ways to be reproduced in the lives of those who will follow him, who will be made into his image. He wants their final destruction. Thankfully, Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work. (I John 3:8) But the work of the Cross is only effectual to those who will follow Him.

These same devils can also reproduce their proud thoughts and proud ways into the mindsets of the children of God: to any and all who have not protected themselves by Not Entering into the Reasonings of God.  The Children of God who are unprotected by the Word of God, and the Eternal laws of God, are just as vulnerable to deception and falsehood as the children of the world. That is a scary thought.

Therefore, it is the duty, and imperative responsibility for every child of God to be fully trained and discipled in learning the Word of God (not the word of a preacher, not the word of an evangelist, not the word of a university professor, not the word of a self-help guru, but the very Word of God.)

Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth
out of the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4 (KJV)

Those who follow the above earnest directive will always remain protected, but every stray sheep who wanders from God’s Word, to the degree that they wander, will be the degree that they will remain unprotected, and vulnerable to enemy attack.

The Word of God proclaims this is the state of affairs in the large majority of people on the earth (of those who have not been pierced by the word of God), they have wandered away from God’s Word.

The Word of God proclaims this mindset comes from “the wide road” that leads us to destruction. Anyone following the wide road is actually following the Leader of the people and demons who are also in agreement following the wide road:

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait  gate [narrow gate]: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait [narrow] is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Did you catch that? This statement is most alarming. Millions and Billions of people are walking the wide road. How many do you know are truly, daily, hourly, following the narrow road? Few there be that find it! This is a serious issue that takes a serious mind and a serious look into what is happening in yourself, and in those around you. Eternity hangs in the balance, and ignorance of the deciding factors is not a valid or acceptable excuse, when we have had our entire lives setup to be able to learn all that we need to know and need to do to get our lives straight on the narrow road.

In other words, many are hounded by the hounds of hell, though they know it not, because they walk in agreement with them. This is not a good situation.

If that is not a scary thought,
I don’t know what is.

And that is actually the plan of the enemy, to keep unsaved people at an arms length from God, unprotected by the Word of God, walking in agreement with the devil’s of hell.

People think it only natural that they should reject the Word of God (it feels natural, good, and right to them). It feels best to disregard God’s Word and blaspheme his name, mock his Word, scoff at his servants, and hate his Law.

Note: Even though many proclaim, they don’t even believe in God, yet they still blaspheme His Name. Why is that?

[Day Six]

How does Blasphemy even make sense?

Unbelievers blaspheming God’s Name would make no sense at all, apart from understanding that this is coming from the mindset of the number one blasphemer himself, the Lord and Ruler over all the demons (and all those humans who walk in agreement with him, who willingly carry his image into the world): Satan himself.

Those who walk in agreement with the kingdom of darkness, share the mindset of that darkness. And they prove it by the words they that come out of their mouths, the evidence is clear, sometimes everyday, sometimes every hour of the day. (How many people do you know that are like that? Can you picture their faces before you right now?)

Think about that …
Have you ever used God’s Name in Vain?

If you have that is a devastating symptom of an even far greater problem that needs to be addressed, and will be addressed as you continue reading.

Those who blaspheme God’s Name, share the verbiage, the attitudes, the language and the vocabulary of that anti-God mindset.

One of the clearest indicators of that mindset is the spirit of blasphemy.

The mouth speaks out of the overflow of the heart.

[Day Seven]

Where does evil verbiage* come from?

[*Verbiage: (2) manner of expressing oneself in words : diction, choice of words, phrasing, style, manner of speech.]

It comes from the heart. How did it get there? Through walking in agreement with the darkness.

Matthew 12:34-37 (KJV)
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.  A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

God’s blasphemers cannot be bothered with honoring God’s Rules, nor God’s Ways, nor God’s Word, nor God’s Name, nor God’s Law, that was designed to protect them. Why? Because they are too busy walking in agreement with the Evil One. How sad it that? How wrong is that? 

How detrimental would that be in your life right now?
How unbelievably destructive will in be in your eternal future?

The fact that you use God’s Holy Name as a curse word, is proof that your heart has been impregnated with the demon seed (the lies, attitude and mindset of the devil). Those who walk in darkness listen to the enemy’s voice. And after listening to his voice, a person will demonstrate it by his actions. He will follow in his footsteps. He will obey his counsel, and follow his direction. The proof? It comes right out of his own mouth.

You can easily identify this by the curses a person speaks. and the attitudes one holds in his conversation. What one speaks, will quickly identify what fills one’s mind.

If the seeds of darkness have taken root, they will grow up like noxious weeds. These seeds are flourishing and reproducing, all over the world, all around us, and inside of us. Just exactly as God’s Word so accurately and concisely proclaims.

How can we know the demon seeds have sprouted, taken root, and grown up into our lives, and have infected (and affected) our mindsets, and our behaviors? Answer: By the words that come out of our mouths.

The evil fruits are easy to spot if you have entered into the Reasonings of God, you can spot them in a New York minute:

The actions (sins), the attitudes (mocking, scoffing),  the bondages (addictions), are all perfectly laid out and identified  in the Word of God. But only one with a humble and pierced heart will have the eyes to see this. (Do you see this?) 

    • To the depth you have humbled yourself and submitted yourself to the Word and Kingdom of God, that will be the degree you will have discernment, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom from above concerning these things.
    • To the degree you have embraced the teachings of man and devils (who resolutely reject the Word of God), to that degree you will walk in deception, compromise, corruption, evil, disobedience, sin, decadence, selfishness, and will not carry the light of God in its full brightness, nor will you carry out the fruitful works that God has commanded his followers to produce and reproduce over and over and over. Even one sin will dramatically hinder, if not fully block your ways, and your words, and your fruits and your works in God.

This is just the simple truth of the matter.

    1. No Sin. Produces abundant faith, power, and fruit. (Soil that produces an abundant harvest, some 100, 60, 30 times what was sown. ~Matthew 13:23)
    2. One sin. Greatly diminishes if not fully blocks our ability to perform the works of God. It creates room for Double mindedness, excuses, self justifications, lies, duplicity, to enter in to the empty space that was dedicated to the joy of obeying Jesus and doing the Will of the Father, with a full heart. (“He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.”   ~Matthew 13:22)
    3. Multiple sins. Produces seriously compromised soil and  seed. It destroys integrity, opens the door to multiple deceptions, multiple character flaws, and all kinds of foolishness and false spirituality, false worship, false fellowship, evil decadence, hypocrisy, and much worse. Of course, this is the majority context and spiritual landscape in our land, both outside the Church, and inside the church. “If your eye be bad, [not single] your whole body will be filled with darkness. And how great will that darkness be.” This person will be like the shallow soil. The word will last for a moment and then be burned up and die out, because the soil was not deep enough to sustain the seed of God.

Romans 6:20-22 (KJV)
20 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. 21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. 22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.

Can you see that everything that comes our of the mouth, comes from the heart which is either based in sin (comes from the framework), or in righteousness? There is little middle ground.

(End of Week One)

Week One: Summary/Review Questions & Answers

Some Suggested Review Questions:
1.    Who can rightly enter into the Reasonings of God and gain Acceptance and Favor from God?
2.   Who will be rejected by God who tries to Enter into His Counsel?
3.   Why does God treat different children differently?
4.   What happens to The Seed that falls upon the Hard Ground?
5.   What happens to the Word of God given to a Hard Heart?
6.   Who must the Devils submit to?
7.   How can two walk together?
8.   Where does evil verbiage come from?
9.   If I Blaspheme (use God’s name in Vain) who am I walking in agreement with?
10.  What happens to soil with virtually no sin its field?

Some Suggested Answers:
Please note: Your answer may vary, but may also be correct. The key here is not having a cookie cutter answer to a cookie cutter question, but being able to grasp the Big Picture of God’s Great Eternal Spiritual Law and how you can apply it, and live it out in your own Life in the Kingdom of God, which you will learn to walk in today, in the here and now, if you diligently study the Reasonings of God–For “Today is the Day of Salvation,” tomorrow is not promised.

1.    Only the one with a humble, contrite, broken, tender and/or pierced heart (…mind, soul, will, and spirit).
2.   The proud, hard hearted, obstinate, stubborn, narcissistic, self/ego centered person cannot receive from God.
       Therefore God only knows them from afar. (Narcissism seems like the modern plague upon American Culture.)
3.   A strong willed child needs God’s 
Law to be broken, the broken child needs God’s Grace to be encouraged.
4.   The Birds of the air (devils and demon) steal the Word of God.
5.   Once it gets stolen, it gets replaced with the mindset, lifestyle, attitudes, ideas, and lies of the Evil One.
6.   True disciples* of Christ in Jesus’ name have authority over devils. (* who are doers of the Word, and not hearers only.)
7.    By walking in agreement. A person shows his agreement by his attitudes, actions, words, thoughts, habits, and addictions. (“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.” Matthew 6:24)
8.   From the Heart. (How did it get there? By walking in agreement with devils.)
9.   Those who blaspheme have been infected with the mindset, attitude, and spiritual Life of the Great Blasphemer. For them it is a badge of honor, instead of a plague of disgrace to Blaspheme the Name of God.
10.  It produces a crop of some 100, 60, 0r 30 fold from that which was sown into it. This is the only treasure a man can take with him from this life into the next!

Thus saith the LORD,
In an acceptable time have I heard Thee,
and in A Day of Salvation have I Helped Thee:
and I will preserve Thee,
and give thee for a covenant of the people …
Isaiah 49:8 (KJV)

[When God says Thee, he means you personally.
For more on this see:]


A Grammar Note:

Thee, Thou, and Thy, and Thine is the equivalent to You, You, Your, and Yours, in the Singular form often used when God is talking to the individual directly.

Ye, You, Your, and Yours, is is the equivalent to You in the Plural Form often used when God is speaking to a Group of People.

One way to remember this: is by looking at the top of the “T” which only has one line. Then looking at the top of the “Y” which has 2 Lines (0r more than one line). Hope this is helpful to somebody. I have found it fascinating to see how often God speaks to the individual. Modern English does not have this feature or distinction, but the King James English did.

Here’s two simple short examples:

      1. John 14:9, “Have I been so long time with YOU, and yet hast THOU not known me?”
        The “You” refers to the crowd, but “Thou” is addressed specifically to only one man, Philip. 
      2. John 3:7, 11, “Marvel not that I said unto THEE, YE must be born again.”
        The message was spoken to the individual Nicodemus (“Thee“),
        but obviously has wider application to all those who desire to follow Christ (“Ye“). You will notice that replacing “thou/thee/thy/thine” with the ambiguous “you/your” does NOT clarify, but tends to muddy, the Scriptures. Just about all modern bibles replace “thou/thee/thy/thine” with the ambiguous “you/your” which replaces a clear meaning passage with a vague interpretation. So, be aware of this important distinction in the bible version you read.


A side note on this subject: Some say William Shakespeare had a working vocabulary of an estimated 54,000 words (although figures vary greatly). Today, the average American has a working vocabulary of about 3 to 5 thousand words (these figures also vary greatly). What remains un-contended is that some of us have some catching up to do when it comes to our reading comprehension, and the ability to express ourselves. (How many of us could fully enjoy the iambic pentameter, and decasyllabic structure, and blank verse, as opposed to free verse expressed in Shakespeare’s Writings?) Many would probably not easily read nor comprehend the linguistic nuances in children’s stories written in Willy’s day. They would likely be above our reading and vocabulary capacity. (For a fun presentation of this: see The Three Little Pigs, in King James English.) Willy died in 1616. The King James Bible was printed in 1611, five years before Willy passed on. He most assuredly read it. Shortly before that is was illegal and carried a death sentence to even own your own Bible in the native English Language. Now, how the times “they are a changing!”


[Week Two:  Day Eight]

How can I
“Walk in Darkness”?

… and in worldliness, and vanity, and carnal pleasure, and not have it affect my spiritual walk and my spiritual fruitfulness in the kingdom of God? (Answer: I can’t, and neither can you. Even the smallest compromise will affect your fruitfulness in the Kingdom of God.)

“For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death [Jesus on the Cross], we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection …” Romans 6:5 (KJV).        [… But what if we have not been planted together with Him in the Likeness of His Death?]

  • When I reject His death in my life personally, do I at the same time reject His life?

The closer a man walks in agreement with darkness, the harder will be his heart to the Light of God. That only makes sense, right?

Those who abide in darkness, will not plug into the Light of God (God’s Holy Word, even if they go to church). They cannot receive God’s Holy Seed and have no hunger to do His Works, because they are consumed with themselves. Their own mouths will proclaim this as soon as they start talking about themselves. If you have a pierced heart and an alert mind, you will see this immediately. Many are not aware of the reason, because they have refused to enter into the Reasonings of God.

“Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.”   Romans 6:6 (KJV) 

    •  What if my old man is not crucified with Him?
      • Does that mean my body of sin has not been destroyed?
      • That should be an easy question to answer. (Although not so easy for a scholar, but easy for a common person with common sense and average intelligence, who doesn’t get paid to make things complicated.)

When a person enters into the reasonings of God, they will know immediately why they were previously not interested in the light of God, and why they preferred the darkness and Spirit of Antagonism and Animosity towards God’s Holy Word, because they simply do not know.

The Spirit of Antagonism and Animosity reveals itself like a knee jerk reaction, blasphemers just have to blaspheme God’s Word and His Name. That is what they do. They can’t help themselves. This will be true for anyone walking in agreement with devils (whether they realize it or not). And the vast majority have no clue where their thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors are coming from. They are completely deceived thinking they conjured up their blasphemous ideas, values, words, anger, animosity, antagonism, and mocking attitudes all on their own. That really doesn’t make sense. And where did their friends get all the same stuff–all on their own? I don’t think so.

The truth be told they were fed these things by the servants of hell from childhood and all the way through adulthood. The older they get, the harder their heart becomes, and the greater and more permanent and irreversible the damage is done.

[Day Nine]

Scoffers feel safe scoffing

Have you ever noticed this?

Today, Scoffers feel safe scoffing at and mocking the Word of God. They even gain strength and boldness in doing so. They feel free to make wild and irrational statements that really make no sense, but sound good in their own ears, to their own minds. (Of course they will because their mindset is often one of Animosity & Antagonism from the hole of darkness against the King of Heaven. But … It just feels so natural and right to them. Why is that?

It all has to do with the position of one’s heart.

“For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also.”
Matthew 6:21 (KJV)

Can you See how the position of your heart affects
where you are going to place your treasure?

If your heart is not positioned towards heaven, then there is no commitment to speak honoring words towards God, Heaven, His Word, His People, His Kingdom, or His Name. Yes?       No commitment.

In fact, just the opposite. Many who have not positioned their hearts towards heaven, have in fact, positioned their hearts against Heaven. This is the Great Tragedy of every lost soul. By doing so they link arms with the Devil who is arguably the King of Scoffers and Mockers and the progenitor and inventor of all Demonic lies about Heaven and God. Why? Because Satan hates heaven.

Does this even make sense? To receive an accusation from a person of low reputation, low character, and unfounded (ignorant) knowledge against a person of high reputation, high character, and clear evidence of sound knowledge?

Answer: No. It doesn’t. But this happens every day, all day long. This is the basis of the Kingdom of Darkness. But where does it come from? And who can spiritually discern these things? Who is worthy to honor and grasp these sacred things?

Revelation 12:10-12 (KJV)
10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, Lucifer had it made in heaven. He was something like second in Command next to God. Everything was going great for him, like I said he had it made. That is … until he wanted to over throw the Power of God, and put himself in God’s Place, and he made a play for God’s Throne. And all sin and all evil are a result to his failed attempt. (See Isaiah 14:12-16; and Ezekiel 28:12-19)

What Satan discovered in the process is that he greatly over estimated his own abilities, and vastly underestimated God’s. Though Satan was incredibly gifted, clever, and ingenious, he couldn’t touch a candle to God, though he didn’t at all know that at the time, and he still doesn’t seem to get it.

Though God is a humble servant by nature, serving all of his creation, He is also a terrible Warrior, when need be, able to exercise swift and horrific judgment, able to vanquish any foe with a single word.

This Satan did not discover until is was too late for him, and for the third of the angels he deceived into following his insane suicide mission. 

So as a result, Satan hates heaven. He scoffs, scorns, mocks and speaks shamefully about the Lord of Heaven and Earth, who is still Lord over Satan and all his fallen angels. God allows these fallen beings to test the sons of men, to see and expose what is in their hearts, but only for a short time. Once everyone has been exposed and ALL have made their decision about whom they are going to follow, Satan’s work will be finished, and his punishment will be permanent along with anyone who has chosen to follow in his footsteps.

Our nature as human beings is a strange one, we all think we are good, but we judge ourselves by our own standards. It is not until the hard heart is broken and exposed to the Laws that Govern Heaven, that we actually see how far short we fall from God’s Standard. But when a man does not measure up to what is right, he seems to know that in his conscience, and instead of humbling himself and seeking God’s grace, forgiveness, and favor, the man with an unbroken heart turns against God and scoffs and mocks and belittles God’s Glorious Nature, Calling, Word, and Kingdom, he even goes so far as to scornfully damn God’s Name.

 I suppose that is why the Word of God calls them scoffers.

to scoff | skôf | to speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way: [with direct speech] : “You, a scientist?” he scoffed. A person who mocks or makes fun of someone or something, often of religion or moral values: “We need courage when facing scoffers who jeer at our faith …” 

Proverbs 9:7-12 (KJV)
7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame:
and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee:
Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser:
teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:
and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
11 For by me thy days shall be multiplied,
and the years of thy life shall be increased.
12 If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself:
but if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it.

Men who scorn, mock, scoff and “damn God” have their loyalties are turned upside down from heaven to hell, so are their values turned upside down. What God says is evil, the scoffer says is “good.” What God says is good, the mocker says is “bad.” And the animosity just comes freely to them. They just feel safe and comfortable while walking in agreement with the devil, the deceiver. How twisted is that?

Believe it or not, this incredibly sticky and evil antagonism sticks itself to most people (everyone not protected by God’s Word, which are a small minority, just as God clearly shows us). This perverse animosity has been brewed up in the pits of evil and hell. It has been carefully crafted, and ingeniously designed to shield the unbeliever from the Word of God. This plan has been effective for centuries, except where the people have prepared their hearts (to become humble and pierced) in order to receive the Word of God.


[Day Ten]

How do I stop
“Walking in Darkness”?

“For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be [planted] also in the likeness of his resurrection …” Romans 6:5 (KJV)

    • When I accept his death in my life personally, at the same time I accept his life.

As you may well know, this is not an instant “Shake and Bake Formula.” Dying to self and Living for Christ is a daily, no hourly, no minute by minute process.

There is no instant recipe for success. There are not: Seven Steps to Spiritual Supremacy.  

Jesus spent three and a half years with his disciples. And when he left them, he had fully planted good seeds into good soil, but it was not the case that there was any instant success. They understood the nature, and the power, and the seduction, of the War they were involved in.

They all knew that a powerful prayer life with God was essential. Listening and obeying the Voice of God was not a personal preference. It was a command. Disciplining the Mind, the Body, the Will, the Emotions, to bend to the Word of God, the Will of God, the Plan, Purpose, and Power of God, was a daily choice, that had to be made. Each and every disciple will be sifted, tested, shaken, and exposed in every area of weakness, fear, doubt, insecurity, and selfish willful way they had lived in the past and needed to be trained and disciplined to think and do differently in the future. They had to daily choose (under the threat of punishment and death) to walk God’s Narrow Way, or abandon God’s Way for the Broad Highway of the World, even as Judas Iscariot did.

They all knew this Way was not easy. Each one knew personally, through personal experience, through trial and error, through making some grave mistakes, speaking some wrongful words, from having to change and remove  some wrongful beliefs.

They learned that some false ideas, and false beliefs are more stubborn than others and slower to die, but if the disciple is willing and obedient to the Word of God and the Spirit of God (not the voice of man), in the end, he will become a fruitful witness, a heavenly minded, and earthly good, servant of the Most High God.

The closer a man walks in agreement with God’s Kingdom of Light, the more tender his heart will become, and the Greater the Light of God will shine through Him. That only makes sense, right?

[Day Eleven]

How does the Church
“Walk in Darkness”?

[I apologize upfront, this section is a bit longer than normal. Hold tight there are some short one ahead to make up for it.]

For several centuries officially established Government regulated Churches throughout Europe, made it illegal to have the Word of God written or printed in the language of the common people (in both Catholic and Protestant Churches). Is that a shocking revelation? It was to me! If you want to know what is wrong with our world and what we need to do to fix it, we need to begin right here. Know your history. Do not be deceived. Do not be deluded. 

Can a man walk with God in an intense and disciplined way while being trained up in a Church System that is centuries deep in deception, corruption, compromise, and complacency, and not be infected himself?  I don’t think so. Do you?

Judgment begins in the House of God, America!

1 Peter 4:17-18 (KJV)
17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Multitudes of Believers have been tortured, imprisoned, burned at the stake, and worse, for writing, translating, printing, transporting, or even owning the Word of God in their own language. (And this is still happening today.) This has happened in Both Protestant Churches and Catholic Churches and their countries. The fight against God’s Word is in every country of the world. And it is in every church, in every church board of directors, every elders board, the enemy is doing everything possible to hinder the work and power of God’s Word to reach God’s People, but brave and stout men and women will not be dissuaded. (See: Foxes Book of Martyrs)

Also note: that both Protestant and Catholic officials have ordered the slaughter of believers peacefully living in villages practicing their religion according to their own conscience and belief (that is why many came to America, to escape the Evil of Governments and ungodly demonically directed churches in Europe who they themselves did not obey the Word of God, nor the Spirit of God, nor the Plan, Purpose, Power, nor the Will of God. As such, they condemn themselves, and remain condemned, and so do all who will follow in their footsteps.

Now, when you stand up to be counted on as a witness to the Church, will you be accepted or rejected? Chances are likely you will be rejected. Why?  Because church leaders feel threatened. If they are wise, they will receive a rebuke, a correction, a reproof, but if the leadership be filled with scorners: 

7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame:
and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee:
Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

Sadly, church leadership is not often known for its wisdom (but more for its insecurity and its politics). Many are foolish by not giving their first and foremost loyalty and priority to Jesus. Instead, locals church leadership gives their allegiance to their local governments, their local synods, their cardinal’s, bishops, and hierarchy.

Have you ever noticed:
When a men feels threatened,
He acts like a devil?

Modern Church Politics are based on the same paradigm in the Protestant Church as in the Catholic Churches, which are run by political officials inside and outside the church. 

Mark this Down: Modern church government is based on the same system of division used during Protestant Reformation.

The Clergy vs. The Laity. This is not a biblical model. It is based on the same system used in the Catholic system of Church Government, which officially departed from the true model of Church Government 16 centuries ago. The pure and powerful life of the Early Church, has been corrupted ever since the fourth century A.D., under Constantine the true corrupter of the Church, by basing her government on man centered politics, as it is to this day.

Know the difference between a Church Run by God, and a church run by man?

If you want to know why the church (run by men) is corrupt, you can begin by investigating Church History, and the evils done through corrupt politicians who used the church (run by men, and not run by God–see Matthew 12:24-30; 37-43) for their perverse political agendas (as they are doing so today). These evil cohorts were being driven by a much more devious and malicious fiend. 

If anyone is not protected by the Law of God, they will quickly fall  prey to these enemies.

This happened in America when “they” threw the Word of God out of public school education, and opened the door for every demon of lust, greed, perversion, violence, addiction, and spirit of confusion to enter into the American School System. And the church run by men in America just let them. They said nothing. Did nothing. Accomplished nothing. They abdicated their leadership to worldly authority and evil.

The result: Schools are being forced to create new bathrooms for confused individuals. Men are beating women in competition in sports and be praised for it. Men and women can enter the Military and get a free sex change on government funding, because they no longer believe they are who God made them to be. They believe to be happy, they have to be sexually changed into somebody different than they are.

And the devils are cajoling and celebrating over every twisted, deceived, and confused one of them. These are the poster children of Hell’s Delusions. And our generation has made this possible. This is all happening right before our very eyes, but the majority of the population is completely blind and ignorant to what is happening. And the church run by men are supporting this great advancement in human evolution.

Now guess how many of these people have been “truly” raised on the Word of God, and have a true and secure understanding of who they are? None.

What Causes Morality to Plummet?

Since our departure from God’s Word as a society, our morality has plummeted, our crime and evil have sky rocketed, across all levels of society. Today, the spirit of confusion is so great that a child cannot even know or understand whether he is male or female? And our public school teachers are encouraging and infecting our youth with these ideas, paid for by our own tax dollars. How twisted is that? And the demons of hell are all laughing out loud at America. They know exactly what they are doing. And they are using deceived and demonic people to accomplish their goals.

And Yes. God is allowing men’s hearts to be revealed for what they really are.

[Don’t believe this? Check out the facts. These statistics don’t lie. They tell the very story in sheer numbers, that is being declared here.]

God sowed the seed of His Word into the American Population and God greatly blessed the American People for many generations, but modern American Culture has rejected the Word of God, and has replaced it with the Word of Man (the teachings, mindsets, values, attitudes, and lifestyles that Satan has sown in our society). As a result, America as a Nation is under the Curse and Wrath of God. And she is increasing her guilt and shame, her evil and lusts, her impurity and her uncleanness has become her downfall.

In other words, the Word of God has been stolen from the children of America, and Americans are paying a heavy price for it. This is what happens to any culture or people who reject the Word of God.

This interpretation comes directly from Jesus himself:

 Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.
When any one heareth the word of the kingdom,
and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one,
and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart.
This is he which received seed by the way [road] side…
Matthew 13:18-19


[Day Twelve]

America no longer has a pierced Heart

America no longer has a pierced Heart

Why is that?           [Answer: She has had the Word of God stolen from Her! Why? Because Her leaders have rejected the Word of God, and replaced it with the Words of Men and Demons. The Word of God has been stolen and supplanted by the delusions of hell.]

How can you tell?     [Answer: Because She no longer obeys the Word of God, but She quickly agrees with the Word of Demons.]

Where does the Problem Lie?      [Answer: In the Heart of Her church. As go the churches, so goes Society. As the church falls into compromise, so does the society that surrounds it. The Church is called to be the Salt of the Earth. Salt is a preservative. She is Called to be the Light of the World. Light reveals Darkness. Light Exposes EVIL. But the church has fallen asleep at the wheel. She has not stood in the Gap, but rather has invited the Gap to Grow Bigger, Wider, Broader, inviting Sin, Devils, and Evil to set up camp inside of her House!

If She does not walk in the Way, how can she show us The Way?  When She herself is not following God’s Word, nor God’s Spirit, nor Doing the Will of the Father–How could She be showing “The Way”? If she is not obeying God’s Word: what else could She be doing? Answer: She can only be following the voice, plan, work of another.]

In other words, The proud heart of man has invaded our National Church Leadership. It has compromised both the message and the Life of God. It has invited the World into the Church. This has diluted Her influence Over the Evil in the World. The Love of Mammon has entered the Church. Greed and Lust plague our pulpits. The Love of The Praise of Men has entered the Church (political correctness, and the fear to expose and correct the LGBTQ+ community and their aggressive attack on our children, the fear to address and correct the Abortion Mill (the daily/hourly murdering of American Babies); the fear to expose and reject the false Ecumenical Agenda of the One World Religion Movement: the fear to expose and correct to politically powerful and corrupt officials, industry leaders, Hollywood, and the Wicked Music Industry infecting our World, the fear to expose and correct the Churches own false government and corrupt leaders (but rather tries to embrace these false people and their false ways, calling it Love. And the list goes on and on.

The Church wrongly supports: A False Worldly, Sin Friendly, Self Focused Gospel; A False Feeling Based Fellowship; A False Emotional Based Sensual Worship Service; False Worldly Based Forms of Self Promotion (Marketing, Advertising, Raffle Ticket Fellowship, Easter egg hunts, Halloween, and Christmas based advertising, Not Promoting the Pure Gospel of Christ: that brings Power Over Sin, Power over Devils, Power Over Worldly, Carnal, Lustful, Evil, Desires, Entertainments, and Gluttonous fellowship.)

The 501c3 Church in America has by and large entered into a Covenant with government officials and hacks who make public policy, and have placed the evil men who fund them, in authority over them. They are not allowed to speak out against the evil political leaders, or the evil political agendas in our society today. Therefore, the Church is no longer separated from the State, but is obedient and submissive to the State. They are submitted to the Evil men who make public policy and legal decisions against the Word of God. These men promote and instigate wicked social programing and block the Word of God to bring, mental health, emotional maturity, self control, social stability, internal strength, wisdom, power and genuine love, care, compassion, and truth to the people in the world. These opposers to the Word of God have no room in their heart or mindset, for the reasonings of God, because they refuse to have their hearts pierced by the Word of God (aka, “the sword of the Spirit”; Hebrews 4:12; Ephesians 6:17).

Therefore, America continues to have a hard heart (as opposed to a broken heart, a pierced heart). America also has a proud mind (as opposed to a humble one), and also a rebellious spirit (as opposed to a contrite spirit).

The result is Her iniquities increase. Many top leaders and top officials, and top tear businessmen who are the movers and shakers in this world are pedophiles, occultists, satanists, and worse. Their stated goal is to reduce the population of the earth to under 1 billion people, through their own perverted programs. Eliminating people as they see fit. (Much like Nazi Germany’s vision of racial and social cleansing.) There is nothing new under the sun. And history continues to repeat itself, because the forces behind history have not changed their agendas.

As a result, the proud man will remain unteachable in the Ways of God, and far from the Word of God. As a result, he will be bound to the darkness that clings to him, and again, this will be clearly evident by his speech and actions. 

For this reason, he shall exalt his own thoughts above those of God. Where did he get this mindset? From the Evil One. 

Does this help explain why America no longer has a pierce heart?

Does it explain how an unbeliever in God will freely speak blasphemy about the name of God, even when he proclaims he doesn’t even believe in God? If not, let’s dig a little deeper.

(Day Thirteen)

Why does the Proud man have no room in all of his thoughts for God?

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance,
will not seek after God:
God is not in all his thoughts.
Psalms 10:4

In other words, “the proud” (aka “the wicked”) man has made no room in his thoughts for God, nor for the Reasonings of God, nor for the Counsel of God, nor especially for the Law of God, due to the pride of his own countenance.

The proud man is not concerned about eternity, his primary focus is servicing his pleasures and his fancies to the maximum, right here, right now (aka “Living Life to the Fullest.”

How often do men conceive that Living Life to the Fullest  means drawing close to God, and sharing the Gospel of God with the Lost, or sustaining or protecting the rights and lives of persecuted Christians, or serving food to the poor and broken?–more on that later).

Where does this proud countenance and mindset come from?

Answer: Downunder. (And not Australia.)

More on this in the next section.

How can two people, born in the same home,
have such polar opposite ideas about God,
His Kingdom, His Honor, His Life, and His Work?

(Day Fourteen)

The Difference between Condemnation and Conviction

[A two part study comparing Abel to Cain]

Conviction Leads: The Heart of ABEL

One man will position himself to live under the spirit of Conviction.

The man with a pierced heart will be able to come under the conviction of God. Due to the brokenness of his soil, the seed in the Word of God can penetrate his heart.

That is, every area of his heart that has been broken up and prepared by the Man, to receive the seed of the word of the Lord.

Any area of a man’s heart, that he holds back from God, will remain like unplowed ground, and not be able to receive the word of God. This leaves a man open to many deceptions. 

The seed of the word of God, will only be able to work in Ground that has been broken up. Wherever the ground is hard and dry, the seed of God will not be able to do its perfect work.

Whenever the heart is open before God, the word of God is able to convict a man of his wrong doings, (and to lead him into his Right Doings). It can cause him to feel remorse and to repent. It can guide him in the right way, overcoming sin, lies, and deception. Conviction will quickly identify malevolence, maliciousness, lasciviousness, and worse. A man who is training his heart, mind, body, will, and spirit to do the Will of God from the heart, will be blessed in what He does.  

The seed or word empowered by the Voice and Spirit of God can and will teach a man:

  1. How to love his neighbor,
  2. How to even love his enemy (which otherwise would be impossible to do without the power in the Love provided in the Word and Spirit of God).,
  3. How to overcome the Evil One,
  4. How to destroy the devil’s works,
  5. How to bind the strongman,
  6. How to plunder his house,
  7. How to put on the full armor of God, 
  8. How to pull down ENEMY strongholds with God’s spiritual armory of weapons.


Because of a man’s humble spirit of repentance and conviction, he himself will turn away from evil, and choose to do what is right in the sight of God. No one will be able to force or coerce him.

Like Abel: he will make his choices out of his own free will. And he will be blessed for his own personal righteous decisions. 

Wash you, [wash yourself]
Make you clean [make yourself clean];
Put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes;
Cease to do evil; [stop choosing evil]
Learn to do well; [educate yourself in God’s word]
Seek judgment, [understand righteous judgment]
Relieve the oppressed, [this is what God commands]

Judge the fatherless, [help the fatherless orphans]
Plead for the widow. [Support and assist the widow]
     ~Isaiah 1:16-17 (KJV)

The New Testament teaches:

James 1:27 (KJV)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

When a man has entered into a Blood Covenant Relationship with God, he comes under the Conviction of God, because he has opened his heart to God. Since he has entered into a Blood Covenant Relationship with God, he has given God permission to correct and redirect his wayward selfish ways, by daily speaking to him through his conscience.

In other words, the humble man with a contrite spirit has already invited God to convict him of his wrong doings, to guide him in the Way that is Right, and to turn him around when he veers off the “straight and narrow,” the “holy and blessed,” perfect and true, Path of God.

Abel, the second son of Adam, (the brother of Cain) was a perfect example of a  true Blood Covenant worshipper of God. A man who had his heart pierced by the Word of God, and made his ways, and Life acceptable to God, and God blessed, and accepted and enriched Abel’s life.

Abel lived under the convictions of God and thereby avoided  evil–especially the evil his brother Cain fell into.

As a result, Abel became a prophet of God who lived by the spirit of God, and the truth of God, through a pure conscience. His brother Cain did not live this way.

Abel became the first martyr in human history for his faith. His blood was spilt on the ground by the spirit of jealousy, and murder, and a wicked hatefilled religious spirit, that entered into Cain, and began controlling Cain’s thoughts feelings, emotions, and will.


That stronghold in Cain created a hardened heart, and a blockade, an impenetrable spiritual wall around Cain’s mind, so that he could not even pay attention to the Reasonings of God, even after God went and spoke directly to Cain. (Read God’s Testimony for yourself: Genesis 4:1-8, especially pay careful attention to verse 7.)

How many people do you know that have the same spiritual blockade around their own minds? You can easily tell by their hostility to the Word of God, the Gospel Message, and anything to do with the Spirit of God challenging them to enter into the Reasonings of God.

These people live not under the free control of the Spirit, but under the vicious control the Flesh. And to be honest they are not only a danger to others, they are a danger unto themselves. I know. [I was one of them, not too long ago.]

Now, lets meet the poster child for the one who does not have a pierced and humble, contrite and broken, receptive and tender heart to the Word of God.

(End of Week Two)

Week Two: Summary/Review Questions & Answers

Some Suggested Review Questions:
1.   What happens when our old man is crucified with Christ? ,
2.   Why do Mockers and Scoffers feel safe ridiculing the Sacred things of God, especially God’s Name?
3.   How do I stop “Walking in Darkness”?
4.   How does the Church “Walk in Darkness”?
5.   Why does America no longer has a pierced Heart?
6.   Why does the Proud man have no room in all of his thoughts for God?
7.   Where does the conviction of God lead you?

Some Suggested Answers:
Please note: Again, Your answers will likely vary and may also be right.

1.   When your old man of sin is crucified with Christ, your body of sin will be destroyed.
2.   Scoffers choose to Mock God due to the position of their heart. Their treasure is not be stored up in heaven, so they have no commitment to honor God, nor His Word, nor His Name, in fact they feel compelled to mock him, due to their union with the “king of mockery.” (And you can hear them do this on a daily basis.)
3.   When I accept the death of Christ into my life, that it was performed for me personally: death, darkness, sin, and evil, no longer have a hold on me.
4.   The local church often walks in darkness in Several Ways, Your answers may vary. My answers are listed in order of my checklist of priorities: The local church leadership:  1) Has not made Christ the head of the Church. 2) Has not made the Holy Spirit, the Lead Counselor, and Guide to the Church, therefore the local church is not submitted to God the Father, nor Jesus  the Son, through the Spirit. In other words, the local church has placed men in positions of authority, and leadership, who are not submitted to Word of God, The Great Commission, the Work of Evangelism reaching the lost, the taking care of the Saints, the healing of the sick, the discipleship process teaching men, women, and children to become doers of the Word, teaching them how to teach, preach, and do mighty works through the mighty working power of the Spirit of Christ, who raised Jesus from the Dead, and has called the Church to live in resurrection Power and Life. Instead, the church is run by programs that have been written by men, and are taught by other men, for a fee, but the Gospel in all of its power and authority does not ever need to become a man centered program. When souls are being saved on a daily basis, who has time for a program. We need laborers who have been raised up by the Spirit of God, and the Word of God, to be directed by the power and authority of God, and in that fellowship, there will never be a dull moment. 3) The church is submitted to the Local Government and the State, which tells the church what they can and cannot speak about in the Church, because they have chosen the 501c3 tax status, to get many tax benefits. That institution is serving man, and an ungodly government, before it is serving God. 4) The local church is run by Mammon. In other, words the church is a business. The Goal is to make money, pay the bills, pay the pastor, the staff, the leaders, the workers, etc. 5) The local church is not setup like a family with the priority to take care for, know personally, nurture, nourish, and train up, every member in the Body to be an effective worker in the Kingdom of God through their deep and abiding, holy and pure, faithful and true, righteous personal and intimate relationships, that together bring Glory to God. (We will cover several of these points in future lessons.) 
5.    America no longer has a pierced heart, because the Church no longer has a pierced heart. The Church is called to be the Salt that is to preserve the righteousness of God among the people, but the church has sold herself out like a prostitute. She is no longer living Crucified Life of Christ, nor Keeping the Commandments of God, nor being a doer of God’s Word. She is playing church, and has fallen down on the job. Therefore, She is not bearing the fruit of being attached to the Vine, and is in danger of being cut off the Vine, if it has not already happened. (For more understanding about how the church is in real trouble Read: Revelation 2 & 3, both chapters.)
6.   Why does the Proud man have no room in all of his thoughts for God? He is too busy. He has other priorities. He is very busy following his own way. His own plans. (Much like Cain.) He doesn’t have time for God. He doesn’t care about God or about his life after death. Why? Because he is too busy serving the world, the flesh, and the devil, right now!
7.   The conviction of God leads you into God’s Presence, God’s Righteousness, God’s Awareness, God’s Sensitivity, to Know and understand God’s Judgments, and God’s Ways, and to keep God’s Commandments, and it teaches you how to live them out. And in so doing you receive great Joy, Honor, Blessing, Praise, Thanksgiving, Trust, Hope, Love, Faithfulness, in your Walk in Agreement with God. But every time you break away from the conviction of God, you damage your relationship with God and His Kingdom.

Thus saith the LORD,
In an acceptable time have I heard Thee,
and in A Day of Salvation have I Helped Thee:
and I will preserve Thee,
and give thee for a covenant of the people …
Isaiah 49:8 (KJV)

[When God says Thee, he means you personally.
For more on this see:]



[Week Three: Day Fifteen]

Condemnation Drives: The Heart of CAIN

Another man will position himself to live under the spirit of condemnation. 

This is a man who lives without a pierced heart. He has a hard heart, a forehead of flint, and a neck of steel. He wants to follow his own direction. Go his own way.

He is not able to receive the thoughts of God, nor any of the Words of God that counter his own personal plans and pleasures. This man may even be religious, but without a pierced heart he is without the light of God or the Spirit of God directing him. 

This is the man who will come quickly under condemnation, and will run from God’s Law as fast as he can. Like a thief running away from a policeman as fast as he can. 

Mark this down: The Law is only condemning to those who refuse to obey it. The word transgression means to walk or cross over the line, to transgress the given boundary.

God has given us many healthy set boundaries that are not to be transgressed. When a man willingly and rebelliously decides to transgress a law or boundary that God has set for the goodness, virtue, protection, provision, and happiness of his children, that man sets himself up to be under the condemnation of God.

A Side Note: God is not just interested in satisfying the selfish pleasures of a few, (who want to lord it over the many) to the detriment of ALL. In fact, His life and example is based on the exact opposite.  God is fully invested into the fulfillment of ALL His blessed and precious children (showing no favoritism, no impartiality, not ever. And God himself lives under the same Law that He has applied to Us. It is the same laws today, that will be established for Eternity. Once you grasp this it will change the way you think and behave, and in the way you honor yourself, others, and most importantly, how you honor God and His Word.

How should the Law affect our Conscience?

A simple example: If the law says to drive 15 miles an hour in front of the loading zone for the Institute for Blind Children, and you drive through at 50 miles an hour. You have transgressed the law. You have crossed over an invisible line. You have put yourself and blind children at risk of danger that the law was designed to protect.

In other words: You have lifted up your selfish interest above the interests and safety of others. You have become arrogant, as well as, dangerous to self and others. You have set yourself up for failure, and you could likely cause the death or severe injury of an innocent blind child. As a result, You have condemned yourself. You have placed yourself under condemnation, that will be marked down in your eternal account with God. You will be cursed for your unrighteous behavior.

This was the attitude, mindset, behavior, and judgment of Cain when God came to him to warn him of the perilous danger Cain was in. [This is the same mindset of an addicted homosexual {or heterosexual} with the AIDS virus, more on this later.]

Due to a spirit of jealousy working evil in the core of Cain’s heart, Cain was walking in agreement with the Devil. Cain did not offer an acceptable offering to God, due to the pride of his own heart, and because he was rejected by God, and his brother was accepted by God, jealousy and anger filled the heart of Cain. As a result that anger boiled over and developed into a spirit of rage and murder, which would not be denied.

James 1:13-15 (KJV)
13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

This was the way and pattern of Cain, the first murderer in the History of the World. Because he chose to reject living under the Spirit of Conviction, he came to live under the Spirit of Condemnation.

Read the whole story for yourself: Genesis 4:1-15.

[Day Sixteen]

Bending your will to the will of God

If you have a pierced heart: when you read the 15 mph sign correctly, you will immediately and accurately,  understand and discern the reason for the law. You will quickly comply and slow down to 15 miles per hour or less, knowing that blind children’s lives are at risk. Now you can see them walking to and fro from their parent’s vehicles to their various classrooms. And you will have joy in your heart that you saw the sign and paid attention to the message, and did what your inner conscience convicted you to do. You will feel the delight of God due to your obedience, and enjoy the sense of acceptance and his approval of your righteous decision. 

You will have convicted yourself. You have willingly received the conviction to do the right thing by the law, and by your very own conscience. You have placed yourself under conviction, and have stayed within the righteous values of the Law, and your commendation (and not condemnation) will come from God, and you will be blessed by your righteous behavior.

Your New Man, the One that was Raised with Christ, and will be seated with Christ in Heavenly Places, rejoices to do the Will of God. 

Ephesians 4:17-32 (KJV)
17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, 18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: 19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
          20 But ye have not so learned Christ; 21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: 22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
          25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil. 28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. 29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.


[Day Seventeen]

Who will seek God? 

Who learn God’s ways?

Only the one who wants to be near to God.

Who will seek God the Heavenly Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of Moses, David, and Daniel, the God of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the God of Abel, Noah, and Elijah? The God who created the heavens and the earth, and everything in them? 

Only he who wants to have clean hands and a pure heart.

Psalms 24:1, 3-5 (KJV)
1 The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof;
the world, and they that dwell therein.

3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD?
or who shall stand in his holy place?
4 He that hath clean hands,
and a pure heart;

who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity,
nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD,
and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

These things we are talking about are holy and sacred things. They are beyond words to describe. They are experienced by those who walk in a continual Blood Covenant Relationship with the Holy God of Heaven.

If someone does not understand these things, it is no wonder. If they mock, scoff, lambaste, deride and shame the precious things of God, it is no wonder. Clearly their hearts are owned, controlled, and animated by another. And you will hear the thoughts, words, feelings, attitudes, and see the living evidence of all of the above very quickly if you just poke the tiger. 

[Day Eighteen]

Studying the Law of God

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.  2 Timothy 2:15-16 (KJV

When a man studies the Law of God, he learns much about God’s protection, God’s provision, and God’s intention to bless his children, not only in the short term, but also most importantly, in the long term, from one generation to the next, and into all of eternity. (Leviticus 26:3–13, Deuteronomy 28:1-14)

God’s Law operates on a simple two step, powerful, and effective training plan: 1) Blessings for Obedience. 2) Curses (Punishments and Judgments) for Disobedience.

It is the same plan of action used by every Good Father, who will take the time to train up a child in the way he should go, so that when he is old he will not depart from it.

The Truth be Told: it is God’s intention to bless every generation of God’s Children, forever, and ever, and ever, and ever. He has designed His laws to endure unto eternity.

The only problem is He cannot Bless Disobedience. He cannot bless or condone Evil. That would make Him Evil.

Studying God’s Law allows us to enter into the Reasonings of God. This teaches us to discern good from evil, wickedness from righteousness, folly from wisdom, truth from error. These teach us to reject lust, greed, and selfishness, and to pursue purity, generosity, and selflessness, and how to meet the needs of those in our community, and these lead us into a life blessed by God’s Holiness.

[Day Nineteen]

What can the Law of God do for us?

Blessed are they which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:6 (KJV)

Those who desire to obtain God’s goodness, must seek to be filled with his righteousness, for God’s goodness is married to his righteousness, and the two can never be divorced.

Many who claim to walk in God’s goodness, but don’t pursue his righteousness are fake witnesses. If a person wants God’s goodness, he must seek after God’s righteousness, and then he will be filled with both.

What is righteousnes? That’s a good question: it is right standing with God. It is doing those things that God says are right and good. It is living in moral purity according to God’s Righteous Word. In short, it is being a doer of God’s Word. That is a summary of the whole counsel of God. It is learning the Law of God, with this single eye in mind: in order to do it.

For the hungry soul that desires to walk and live near to God, the Law of God is a light onto his path, and a lamp along his way (Psalms 119:105).

Psalms 19:7-14 (KJV)
7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
converting the soul:

The testimony of the LORD is sure,
making wise the simple.

8 The statutes of the LORD are right,
rejoicing the heart:

The commandment of the LORD is pure,
enlightening the eyes.

9 The fear of the LORD is clean,
enduring for ever:

The judgments of the LORD are true
and righteous altogether.

10 More to be desired are they than gold,
yea, than much fine gold:
sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned:
and in keeping of them there is great reward.

12 Who can understand his errors?
cleanse thou me from secret faults.

13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me:
then shall I be upright,
and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

14 Let the words of my mouth,
and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight,
O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

[Day Twenty]

Know anyone with a hard heart?

Do you know anyone who has rejected the word of God, and replaced it with the word of man?

If you do, you know someone with a hard heart.

Do you know someone who has not had their spiritual “ground” plowed by the sharp and piercing word of God? They often hide behind their great faith in Science, in Evolution, in Darwin, in Astro Physics, in gurus of Yoga, Eastern religion, Meditation, some ancient fad, or contemporary trend of thought, or worldly philosophy, or Conspiracy Theories, even in the world of Aliens, and Bigfoot, but they never truly investigate the Word of God, or compare their own beliefs and their religion, to the righteousness in the Kingdom of God. If they did they would be overwhelmingly convicted that the Kingdom of God is Superior in Depth, Breath, Height, and Length, and is soundly established by God’s Testimony that has endured from the Beginning and will endure to the End. No other system or institution has the Strength or Power of God’s Word.

BTW: Aliens do exist: Extraterritorial beings, etc. They will take the form that is most conducive to your mind. They are Demons from Hell and deceiving spirits. Sorry to pop the bubble on that on. Demons can and will gain access to your mind, especially if you have opened the doors to them through drug/alcohol use, immoral sex with a demon involved person (which every immoral person is), through peer pressure, occult practices, role playing games, Ouija boards, witchcraft, demonic video games, evil movies (horror movies? alien movies?), vain imaginations, science fiction/fantasy, romance novels, and through seances, Tarot cards, Palm readings, and astrology,  etc.  The Bible calls demon familiar spirits because they are familiar to us, and they often run in the family. Witchcraft and other forms of demonology are passed down through the blood line (the iniquity of the fathers visit the children unto the third and fourth generation). In others words, God tells us exactly where Aliens come from because, He wants you to know … Demons, can take on the image of many different characters. Even “Satan masquerades as an Angel of Light.”

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 (KJV)
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed [masquerading as] into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers
also be transformed [masquerading] as the ministers of righteousness;
whose end shall be according to their works.

In short, those with a hard heart of antagonism towards “The God who Created them,” have simply created a god in their own likeness and in their own image that allows them to serve their unrighteous desires; instead of allowing God to create them into His Image, and to clearly represent His Likeness, and walk in His Light and His Glory.  

The Majority of People on the Earth allow the devil to deceive them and present them with a fake god (an idol of their own making, thus breaking the first and second of the 10 commandments). This allows them, and frees them, to do anything the devil is tempting them to do, that goes directly against the Word of God, the Wisdom of God, and the Eternal Law of God. Now they have a religion, that they feel frees them from the Righteousness of God (and even Christians do this all the time, it is called the Fake Gospel). And even Atheists follow their own self made same religion, which they “believe” they call “no religion”, but they have just put themselves in the place of God, through their own deep deception and ignorance to the Light of God. They have made themselves the idols that they will worship.

Men make idols of men, birds, animals, and creeping things, to serve them, but the One who created them they ignore, and lie about. (Romans 1:23, easy to remember, Romans 1-2-3) 

Do those Near you have a Hard Heart?

Do you know anyone in your family that would fit this description of having a hard heart towards God and His Kingdom? Any one of your friends? (Do you yourself fit this description?)

If so, they are in a kind of trouble that is almost impossible to correct. Remember Cain, and his situation?  God himself spoke directly to Cain. That is significant. God himself spoke to Cain. Many claim if God would only show up, appear before them, do some mighty miracle, then they would believe in him. But that is not the case, if their heart has not be pierced. If their proud mind has not been humbled. If their selfish will has not been broken, they will continue to reject God, even if he meets them face to face, just as Cain rejected God himself. 

It would seem that even wild horses could not deter Cain from his chosen path. Neither can they deter the modern sinner, or even the modern church goer, who is not a doer of the Word, but a hearer only, who has not had his heart pierced by the Sword of God’s Spirit. (We will get to the “hearer only” in a minute.)

Want to meet a modern day Cain, a teenage driver filled with Road Rage? (This link  is a YouTube video, this teenager is the poster child for modern day ignorance, and yet anyone of us could fall into his mindset and behavior.)

Cain, and this teenager, wanted to go their own way, which was in fact, the devil’s plan for their life. When a man, or a teenager insulates himself away from the Word of God, he harms himself in ways, that cannot be comprehended apart from the Law of God.

Honestly, such a person as Cain, and this Teenager, is almost (except for a miracle) beyond help. That is why it is so important to pray for your friends and family.

Their problem is so serious that it cannot be addressed, through normal conversation, nor can it be remedied. Why? Because they have no room in their thoughts for God.

Only God has the remedy for their sickness. His Word is the only cure. But when we reject Him, we, at the same time reject the only remedy, the only cure, the only solution to our eternal damnation problem–His Word.

Genesis 4:6-7 (KJV)
And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth?
and why is thy countenance fallen?
7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?
and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.
And unto thee shall be his desire,
and thou shalt rule over him.


[Day Twenty-One]

Our Terminal Disease

Your terminal eternal disease, only He can cure.

But if your reject Him and His Law, you block the only eternal help that can or will ever be offered to you.

He is the only one who can cure your eternal terminal disease. In other words, Death. Therefore, when you reject his offer to make your sins as white as snow, and to lead you into His LIFE, you put yourself in the position of being “up a creek without a paddle,” so to speak.

You put yourself in the position of condemning yourself before the law of God; Before the court rooms of heaven; Before all the standards of eternity, you stand condemned.

John 3:18-20 (KJV)
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

Please Note: No disease, not even your terminal disease is too difficult for God to handle, but what he requires of you is that you put your trust and your faith in him (and remove your trust and faith in the Evil One), God can only do what you believe him for.

Without a tender, softened, pierced, and broken heart, the word of God cannot enter into the life of a man, nor can it bring his restoration, nor his exaltation.

It is the work of God, to bring every man up to God’s level of joy, peace, truth, righteousness, holiness, power, authority, and heavenly grace. But the man with an un-pierced heart will avoid all of this like the plague. He will run away from all of this like a man running away from a fire.

(End of Week Three)

Week Two: Summary/Review Questions & Answers

Some Suggested Review Questions:
1.   Who does the Law of God condemn?
2.   How should the Law affect our Conscience?
3.   How do you put off the old man?
4.   Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?
5.   Why study the Law of God? (the Word, Commandments, and Testimonies of God)?
6.   What can the Law of God do for us?
7.    Where do Aliens come from?
8.   Why are some condemned already, that doesn’t seem fair, does it?


Some Suggested Answers:
Please note: Again, Your answers may vary.

1.   The Law of God is only condemning to those who refuse to obey it. (Whether they realize it, acknowledge it, or not.)
2.   If my heart is positioned towards God and the Kingdom of Heaven, then my conscience will be sharpened, tuned, and ready to serve the righteous requirements of God. Like Abel, I will want to do what is right and acceptable in the sight of God. If my heart is positioned towards this world (and against God), my conscience will be dull, out of tune, and not ready to serve the King of Heaven or His Law, like trying to play an out of tune guitar, the result will be offensive to God’s ears.
3.    You put off the old man by allowing the new man to live inside of you. By rejecting the old thoughts and the old ways of the world, sin, and the flesh, and receiving the new thoughts and new ways of Life in the Spirit. One must literally stop: lying to yourself, to God, and to others, (knowing that all lies proceed from the evil one) and:  “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice [which are the fruits of Satan’s lies]: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
4.   To ascend up into the Mountain of God, or to stand in his holy place, one must have clean handsand a pure heart.  One must clothe himself in righteousness, after positioning his heart towards the Kingdom of Heaven. One must seek the nature and character of God and be in hot pursue of it (and not a lukewarm pursuit: Revelation 3:16). In short, one must be holy. “For without Holiness, no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)
5.   One must study to show oneself approved. If you do not know the right things to do: How can you do them? But if you ignore your right, your privilege, your great calling, and your great eternal inheritance, you will most likely lose it, or waste it, until it becomes nothing to you. (Like the Prodigal Son: Luke 15:11-32. His Relationship with his father, he didn’t value, nor care about, nor understand, so he threw it away, until he came to his senses, until he had received a broken heart.) Entering into the Kingdom of God is like learning a new language. One must be diligent about it. One must learn the new rules of the new language, must learn the new words, the new ways of thinking that produce the new thoughts, in order to understand the new culture that one is entering into. It is the same with entering into the Kingdom of God. And yes. It is worth it. Learning the Language and Ways of Heaven, will pay back heavenly rewards in the form of eternal Love and Eternal Grace in the Father’s House.
6.    The Law of God
 can convert the soul. It can make wise the simple. It can rejoice the heart. It can enlighten the eyes. It can endure for ever.
7.    Where do aliens come from? God pops the bubble on this topic. He pierces all the great human theories, philosophies, religions, mysteries, and darkness in one simple verse: “And do not marvel; Satan himself transforms himself and masquerades as an angel of light.” So do his demons transform themselves into Aliens, or mermaids, spirits of incubus and succubus or whatever their victims will receive them as. Spirits of Evil and Seduction are very skilled and very clever to adapt themselves to the desires of their victims. (Recommended reading: The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis)
8.   Why are some condemned already for not believing God’s Gospel? That doesn’t seem fair, does it? Now this takes some clear thinking and reasoning from God’s Perspective, which is often hard for the unsaved person, if not down right impossible, due to the fact, his heart and mind are not bent toward heaven, but most often opposed to Heaven. But here is my attempt at heaven’s position. God did all he could do. He sent His Son to pay the price for the sins of all mankind. Which He did. Then he sent his messengers through out the world to bring His Good News to All mankind, but they (those who chose not to believe) rejected it, just as they rejected Jesus, and nailed Him to a Cross. (See: Matthew 22:1) So from God’s Perspective, “UNBELIEF” is not a passive animal. It is Aggressive. It is Rebellious. It is Defiant. It is Possessive. It yields not to the Truth of God’s Word, God’s Testimony, God’s Faithfulness, and God’s Heavenly Blessings, therefore it stands condemned before God. Only those who will yield to God’s Word will ever be able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, all others will be barred from it forever.

A side note on Incubus:
An incubus is a demon in male form that seeks to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women; the corresponding spirit in female form is called a succubus. In medieval Europe, union with an incubus was supposed by some to result in the birth of witches, demons, and deformed human offspring. (From Wikipedia)



Thus saith the LORD,
In an acceptable time have I heard Thee,
and in A Day of Salvation have I Helped Thee:
and I will preserve Thee,
and give thee for a covenant of the people …
Isaiah 49:8 (KJV)

[When God says Thee, he means you personally.
For more on this see:]



[Week Four: Day Twenty-Two]

The proud man needs God,
but doesn’t know it

The stubborn pride of the proud man has not been broken.

His know it all attitude” is still intact.

It is still the driving force of his life. His own lofty opinions rule over his own mind. He sets himself up as the highest authority in his own life. And he does this all because he doesn’t know any better. He doesn’t know anything different. But God has much more in store for him, as soon as he lets go of his own proud ways.

Ecclesiastes 7:8 (KJV)
Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.


Ignorance of the end of a matter is the foundation of all stupidity, foolishness, arrogance, haughtiness, ignorance, and every evil way, and evil deed, and evil thought, and they are all based on pride. The refusal to take warning, before entering into a pre-programmed disaster, is the epitome of the foolish man’s pride.

When you can clearly know the end of a matter, but flagrantly reject input, because it doesn’t match up with your own personal reality (a.k.a., uninformed plan), You can easily set yourself up for failure. Like the man who builds his home on the sand. (Matthew 7:26)  He is like the man who drove 50 mph through the Blind School Loading Zone.

The proud man’s self centered focus bars him from considering others (including God). He rejects the wisdom of the Wise, and accepts the folly of fools, if they agree with his proud thoughts. That is what matters to him: That others agree with him.

This is to his own folly and shame, because he creates an environment, where he cannot be corrected. He cannot be warned. He cannot be counseled. His way is an accident waiting to happen.

He rejects those who are honorable and worthy of the due respect that heaven requires. And he accepts those who have no honor, no wisdom, no judgement, and no integrity, but just want “to go alone to get along.” All these factors keep him far from the counsel, and wisdom, and the reasonings of God. 

The Proud Man (the wicked man) values his own wisdom above the Wisdom of the Holy One.

Proverbs 28:26 (KJV)
26 He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool:
but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.

Proverbs 13:20 (KJV)
20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:
but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Proverbs 13:18-19 (KJV)
18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction:
but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.
19 The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul:
but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil.

Proverbs 13:14-15 (KJV)
14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life,
to depart from the snares of death.
15 Good understanding giveth favour:
but the way of transgressors is hard.


Sadly, Men will trust in Professors, Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, and Yet they will refuse to trust in the One who gave these men their Life. The one who gave them the ability to think and speak and learn and teach. Only they chose Darkness over Light. Error over Righteousness. Lies and Deceptions over Truth. They have made their stand against God the One who made them, and yet, the foolishness of God is wiser than all the wisdom of all men combined, and the weakness of God is stronger than all the strength of all men, and all angels, and all demons combined.

1 Corinthians 1:22-25 (KJV) 22
For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.


[Day Twenty-Three]

Have you been humbled
by the thoughts of God? 

Has your heart been expanded beyond your proud and selfish nature by the reasonings of God?

15 For thus saith the high and lofty One
that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy;
“I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit,
to revive the spirit of the humble,
and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”
Isaiah 57:15


Do you know how to properly use the Name that is Holy?

Have you ever sat down and “Reasoned with God” about how to make your sins as white as Snow? Maybe now is a good time to start.

What harm can come to you from entering the Door of Humility? What disaster can befall you from receiving a Teachable Spirit?

What dark demon of (blank___) will be cast out of you, by entering into the Counsel of God?

One can never tell, until he walks through the Door of Humility and receives a heart of teachability, from the Holy One on High.

If your heart has been pierced you will know it by the contrition of your own countenance and your desire to learn and know more of God’s Word.

And your conviction to never again use the Name of God in vain, nor to blaspheme his name.

If your heart is proud and un-pierced, you will know it by your disregard, and disinterest in the Word of God and your continuing deliberate ignorance to the Judgments of God, and the reasonings of God.

Are you willing to enter into the greatest adventure of a lifetime? If not, you can be. All it takes is a simple shift of priorities, a simple shift of loyalties.

[Day Twenty-Four]

A simple shift in identity

You can step onto the Road of Salvation that will indeed never end.

You can begin a journey that will expand into eternity. You can enjoy a hope that will never fade, that will indeed overcome every trouble, overcome every pain, overcome every fear, even and especially the fear of death.

Your Road of Salvation will indeed teach you how to overcome darkness, overcome foolishness, overcome selfishness, overcome greed, overcome lust, overcome gossip, and slander, and prejudice, jealousy, doubt, worry, abuse, poverty, insecurity, double-mindedness, instability, and every power of peer pressure.

You will literally learn how to overcome every single lie ever told to you, and also how to overcome every addiction, every disgraceful habit, and every unclean: thought, word and deed.

On the Road to Salvation: You will literally unburden yourself from the Heavy Load of Sin (and Hell) on your back.

That in itself will help free you from the spirit of pride, arrogance, self-exultation, as well as, complacency, laziness, compromise, fruitless living, and great distractions designed to keep you as a slave to self.

(Read about a man who got rid of his heavy burden of Sin, for Free: Pilgrim’s Progress, for centuries this book was the 2nd most read, most printed and popular Book in the world. Written circa 1650’s.)

[Day Twenty-Five]

Do you know who or what is actually guiding your life?

The One guiding you on the Road of Salvation will personally show you: How to be forgiven for every wrongful thought, wrongful accusation,  hurtful and spiteful evil deed, and every selfish, and defiling wicked pursuit, including every lying deception—That is only part of what you stand to gain or lose by entering into, or rejecting (or simply ignoring) the Counsel of God  (a.k.a. the reasonings of God.)


Do you know what strongholds
confront you?

This is a vitally important question to address. You cannot fight an enemy you cannot see.

If your eyes have been blinded, your mind has been ignorant for a decade or longer, the enemy has been well hidden in your life, and is not going to easily reveal his presence, as soon as he learns your motive is to get rid of Him.

And some devils are exceptionally stubborn (especially lust and greed). You will quickly discover this when reading the Gospels. Some demons and devils only come out of a man by prayer and fasting.

If you have walked in agreement in word, thought, attitude, deed, habit, or addiction with the Ruler of this evil age, then it is a given that you have already received and possessed the Anti-knowledge of God.

If you have believed any of his lies, arguments, and any of the reasonings of man against God, you will have some strong mental strongholds to overcome. This is to be expected.

But if you let God guide you through his spirit of HUMILITY, you can and will overcome every stronghold, every obstacle, every trial, every test, and every direct attack upon your faith.

The choice is entirely yours. The path lies in front of you. You can turn to the right, or to the left. There is no pressure. No emotional salesmanship. No false fairy tale ending.

Which ever road you take, it will cost you your life. That much is a given.

But don’t you want to know for sure what lies at the end of both roads? Doesn’t it make clear sense to investigate the road upon which you are walking and where that road is leading you, and what you will find at the final destination on that Road?

The Word of God is a gift from Heaven to Earth, from God to man, from LOVE to NEED, from His Abundance for Our Lack. Not to receive it is pure ignorance on our part.

Matthew 10:39-42 (KJV)
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

Matthew 16:26 (KJV)
26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?.

If you don’t know with 100% accuracy what lies at the end of the Door of Humility, walking on the Road of Salvation … Is not now a good time to find out? Is not now a good Time to investigate the whole matter from beginning to ending?

[Day Twenty-Six]

Does not a thorough Salvation deserve a thorough Investigation?

I would dare say, it is no foolish thing to know and receive the Reasonings of God on these matters. To investigate the One who knows the end from the beginning, is no foolish endeavor.

If I am on purchasing a 40,000 vehicle, do I not want to get my money’s worth?  Do I not want to do some research? Do I not want to investigate whether I can afford the purchase, and sustain the cost of the vehicle? Afford the payments? Afford the Insurance? Afford the taxes? Afford the maintenance costs, the fuel costs? It won’t do me much good to own a vehicle, if I can’t afford the cost of the fuel to run it. DUE TO LACK OF INVESTIGATION and good planning, MEN PUT THEMSELVES INTO many TIGHT AND WRONGFUL CIRCUMSTANCES, THAT CAUSE THEM TO BE STRESSED, and feel like they’re living in a pressure cooker. But the stress and pressure are of their own making, mostly because they did not consider the reasonings of God.

Even if for purely selfish reasons, it would be wisdom to enter into the Counsel of God, the Reasonings of God, the call of God to hear with your own mind and your own heart the Solutions of God to the problems of mankind, Yes?

Chances are high that you have heard and received and internalized the opinions of man, and that the seeds of man (and of the devil) have already been planted deep into your soul.

(I know this because the same lies were planted in my life deeply and inconspicuously, until the light of God shown upon them and exposed them.)

[Day Twenty-Seven]

Test and See: Is the Light of God in you?

[Hang in there. This section is a little longer than most, but it is a critical one to read through to the end, and consider the outcomes of both the blessings and curses involved. If you are tired or worn out. Take a break and come back to this section fresh and rejuvenated. This portion is requiring you to offer something of yourself–Your Honesty. It will produce the fruit of it is designed to produce, only if you meet the condition of being honest with yourself and God. You may be suprised but this is actually a rare quality even (and maybe especially) among christians.]

Do you want to know how you can immediately tell, and know if bad seed has been planted and bad fruits have been growing from those evil seeds in your life?

Here is a simple TEST: If you are anything like me, your answers to the below questions will be exactly the same as mine.

Can you be honest with yourself? Can you be honest before God? Can you honestly answer the following questions with the Spirit of Truth, with your own conscience confirming your answers?

If you can: you will take the first step towards your God’s Heaven Sent Salvation. For without absolute true honesty and true conviction, there can be no true salvation. [Fake honesty, plus fake conviction, equals a fake salvation.]

Proverbs 20:6 (KJV)
Most men will proclaim
every one his own goodness

but a faithful man who can find?

Test Question #1: Have you ever used the Lord’s Name in Vain?

Have blasphemed the Name of God, even once? Then you can be sure the seeds of the evil one have been planted in your soul, otherwise, for what reason would you choose to blaspheme God’s name? What possible personal benefit could you receive from such an evil, wicked, and defiling transgression?

What possible purpose could there be to commit such a heinous crime against the Holy One of Heaven to even defile His Name, the One who gave you His Breath of Life, the One who gave your ability to speak. The One who sustains your every heart beat: That is the One you choose out of all the Names in the World to Blaspheme?  The Only One who has done you no wrong?

Think about that for a minute…


What do you call someone who blasphemes God’s Holy name?

Answer: A Blasphemer. It is a very serious crime. 

So what are you? A blasphemer.

[Day Twenty-Eight]

Test Question #2: Have you ever told a lie to your parent, to your teacher, to your friend, to your boss, to your child, to your classmates, to your spouse? How many lies have your told? Too many to count? 

What do you call someone who tells lies? Answer: A liar

So what are you? A liar? No. You are a lying, blasphemer.

Buy your own conviction, can you say that of your own free will? “I am a liar, and a blasphemer.”

Do you still think you are a good person?


Get ready for Question #3:

Now, this next question will reveal much about the nature and influence of heaven or hell touching your life. Once we realize what is really happening, then we can really evaluate our lives in the Light of Heaven’s Pespective.  But as long as we refuse to see things from God’s Perspective (refuse to have our hearts pierced, our hardened soil broken up) and therefore we refuse to Judge ourselves from God’s Eternal Light, we will condemn ourselves to walk in the Darkness, and be slaves to our own ignorance.

The whole purpose of God’s Word is to Free us from such a Dark World, but if we reject His Word, we reject our right and our privilege to overcome the Darkness and to defeat our enemy, the one who hates us and wants to drag us to Hell, to share in his eternal punishment.

Is that not crazy?
Is that not the true definition of foolishness?
That is how God sees it!

When we reject the One who loves us, and proved it by becoming a holy and pure sacrifice for us, and did everything in his power to prove his love to us: Are we not out of our minds, for rejecting his Love, his Mercy, his Grace, and his eternal invitation to be cleansed from our sin, to make our sins while as snow?

To add insult to injury, we not only totally flat out reject God’s Love, we join forces with the enemy, Satan, who has diabolically planned to twist our hearts and minds to hate God, and despise his Word. So we despise God, and yet we feel great around Satan and all of his evil demons. Collectively they have one stated Goal: to kill us, steal our inheritance from us, and literally destroy us for all of eternity.

In others words, if I love the one who hates me, and despise the One who loves me: What is That?

If that is not a perfect plan for eternal misery and insanity,
I don’t know what is.

Not only does Satan want to destroy you, he wants to destroy everyone in your life, and use them to destroy one another. Have you ever seen this happen? (My guess is: You have seen this happen many times, and you have participated in this behavior, although you may not have been able to recognize what was happening at the time, because you had not entered into the Reasonings of God, yet.)

Satan wants to especially destroy the Gift of God, that is given to you to enjoy as one of God’s greatest gifts–the power to bring beautiful replicas of yourself and your Life Long Lover into this world. Can you see how effectively Satan has stolen, defiled, twisted and perverted this most precious Gift of God?

God has given mankind the Gift of Sex to bring Glorious, Gracious, Incredible, Lovable, Precious, and infinitely valuable and holy Children into this world, but mankind uses and abuses the sacred Gift of Sex to defile, degrade, debase, desecrate and ultimately to destroy one another.

That’s the theme and story line, in the background of every James Bond Movie. I know, I was raised on them: 007 is sexually cheating on someone, and someone is sexually cheating on him, and they are literally trying to destroy one another. Why? Because Sex Sells Movies! You can have a cheesy plot (dumb plot) with sexy scenes and the world will flock to watch the cheesy movie.

But what is happening while people are playing “the peeping Tom,” watching through the window as it were, how other actors indulge their fleshy sexy steamy lustful trysts?? Would you go to your neighbors window and watch their sexual behavior? No. I hope not. You would immediately labeled a pervert. An offender of privacy. A criminal. A sick individual and worse. Then, why would you do it in a movie, or a porn film. Think about that. It is really the same thing, only less real. But Satan is selling the “Spirit of the Peeping Tom” to the whole world. He is mass marketing sick perversion, that we would not accept from our neighbor. But we accept it in ourselves. Can you see this sickness and evil from God’s Perspective? 

Why make or watch perverted movies designed to corrupt and infect every single soul in our society? So that the masses will Pervert their ways before God, and then come under the judgment and punishment of God. Thus Satan is able to destroy a man and a woman’s Perfect and Pure, Holy and True, Righteous and Eternal Love Relationships with God. And in so doing Satan destroys their relationship with God’s Children. They are not treating each other the way God has commanded and  Satan wants to drive a wedge between the sinner and God the Father.

He does not want them to learn how to: Love God and learn how to obey God to enjoy all of His Heavenly Blessings. 

If I choose to hate the One who loves me, and love the one who hates me. Any children I produce will likely be:

1) aborted. 2) abandoned. 3) abused. 4) perverted. 5) corrupted. 6) trained to become twice as much the son of hell as I am. 7) and in the end: we will both be sent to hell, because we both followed the evil one. We both hardened our hearts against the Kingdom of God. That is if we continue walking on the broad road of destruction laid out for us, the one that the majority will choose to follow. If this is not a sad and tragic picture, I don’t know what is.

[Please note: In some places, I have used the pronoun “you” in the generic form. Obviously, I have no idea what everyone has done who is reading this. But if others have seen similar things to me, it is a pretty good bet many, both experienced several of the seven items is the list above, and then enemy is setting them up for the seventh to happen any day now. That is only if they are traveling on the wide road of destruction, that so many are, according to the Testimony of Jesus. If you believe in Jesus’ Word, you know that his testimony is true. That is a given. And His judgement will come upon all mankind. Everyone will receive exactly what he deserves according the deeds he has done.]

The purpose of this webpage:

The purpose of this webpage is to hopefully convince a few souls, to not continue down “that road,” the road of destruction. To accomplish that goal, the one reading here must be able to identify the symptoms, the cause and effects, and the evidences left behind those traveling the road of destruction. Then they must be able to fairly evaluate whether or not they themselves have the same symptoms, and whether not they want to make a radical change, to depart from the Wide Road of Destruction, and start a whole new path on the Narrow Road of Life Eternal.

This message is directed to both the average church goer, and for the rabid sinner. It is also for the moral atheist (even the immoral one). All are walking down a perilously slippery slope that will slide right into the lake of fire at the bottom of that slope. And the further you walk down the slope, the slippery and steeper it gets. And the end is inevitable.

This is something I pray that every reader here will soon recognize and avoid, by receiving a pierced heart and by following the path of Abel, walking in the way of humility, presenting a heart of service, that is your acceptable worship to God.

Romans 12:1 (KJV)
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Only the individual can or will make his heart and life sensitive to the convicting power of God. Only the individual can cooperate with his conscience, and turn it around to follow the plan of God, superseding the plan of Satan for their lives.


(End of Week Four)

Week Two: Summary/Review Questions & Answers

Some Suggested Review Questions:
1.   Why is it Better to know “the end of a thing than the beginning thereof?”
2.   Do you know Him who inhabits eternity?
3.   Have you stepped onto the Road of Salvation? Are you traveling that Road?
4.   Do you know what strongholds confront you?
5.   Does a thorough salvation deserve a thorough investigation?


Some Suggested Answers:
Please note: Again, Your answers may vary.

1.   If you know “the end of a matter” and that it ends in disaster (like fornication, abortion, adultery, homosexuality, drug addiction, drunkenness, especially when driving, selfishness, pride, arrogance, greed, lust, hate, anger, worry, materialism, the Love of Mammon, idolatry, false religion, and the list goes on and on) you can easily choose to wisely avoid such paths for your feet. All it takes is a little humility and a little wisdom on your part. But if you walk in pride, to the degree you are rooted and grounded in pride, to that degree, you will not consider the end of a matter, you will not avoid disaster. That is the very definition of a fool. The Wisdom of the Wise, is to consider the matter between committing to a ways that will end in disaster, when it comes to your Eternal Salvation. To accept such a Salvation and avoidance of Disaster is the Highest Wisdom any man can enjoy.

2.   Do you know Him who inhabits eternity? Can you see how humility is the key to having a relationship with God? Without Humility you cannot accept the Word of God by Faith. You cannot accept the Testimony of God as True. You cannot relate to the Sacrifice of God as necessary and vital to you own Salvation. You cannot understand the destruction that is coming upon the Earth a second time. The First Time God promised to cleanse the Earth by Water, and He did. The Second Time He has promised to cleans the Earth by Fire, and He will. In order to prepare for something you must believe in it, and you must believe in the One who told you to be prepared, otherwise you simply won’t do it.  Believing in God takes humility. You can clearly see who believes and follows God by their humility and the preparation that they put into action in their lives, and into the efforts they choose to help others be prepared.

3.   Have you stepped onto the Road of Salvation? Are you traveling that Road? It is easy to tell. Because if your life has not been re-prioritized by the Word of God, then you most likely are not walking on the Road of Salvation. If you haven’t made His Plan, Purpose, and Power in your Life your top priority, chances are you have missed His calling. And by the way, just going to church is not the Plan of Salvation Jesus came and demonstrated unto His disciples. His salvation is based upon personal obedience and submission to the Will and Word of God, that makes us acceptable to God, and going to church often does not accomplish that commandment, and often it can hinder it, depending on what is being taught in your church.  

4.   Do you know what strongholds confront you? We all have Areas where we are more vulnerable to sin and degradation. Some are vulnerable to gambling, some to greed and materialism, some to sexual immorality, some to intellectual pride, some to being popular, some to gluttony and decadence, some to worldly entertainment, some to prideful competition, to name a few. The sooner you recognize the strongholds that you are vulnerable to, the quicker you can have discernment and power to overcome them. If you don’t overcome them, chances are good they will overcome you.


Romans 12:1-3 (KJV)
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world:
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

3 For I say, through the grace given unto me,
to every man that is among you,
not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think;
but to think soberly,
according as God hath dealt
to every man the measure of faith.


[Week Five: Day Twenty-Nine]

Question #3 (Continued):

Have you ever looked with lust at another person?

Typically, the answer here is: “Sure everybody has!”

[Then we must ask: have you ever had sex before marriage? And the answer is usually the same, but with less enthusiasm.]

  • So that is supposed to justify it.
  • Since everybody is doing it.
  • It must be ok? Right?
  • Majority Rules???

    1. How did that work out for the Nazi War Criminals when they stood trial before the World?
    2. How did that work out for the majority of people in the Day of Noah?
    3. How did that work out for for the majority in the day of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Have you seen the Nuremberg Trials? Those men said, “We were just following orders.” That was their defense. Just following orders. But even a human court could figure out that was not an acceptable excuse. How much more will a Heavenly Court reject unacceptable excuses?

Mark this down: These events just foreshadow a taste of what is coming in the future. These were past and contemporary judgments that foretell of a future spiritual reality. Anyone who will truthfully examine this will dramatically transform and influence their mind for the things of Heaven, above and beyond the things of the earth.

To be perfectly honest: for those who live under the Lord of Sexual Perversion (ADULTERY: and every form of sexual deviancy), that is a terrible way to think or live.

Not everybody needs to get HIV/AIDS, STD’s, Syphilis, or live under the slavery of a sexual perversion or addiction. The choice itself is a horrible choice. It is defiling of the person, with or without the horrific diseases that often come with the deed. You live the lifestyle you get the disease–both physical and spiritual! It’s pretty much a given. 

When you Look with perverted Lust upon another Child of God (who is called to be a virgin up until marriage, and then a faithful loving partner, all the days of her life), then you reign down God’s judgment upon you mind, your will, your emotions, your desires, your cravings, your addictions, and proclivities. Your choice to be a walking virus among God’s Holy People is an awful way to live. Choosing to become a blot that needs to be removed, is not a blessing. And it won’t be tolerated in heaven. 

Yes. It is true. Men and Women can indulge in sexual sin for a short season here on earth. And yes, it seems like they got away with it. Right? But did they? Just because I steal something and no human knows what I stole, doesn’t mean I got away with it. Not even a little bit. God knows. I know. The deed is a blot upon me, and it will become a pathway the enemy can exploit against me. And  in the final judgment I will be rewarded for everything I stole and thought I got away with. It is the same for every illegal, criminal, evil, and perverted sexual encounter I: 1) imagined. 2) embellished. 3) performed. 4) never repented of. 

The danger of getting the disease (AIDS or something worse) should be a deterrent. It should sober up your thinking and actions. But millions have died from the disease and carelessly and thoughtlessly infected millions of others. (more than 36 million people have died of HIV since the start of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.)

These people drove their vehicles 70 mph hour through the Institute for the Blind. They put innocent lives into jeopardy. (They infected many innocent children.) Why? Because they refused the warnings of God. They rejected God’s Law. They put all their trust in Satan’s lies. Had they accepted God’s Warnings, and received the protection of God’s Law, they would not have needed to die a miserable and premature death, nor would they have willingly sacrificed their live to do the will of Satan on the Earth and carry His Image bearing his likeness even unto their death. These people have defiantly spread a virus of death to the others that they claimed to care about. And they defend themselves and their actions by saying:

“Every one is Doing It!”
What a lie!

The truth is: No, not everybody IS DOING IT. Not everyone is breaking God’s Laws. Not everyone is receiving into the minds, their will, their soul, and willfully filling their being with the Spirit of Lust and Evil. Yes, it is true the majority are. But that does not make it Right! It didn’t make it right in Noah’s Day, nor in Sodom’s Day, nor in Nazi Germany, nor in Nuremberg!

Not everyone is looking at others with lust.  Not everyone is filling their minds with images of lust and sexual fantasy. Not everyone is choosing to live in the darkness, away from God’s Light. Yes, the majority are, but that doesn’t make it right. That is no excuse. The fact that someone would speak out that lame excuse is evidence that their mind has been deeply corrupted, and their soul deeply perverted.

I know. I have been there. I have fought my way out of that darkness, and I must continue to fight.

And no. Not everybody is dressing to accentuate and promote their personal sex appeal, to entice others to fantasize with their minds, and cause others to stumble in their desires, to want others to lust after them. And No, not every body is undressing others in their perverted imaginations.

But the reality is: Yes, many are. Probably most. But does that make it right? I don’t think so.

Yes. The majority could ignore the 15 mph loading zone law in front of schools. And many do, but that doesn’t make it right. That in no ways justifies the wrong being done. Just because others do it too.

That is the most ignorant answer we can offer. And we must change our attitude and change our perspective and our perception, from our own sin-filled mindset, to the mindset of the Holy One of God. If we want to have our sins made white as snow.

That fact that I would defend myself with the answer: Everyone is Doing. Only shows my own feeble attempt to justify myself, which exposes my own hypocritical self righteousness, which makes me even a greater blot of evil in the place that I occupy, and stores up for me, even great wrath on the day of God’s Holy Judgement that He has assured us, in everyday possible is coming. If you could only list every possible way God has tried to warn you and I, and you understood all that he could possibly do, you will never use the excuse: Every body is doing it! One, it is not true. And two it is a purely evil and wicked response.

(Please Note: I am not pointing the finger here, for I have done the same, I am just stating the facts.  We must remove our ignorance, if we desire to make any headway into the Kingdom of God.)


[Day Thirty]

Admitting and Owning Our Sin

So if you have looked with lust on another person. Jesus says, you have already committed adultery with that person in your heart.

Then Jesus has this to say to that. If your right eye causes you to sin, it is better to pluck it out and have only one eye, than to have two eyes and to enter into the Lake of Fire for eternity. Then, if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off. And if your foot causes you to chase after sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life [heaven] with 1 eye, 1 foot, and 1 hand, than to be sent into to hell with both.

And no. Jesus was not kidding. Jesus was not allegorizing. Jesus was speaking plainly. His comparison was literal, factual, and tangible. What more could you ask for? What more could he say? How could he make his point any clearer?

His judgment was analytical of which is better, and which is worse. In other words: ADULTERY is a serious crime. If you are tempted to commit adultery with your eyes, masterubate with your hand, and chase mini skirts with your feet, it would be better to pluck out your eye, cut off your hand, and saw off your foot, and enter into heaven not doing the evil deed, than “just do it” and enter into hell for eternity: “where the worm dieth not and the fire is not put out.

Mark 9:44 (KJV)     …Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

Mark 9:46 (KJV)      … Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

Mark 9:48 (KJV)       … Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

If you know much about the Bible, it is a book of conciseness, and understatement in general. So when there is strong repetition, it is like a Loud Speaker blaring, shouting something vitally important.

Now, guess what the repetition above is possibly the strongest repetition in the Bible! What does that tell you and me. It says, or rather shouts at us: “Pay Attention! Listen! Understand this! This is absolutely vital that you hear the speaker speaking–which is Jesus, the Savior and Lord of All Creation.

Know this: ADULTERY in Jesus day carried the death sentence (See John 8:1-11). It was a crime punishable by stoning–by death! The reason for the punishment was to protect the marriage, protect the family,  protect the children, and to protect the whole community, in which the people raised their children to become disciples of God’s Love, not objects of evil lust.

That is why the whole community was commanded to go out and throw stones against the adulterer, who was sent by the devil into their midst to bring his destruction into their community. That is Satan’s Purpose for the Adulterer. That is Satan’s purpose for every sin, but Adultery harms more people and affects more families, and more communities and destroys more lives, than just the Adulterer. Therefore the whole community is commanded to throw a stone so that the whole community would learn the lesson that adultery destroys life.

Does ADULTERY destroy life? Yes it does. Let’s examine the evidence. Adultery is bent on serving the personal pleasure of the adulterer. In essence, the adulterer is using the adulteress to masturbate. And cares no more for the person than he cares for the tools of masturbation. 

ADULTERY, has no concern for others involved, not for the best interests of the spouse, nor the partner of the spouse, nor the family of the spouse, that the adulterer is usurping, literally injecting evil into the marriage of another.

The adulterer cares nothing for the fruit of the act of intercourse, which is the very virtue and purpose and ultimate goal of sexual intercourse by God’s design. The Fruit of a Man and a Woman coming together is The Fruit of is the womb, which in God’s Glorious design is another beautiful child being brought into Life into the Kingdom of God.

“Know ye not that
Ye are the temple of God?”

Of course, God designed Sex, and God gave it as a gift to mankind to steward this precious and sacred Gift of God. And yet men, through their obedience to the Destroyer of Lives, regularly and continuously chooses to destroy the life of the innocent, and con themselves into believing, “That’s ok!”  Every body is doing it. They deny the Law of: “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” As a result, they literally destroy the Temple of God. 

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (KJV)
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile(s) [or Destroys] the temple of God, him shall God destroy;
for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

You got that right: God will destroy the one who destroys God’s Temple (both plural and singular). Abortion is the destruction of the Temple of God, if you have had an abortion, contributed to an abortion, promoted an abortion, influenced others to get an abortion, Yes, you have contributed to the Destruction of the Temple of God, and you are under the Wrath of God, and you will be judged by the full weight of the Law. That is unless you have fully learned how to get your sins washed white as snow. Without the two way Blood Covenant washing your sins, and making you a clean person, filled with the Holy Spirit, you will stand before God naked, ashamed, with the Wrath of God bearing down upon you. As such you will suffer the same punishment as Satan for breaking God’s most holy commands.

Now, you should know: Satan will do everything in his power to persuade a man to become perverted and deny God’s Plan, God’s Purpose, God’s Design, and also to ignore and deny that God will punish those who misuse His Express Gifts to Bring Beautiful Children into the World, but rather choose to destroy them

The Fact is men are cursed with diseases and plagues sent by God to Protect the Gift of Sex, STD’s are attacking the immoral man everyday. HIV/AIDS, now MONKEYPOX. SYPHILIS, and many more can rot the man from the inside out, but even in epidemic proportions men refuse to stop, listen, consider, or even hear the REASONINGS OF GOD on the subject of sex. Like Cain, it would seem wild horses cannot detour them from the wicked ways, until they meet the fate of Death, and then in short order they will learn how Satan played them the fool.

Apparently, men who follow Satan are incredibly stubborn, their perverse and demonically inspired desire to sin against God’s Law, seems to know no boundary, no matter what consequences they will have to face.

Men will never be able to say, God did not do his part to warn men of their coming disaster.

Thus instead of men walking in the ordinance and powerful protection of God, following the commandments to remain morally pure and clean, and a virgin until marriage–what will they do? 

They will oftentimes do everything but obey God.

What is the result? And who is paying the price for their disobedience to God? What is the Cost?

In America alone there have been 57 to 70 million recorded baby abortions (this does not include unreported abortions* like the abortion pill) aborted by their mothers in government sponsored, government funded, government protected abortion slaughter death chambers (similar to Nazi Germany, only more brutal to the baby, dismembering its arms, legs, and head from her body). This is the plan, purpose, and design being executed in ALL Abortion Clinics. Only they call the baby a blob of tissue. Only the baby has hands and feet, a heart that beats.

In the past, they used to grind up perfectly healthy babies, in industrial garbage disposals, and flush them into the sewer. Now, they carve up the bodies and sell their body parts. It is a gruesome business, but apparently, very lucrative. Men will do anything for money. Even more advanced is the medication abortion. You can purchase your abortion through the mail. The FDA says, this medication is safe to take up to 10 weeks after conception. It is indeed killing the child that the sexual intercourse has produced, and killing the child now more conveniently at home!

“For the first time, medication abortion now makes up the majority of abortions in the United States, according to data released Thursday by the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive rights organization. According to the institute’s survey of known abortion providers in the U.S., 54% of abortions in 2020 were done by medication abortion, a process that involves taking two pills.”

This says to me, the number of abortions could be far greater than 70 million. 

What is most disturbing is that all this money is being thrown at a problem that really is not the problem. Unwanted babies is not the root of the problem, illegitimate sex is the problem. Manage that and you will not have one unwanted baby. Everyone single one will be prepared for, by responsible loving parents, who deeply desire to take on the job of parenting with Grace, Truth, Love, and Perseverance. 

But today, doctors, businessmen, drug companies, politicians, advertising agencies, and others simply make too much money off the abortion industry. And they are all in the business of killing babies for money. . Of course, we know  60 million babies, is more than 10 times the amount of Jews killed by Hitler, but the same men that condemn Hitler and Nazi Germany, kill babies without a second thought. These babies are being butchered in every large city in America. And the men who promote them feel they are getting away with murder “Scot-Free”.

One thing Everyone will soon discover about God is that He Will Judge
Those engaged in killing the innocent. And there will be hell to pay.
For God the Father is the defender of the fatherless.


[Day Thirty-One]

Dire Consequences

But still due to the hardness of heart, many rebel even in spite of every dire consequence, and the spiritual reality that every man will stand before God and Give a Full Accounting of What He did with God’s Gifts, especially the Sacred Gift of Sex. And when they have to face the fact that they directly influenced and promoted the killing of multiple innocent babies, they will shortly feel the Wrath of God, for their transgressions. 

Please Note: The Abortion Mill industry has been around a long time. The buildings have changed slightly, but the job they do has been the same for 1,000’s of years, the same result, the killing of innocent unwanted children.

Since before the Flood in Noah’s Day, men were worshipping idols, that demanded human sacrifice. Since the Flood, Men have again worshiped evil perverted fertility god’s and goddesses (an idol worshippers favorite kind of addiction to worship), having orgies in their temples, and the result has always been the same: a large amount of unwanted babies. So the Demons running the Demonic worship instituted and official-ized the demonic invention of the heinous practice of “Wicked Child Sacrifice” to their Demon Idols in various evil religions:  Chemosh, Milcom, Mollech, Baal, Ashtoreh, Astarte, and 100’s of others).

Today, we worship and sacrifice to these same gods, only in the white rooms of unplanned parenthood, where the child is murdered discreetly in the mother’s own womb, making it a tomb. The end result is nothing new, it is an age old invention, the killing of unwanted babies.

By entering the Reasonings of God you will quickly see: The Jewish people understood the Law of God. They knew that adultery was a destroyer of families, and homes, and lives, and communities for generations. (Because that sin, truly separated people from God.) According to God, those who commit adultery (any kind of sexual immorality) are walking dead people. (To better grasp this concept, See: The Definition of Life & Death–From God’s Perspective.)

The Jews clearly understood what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah (they were walking dead people) where Lust ruled and reigned, it defiled, twisted and perverted whole communities, and whole cities–Everyone was doing it. (God could not find five righteous men in all of Sodom, nor in all of Gomorrah!)

Sodom and Gomorrah received the Fire and Sulphur (Brimstone) of God as a judgment and warning to the rest of the World.

Mark this down: These are the same elements that will be present in the lake of fire. This Sodom judgment was a tiny foretaste of a temporal catastrophe, representing the eternal judgment to come. And many did take warning for many centuries, but eventually men were persuaded to return to their old evil sins, just as dogs return and eat their own vomit. As it is today. Perversion is again on the rise worldwide.

Sodom and Gomorrah and their environs were burned so powerfully, and scarred so deeply, that today their remains are the lowest elevation on the face of the Earth, some 1400 feet below Sea Level. When God wants to make a statement, and wants to leave us a permanent warning, and a marker we cannot easily forget, He does it openly so that ALL can see it, and take warning. If we hear his warning we will take measures to prepare ourselves for everything he has promised will come. It has all been laid out in clear format for anyone of average (or in my case below average) intelligence can understand, and respond accordingly. After the thousand year reign of Christ revealed in book of Revelation, our entire world will be purified with His Immeasurably hot fire, after that all trace of evil, darkness, sickness, wickedness, rebellion, pride, mocking, and such will be wiped clean. And all those who prepared themselves to enter into His Eternal inheritance will not ever regret it one bit.

2 Peter 3:10-13 (KJV)
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Note: God emphasizes that both adultery and homosexuality are sins that God will judge. He is no respecter of persons. You do the crime, you pay the fine, and you do the time.

[Day Thirty-Two]

The Heart of Man
is Deceitful

But the heart of man is deceitful, he thinks in his heart what he is doing is “ok”. He justifies his evil actions, even though his conscience tells him, “it is wrong.”

Even though all the evidence points to the destruction of those who do such things. He even denies the evidence of the destructive path his is walking in that harms others.

The bisexual adulterer will infect whole families injecting his evil into their midst, passing on HIV to the Husband, then the Husband to the Wife, and then to the Children. And then justify it by saying,  “Everybody is doing it. So it must be ok!”

Next, this Evil Adulterer goes on to the next family and does the same things, because the next family is also not protected by the Word of God, any more than the previous family. And so on, and so on.

Often times it is a corrupt, wicked and evil employer, or official government official, or military leader, or even an evil religious leader and pervert who forcing the ADULTERY (and every form of sexual perversion), and infecting whole families, and getting away with it, because the people are afraid to speak out. Especially, if the man is involved in the Mafia, or the KGB, or the _____ liberation army (fill in the blank).

When the heart of the sinner is hardened: “to do his own thing” there may be no limit to the damage he can do, because he doesn’t listen to his conscience. He just develops ulcers.

Why? Because he justifies his evil behavior, “because everyone is doing it.”

Jeremiah 17:9-10 (KJV)
The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked:
Who can know it?  
I the LORD search the heart,
I try the reins,
even to give every man according to his ways,
and according to the fruit of his doings.


The Jews understood what happened before the Flood. They clearly saw how lust ruled and reigned and caused the Earth to be filled with such evil violence that is threaten the very survival of the righteous. In order to save mankind from entering into a total depravity that could not be redeemed, God indeed, needed to cleanse the entire human race from sin, and horrifically perverted evil, the kind which you can hardly imagine, and from the world’s own damnation unto itself.

It was a horrible and awful decision to have to make, and all mankind, the great majority forced God’s hand, because “Every body was doing it.”

The evil of lust is no small thing. It is a malicious viral sickness that can destroy even the most faithful of God’s servants.

For Example: See the life of King David, and see how his lust, and his adultery, destroyed his whole family, for many generations, infecting him, and his sons, and their sons, to a terrible degree.

Note: This is a dramatic story. It can not be done justice by simply quoting a couple verses. To grasp the big picture one needs to read the whole book of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel (And most of the Book of Psalms of which many were written by David, or directly influenced by David, by men who knew David personally). Many people quote snippet verses out of context and show how ignorant they are of the whole entire Message being presented. Quoting scripture out of context is really easy to do. I see it happen every day I do research on a topic. (And I know I have done it myself. That is one reason we need to be open to one another. And why we righteously need to be humble and allow others to bring correction to us when we get off on a tangent or even into personal deception.)

All that is to Say: King David is a complicated Story of Redemption, a the plunge into Darkness, and the Recovery from that Darkness, but with consequences. Costly consequences. David’s sin, plagued and humbled the man, far after he had been forgiven by God for the sin He had committed. Which points out a terrible truth: Just because we might be forgiven for a crime we have committed, that doesn’t necessarily erase the consequences of that crime. Many criminals get saved in prison. They changed their lives, but they still suffer the consequences of the crime. For a quick summary of what David did wrong, read 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12. Or just click here, but again, don’t draw and deep conclusions, make felonious assumptions about David or about God’s system of justice, by only reading a snippet here and a snippet there. Before you jump to any snap, knee jerk conclusions, read the entire story, and take in the heart of God from beginning to ending.  

In King David case, He knew better. He had the Law of God. He knew what he was doing was absolutely wrong. Absolutely, unconscionable, without justice, completely wicked, but David caved into his sin anyways. And that sin directly affected the premature evil death of one of his most faithful and loyal friends, Uriah the Hittite, and the death of four of David’s own sons. Two of them being killed by their own brothers, one being killed by his commanding officer, and one being killed by God himself.

Now concluding the topic of Adultery, and evil that it brings upon the one involved in it, and the whole community, family and nation involved in it: Can we confirm that making the excuse and answering the question: Have you ever broken the 7th Commandment. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14 

With the flippant response: “Sure everybody has!” exposes the vast ignorance of the person answering the question (and we have all done it). That answer, is no answer. It is valueless, and useless. And it condemns the one who flippantly ignores one of God’s Greatest and most precious, and most holy Commandments designed to protect the Family and every child born into His Family for all of eternity. God’s Laws are not to be broken. Every transgression will have it’s due reward. And every sin will be paid back in full, on the day we have to give an accounting of everything we did with the blessings that God gave to us.

[Day Thirty-Three]

What are my wages?

If I use the Gift of Sex, not to Create an Eternal Family that would bring Glory to God forever and ever, but instead use the Gift of Sex to destroy innocent children, and walk in utter defiant ignorance to the Law of God, and condemn it whenever possible. I will receive the wages due to me. The Wages I have earned. The wages that have been stored upon into my heavenly accounting record books. Every sin. Every breaking of God’s Commandments are being stored in an eternally protected, eternally accurately, and eternally binding record keeping system, that will pay out my wages in due time. I have God’s Guarantee on that. And my wages will have earned me Death:

23 For the wages of sin is death …
Romans 6:23 (KJV)

[Again, I am not pointing the finger, I have been that guy, if fully deserve the Wrath of God, I fully earned my wages of Death, but God had mercy on me, and I humbled my heart and mind before him. I was pierced by the Law of God. I no longer desire to live under the Wrath of Almighty God. Therefore I choose to no longer be a Moron, and to stay ignorant of the evil I had done. I came to God. He cleansed my sin. I took my feet off the slippery slope that was sliding down to hell. Together we have worked and I have learned how to place my life on a firm foundation, so that I could build a home that would endure forever. And now I labor every day to build upon that Rock solid Foundation that will never be shaken, nor never be moved. (But that is getting ahead of the story.) 

So, here is what happens when I look lustfully at another person. Just so we are clear on this account.

  1. I show myself completely ignorant to the Law of God.
  2. I enter into an agreement with the enemy, that it is ok to look at another person created in the Holy Image of God, as an object to use for my own pleasure to lust after as a fantasy, as a idol, as a means to satisfy my own delusion, my own idolatry and vain imagination, my own mental pornography, my own wicked desires that would be unleashed in real time, if I could only do so.
  3. I disregard the fact that God made that other person for His Glory, His Majesty, His Holiness, His Purity, and His Perfection. 
  4. I disregard my obligation to treat every person I meet with a perspective that they are a potential eternal holy brother or sister in Christ for all of eternity.
  5. I disregard the fact the person I am Lusting after is God’s Child–and anything I think, imagine in my heart, do, or say against that child, I am doing against God himself. And it would be better for me if I hung a stone around my neck and threw myself into the sea, than it would be to make a child of God to sin. (Mt. 18:6-10)
  6. I disregard the fact that that child also has an earthly father, and I am dishonoring him, and his whole family, his Brothers and his sisters, uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews–by lusting after his child. 
  7. I also disregard, that God designed that person to be a holy and pure virgin, until he or she was to be married into God’s Family, to become the holy and pure partner of another holy and pure child of God entering into a blood covenant of holy matrimony, with the special blessing of be able to reproduce holy and pure, innocent and beautiful blessed children in the image, likeness, mindset, and calling of God, uncorrupted by the world.
  8. In other words, I have condemned myself for my ignorance of God’s laws, God’s Ways, God’s Wisdom, and following after the ways of men and devils.
  9. I have justified my own sin, and justified my own self righteousness, by simply saying, “Yeah, but … Every body is doing it.”
  10. As a result, I have earned the righteous indignation of God, and the Wrath of God abides on me. Even if I don’t know it. His judgment can come swiftly.

Once we crack the Door open and begin to allow the Light of God to shine upon our world and its deeds–especially on how it relates to sex, entertainment, music, movies, etc. We should begin to see things in a much different light that before we cracked the Door open.

[Day Thirty-Four]

How does your Body
get filled with Light?

Jesus said,

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single [good, pure, rightly directed, seeing the truth], thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil [spiritually blind, corrupted, perverted, engulfed in sin], thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! ”  
~ Matthew 6:22-23 (KJV) 

Do You See This?


Now in light of what we have just uncovered, let’s answer the question about adultery, personally, humbly and truthfully.

Again we are asking and answering Question #3:

Have you ever committed spiritual or physical adultery or both? (with the same sex or the opposite sex, or both).

[Please note: Adultery is often used in the Bible as a “catch all phrase” it can include every form of sexual sin, sexual immorality, and sexual perversion, including fornication, masturbation, pornography, sexual idolatry, adultery, orgies, bisexual, homosexual sins, and every other form of perversion, some too evil to mention here.]

What do you call someone who commits adultery?

Answer: An adulterer.

So what are you? An adulterer? No. You are a lying, blaspheming, adulterer at heart. (If you have broken these three laws.)

That is not me telling you. That is you telling you. If you have admitted to the crime, you have openly confessed and told yourself the truth, maybe for the first time. You told yourself the Truth. Imagine that.

If you have told yourself the truth, now it is crucial to be accountable to the truth, you have told yourself. Please answer this next question, honestly, and truthfully:

Will you be innocent or guilty?

On the day of judgment when you have to stand before a Holy God? The God of Heaven who can show no partiality to you, because He is bound by the righteousness in the Law, to give you exactly (and everyone else exactly) what you have earned.

Will you be innocent or guilty if God judges you by the 10 commandments? (We have looked at only three, but if you have only broken even one of the commandments, you will be guilty before the Law of God.)

Now, do you understand if God gives you justice, what will you receive?

[You deserve the law of God to be applied to your life, on the day you have to stand before God.]

So … Will you be innocent or guilty?

If you say, “GUILTY.” Does that concern you?

Many people will say, “I guess I would be guilty.” But asked if that concerns them, they would often say, “No.”

Then they may say, “My God loves me, and accepts me as I am.” 

This response shows a clear lack of understanding of the God  of Righteousness, Holiness, Purity and Perfection.

He is bound by his own Righteousness to judge everyone according to the exact same standard, according to what they have done. And to judge you by the very same standard and to give you exactly what you have earned.

If He does not do so, he is not just. If he is not just, then he cannot be a God of Justice. Then we should not be putting our trust in Him.

[Day Thirty-five]

Will God pay you
what He owes you?

Yes. Truly. God “will repay each person according to what he has done.”

Romans 2:6-11 (KJV)
6 [God] will render to every man according to his deeds: 7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, [He will give] eternal life: 8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, [He will give …] indignation and wrath, 9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; 10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: 11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

[Day Thirty-Six]

If God does not keep His Word on this subject: How can we trust Him to keep His Word on any subject?

Revelation 22:12-15 (KJV)
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have [the] right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers [adulterer = sexually immoral, both gay and straight], and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Are you excited to receive from God everything he owes you according to your work?

Have you labored diligently in the Work of the Lord? or have you gone your own way? Only time will truly tell what God owes you, but if you have not labored in genuinely building up the Kingdom of God:  What rewards do you expect to receive from God?

On the other hand: If you have labored and worked for the flesh, the world, and the devils, living selfishly, living without regard to your high calling in God. Living without getting your sins white as snow. Without helping others to get their sins white as snow. Living without a Testimony of Gratitude to God for transforming your heart from being perverted to becoming HOLY? Living without the knowledge of God, the Counsel of God, the Presence and Power of God? Living without the purity, and holiness of God (without holiness, no one will see the Lord), living without submitting your life and plans to the Holy Spirit, so he can fill you will his incredible Wisdom, Maturity, Power and Grace?

If all these elements of faith, and the working of the powerful Spirit in the Kingdom of God, are missing from your life, and no righteous fruit was born unto eternity … What can God give you on the day you stand before Him? 

These are the kinds of Questions we need to be asking ourselves and our families, friends, and members of our church–TODAY. We need sobering thoughts and provoking life enriching Truth. We need our eyes to be single, so that our whole bodies will be full of Light! We need to see God’s Commandments in the Light of Eternity. We need to have a pierced heart that can Reason with God, and so that He can open the Scriptures to Us.

The God of Heaven has incredibly High Standards of Living. Higher than we can imagine.

Gratefully, we actually meet and exceed God’s incredibly high standards, through the Blood Covenant of God. And through that ancient Covenant which is Fully Embodied in the New Covenant, we begin to be transformed into His Likeness and His Image by walking according to His Holy Covenant.

[Day Thirty-seven]

What happens when
we reject God’s Covenant?

This is no small matter.

If we have chosen not to Reason with God, not to hear his story, not to learn His Testimony, which is written in blood, it is so serious. Then what will become of us? God’s blood spattered road to Calvary is the only way of Salvation from our sins. There is no one else on the face of the earth who has paid for your sins in full. Only one person who came into the World as Sinless, and stayed Sinless his entire stay here, and died sinless on the Cross. Only One Man, can take on the penalty for your sin.

That is one reason why the Blood Covenant of God is so powerful, and so important to understand and to live within. It is the only way to become righteous before the Holy God of Heaven. Outside of that Covenant we are all helpless, hopeless, and condemned forever. Inside that Covenant we are safe, secure, protected, and accepted all together.

The only way to get to God, and to meet his incredibly high standards is by going through the narrow gate, and accepting all of God’s provisions and protections. In such a relationship their is an eternal exchange that must happen, which in itself will create an eternal and unbreakable bound between the God and Man–through the Blood of Christ.

Outside of the covenant, God is bound by the Law of God to pay you your wages, to pay you for exactly what you have earned. 

Romans 6:20-23 (KJV)
20 For when ye were the servants of sin,
ye were free from righteousness.

21 What fruit had ye then in those things
whereof ye are now ashamed?
for the end of those things is death.

22 But now being made free from sin,
and become servants to God,
ye have your fruit unto holiness,
and the end everlasting life.

23 For the wages of sin is death;
but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

[Day Thirty-Eight]

Only 3 of 10 commandments

So far we have only looked at three of God’s 10 Commandments. And the chances are good if you are like me, you have broken all 10 of them (in spirit, if not in the physical), and continue to break his commandments on a daily basis. 

If God were to judge you according to the 3 commandments we have looked at: Would you be innocent or guilty?

If you are guilty, you would be guilty. There will be no partiality on the Day of Judgment. If you are guilty, you will suffer the consequences of your guilt, if you have not gotten your sins made while as snow.

The purpose of looking intensely at the 10 Commandments of God, is so that we can see ourselves from God’s Perspective and use that Wisdom to plan accordingly.

The Pure Law of God, just goes to prove how deep the darkness is inside of us if we have not been cleansed of our sins.

If you have not been cleansed of your sins, you will have much trouble understanding and following the works and the ways of the Kingdom of God.

That also means you will have a number of strongholds set up inside of you that will take effort and warfare to overcome. These strongholds will need to be identified, renounced, and broken off of you–If you are wanting to walk with God. (Chances are good that  any single sin, will dramatically hinder if not outright block your desire and ability to walk with God.

[Day Thirty-Nine]

Who has thoroughly
investigated this?

From my experience, I find that It is a rare thing that a man has fully investigated the Whole Counsel of God, and entered into a truly powerful, truly pure, truly dedicated righteous and faithful,  loyal and loving walk with God.

Even though the walk is entirely Free. It is entirely Open. And entirely Available to anyone who would come.

Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV)
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

That in itself is strange, isn’t it? God offers himself Freely: 1) His Knowledge. 2) His Wisdom. 3) His Insight. 4) His Power and Grace to Perform Incredible Work. 5) His Life Changing Experience. 6) His Time. 7) His Amazing: Character, Nature, Virtue, and Kindness.

In short, God offers the best wisest and most enduring and endearing relationship any person could possibly ever offer.

And God does not charge one penny, nor one dollar, to teach us his Powerful Wisdom, so that we can teach others around us. And He does it all for free. The only request he makes of us, is that after we have fully received of his greatness, and his majesty, that we teach others, and we give it away for free!

Everywhere else you go people are charging 100’s, and even 1,000’s of dollars to have a class, or take a course with some such specialist, or some alleged guru or expert. And this expert, often has based his knowledge on false assumptions, and false conceptions that will not endure the test of time, and will actually leave the person worse off than if they never took his course. Such is modern education.

The same is true for modern medications. I saw an advertisement yesterday at a friends home (I don’t have a television) for a kidney drug, that was supposed to help the patient (the victim), then it listed all the possible side effects, that were worse that cure. Then it told the patient to: “Ask your doctor if this medication is right for you?” There is something extremely wrong with that whole advertisement from the beginning to the ending.

Compare these two:

  • When God heals someone. He heals them body, soul, mind, and spirit. He puts the insane and demon possessed back “in their right” and “cures the disease” the demon brought on the person in an instant. And God’s Healing is for free.
  • When God educates a man, his education is certified Good for Now, and Perfect for Eternity. No unlearning or relearning necessary. And God’s Teaching is for free.

Yes, men will mock and scoff, at God’s Free Healing and Free Education, but what do you expect, how else are they going to cover up their own faulty, twisted, confused, and ineffective expensive medicine and demonic education?

You can have an entire lifetime of better than University level coursework, with the One who created those professors who charge 1,000’s for their speaking engagements. And all His course work is for free, and guaranteed True, and guaranteed Good for your entire lifetime, and into Eternity.  

Isaiah 55:1-3 (KJV)
1 Ho, every one that thirsteth,
come ye to the waters,
and he that hath no money;
come ye, buy, and eat;
yea, come, buy wine and milk
without money and without price.
2 Wherefore do ye spend money
for that which is not bread?
and your labour for that which satisfieth not?
hearken diligently unto me,
and eat ye that which is good,
and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
3 Incline your ear, and come unto me:
hear, and your soul shall live;
and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
even the sure mercies of David.

[Day Fourty]

Men are smarter than God

Men continue to choose the Word of Men, over the Word of God. They believe man’s word is wiser and better informed than the Word of the One who created the man in the first place.

Isaiah 29:15-16 (KJV)
15 Woe unto them that seek deep to hide
their counsel from the LORD,
and their works are in the dark,
and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

16 Surely your turning of things upside down
 shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay:
for shall the work say of him that made it,
He made me not?
or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it,
He had no understanding? [that’s like the painting saying to the painter, you idiot, why did you paint me like this?]

Sadly, this mindset is the University Mindset. It foments ignorance and darkness, and swings wide the door of evil to come in and corrupt every student on campus. Very few escape unscathed.

The Counsel of God, in the Blood Covenant of God will explain exactly why that is such a strange phenomena: The Creature Telling the Creator what is wrong. It will tell us, Why people reject what is good, and embrace what is evil. Once you investigate it it will become abundantly clear.

[Day Fourty-One]

It takes Time & Effort
to Reason with God

One main hindrance a man will encounter in entering into the Reasonings of God is the problem of time. Have you noticed: this is not a short 3 point, easily marketed message? If you want to be thorough or even scratch the surface it takes time to read, study, and write down all that you are learning.

It takes time and effort to learn and know the thoughts of God. One must make it a priority. Without clear effort, it will never come to be (even with good intentions). For example, how can a man know the counsel of God without taking the time to read GOD’S COUNSEL? A man will not succeed in his attempt to grasp The Reasonings of God, without making the effort necessary.

It is no different than learning the alphabet, or learning a new language. The one who doesn’t want to learn to read will not make the effort to learn the foreign symbols on the page. It takes effort to learn and grow, but human laziness is no excuse.

The truth is you have ALL the time you need, but you must seize the opportunity. You must overcome your excuses. You must challenge every lie you have ever believed.

[Day Fourty-Two]

Will you clear your entertainment schedule to make room for God?

In humility, this is a simple decision. In pride, it is a complex and next to impossible decision–because the man of pride is a slave to his habits and his lifestyle addictions. 

[Will you: Turn off the TV, turn off the Video Games, turn off the Social Media, turn off the sporting events, the sit-coms, the stimulating action/adventure movies, the endless shopping advertisements, magazine articles, newspaper stories, stock market reports, and every other inconsequential and non-eternal distraction.]

Will you give yourself unhindered, unfettered time with God?

Somewhere in your schedule you must make room for the uninterrupted counsel of God and prayer. For the Study of His Word, and the Learning of His Ways. Typically, for many, the best times are the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night.

And Yes, it is a sacrifice. And No. It will not happen by itself. But, Yes, it will be worth it in the long run. And Yes. It will change your life as you know it forever. And yes, the Word of God will mess with your head, mess with your heart, and challenge your spirit, in ways only God can explain.

[Day Fourty-Three]

Have you shared your experience?

If you have experienced the blessing of having your sins be made White as Snow: Have you successfully shared that experience with others? Are you still doing it?

If no, why not? Do you not want that experience to grow? (It grows when you share it.) It was never meant to be a solo event. Someone likely shared the good news with you, and you are in kind called to share the good news with others.

And if you really received the cleansing of your soul, how can you not share that singularly most important event in your life with others? 

  • If yes, did your friend learn: How to reason with God? How to become clean from the inside out?  How to have a pierced and humble heart before God? How to come into God’s Presence? How to abide in God’s Promises? How to Trust in God’s Word? How to receive answers to prayers? How to enjoy God’s Family? How to be a faithful witness of God’s Character and His Nature? How to identify and overcome Enemy Lies? How to overcome the temptations to Sin? And, How to Store up Eternal Treasures in Heaven, all the while, “learning to Love God with all your Heart? ” “To love your neighbor as yourself?” “To love your enemies, and do good to those who hate you?”


  • Yes, the learning curve for coming into God’s Heavenly Kingdom is somewhat lengthy. In fact, it is infinite. That is why we need to be there for our friends who are just beginning to learn the basics of entering into a Blood  Covenant relationship with God. In such a covenant there are incredible benefits, but there are also deep, eternal, and unbreakable commitments, as in any heavenly covenant—and like the covenant of marriage it’s a two-way street. 

[Day Fourty-Four]

Have you become a disciple of Christ?

A Disciple is a student of Jesus:  He is one who listens to his word, and becomes a doer of his word. He is fruitful, because he makes the priorities of Jesus, his own priorities as well.

As a result, he becomes a disciple that makes disciples, that make disciples, that make disciples, that in-turn make disciples.

In other words, he is a sower of good seed. (Matthew 13:1-43) And he will reap a harvest at the end of the age. And he will enter into glory with great joy, and great rejoicing, and a heart full of gratitude and grace. He will leave a legacy of God’s Power, God’s Love, and God’s Salvation behind him that will indeed change the world, one soul at a time.

This is the commission of Jesus to anyone that would follow in his footsteps, anyone that would become a doer of His word. (See James 1:23, that should be easy to remember, James 1-2-3)

James 1:22-25 (KJV)
22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.  23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.     

[Day Fourty-Five]

Are you a successful Disciple Maker?

In others words: Does your friend know how to see God?How to seek God? How to reason with God? How to walk with God in agreement? Does he know how to break all former agreements with the Devil? Does he know how to recognize the Devil’s influence all around him, and how to put a stop to it, how to become salt and light in a deceived world? Even more importantly, do you know how?

[Day Fourty-Six]

Do You See Him?

If you can see Him, then you can follow him, with your eyes open and your faith enlarged, then you will be able to know and comprehend Him. You will begin to understand why he does the things he does; and says the things He says.

You will begin to comprehend His Reasonings.

As a result of your own journey of Learning, as a disciplined and diligent student, studying yourself to be approved (2 Timothy 2:15) you will be able to teach others how to see him from inside of His Word, the same way you learned how.

As a result, you will become a disciple maker. One who becomes a true disciple, who makes disciples, who makes disciples, until the entire population has heard God’s Good News (or you have died trying).

[Day Fourty-Seven]

Preparing for His Return

Soon Jesus is going to be ready to return to Earth, to step into the Role of a Sovereign King over all the peoples of the Earth–this is what the Jewish People are waiting for! That Kingdom will reign for 1,000 years.

Then He will be declared in Spirit and in Truth, the King over all Kings, and the Lord over all Lords. And he will incarcerate the Devil, for 1,000 years.

Then, after the 1,000 year period, the devil will be let out of prison for a short season, and he will be given one final opportunity to deceive the nations, and he will.

Revelation 20:1-3 (KJV)
1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

And this is how it is going to end. You have God’s Testimony on this subject!

Revelation 20:7-10 (KJV) 7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

[Day Fourty-Eight]

Why do we make disciples?

The more disciples we make, that know, hear, understand and see God, the more people will escape the eternal torment assigned to the devil and his angels and everyone who decided to walk in agreement with the devil.

MARK THIS DOWN: You don’t even have to believe in the devil, to walk in agreement with the Devil. You just have to do the things the devil wants done to be in agreement with Him. Your covenant of agreement is sealed, by your own thoughts, words, actions, addictions, and all the lies you believed keep you walking in agreement the Devil. And yes. You can be an atheist, and still be walking in perfect step with the Devil (even if you don’t intellectually believe in Him).

Our great commission from Jesus is to make Disciples, who are able to teach all the commandments of God. (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:14-20)

Remember this: The more disciples we make the more treasure we store up unto Heaven. Our heavenly relationships with others that we create here on Earth are the only things that we can take into Heaven. Every earthly relationship than was not brought over the line of Salvation, will be eternally lost forever. 

The more disciples we make the greater the blessing we can experience here on the earth, for every disciple is a blessing to the earth, and brings the power of God into every situation in order to overcome all the power of the evil one.

But every false convert is a curse upon the earth, just as every unbeliever, living in unbelief and rebellion to God creates a curse upon the earth.

[Day Fourty-Nine]

We have but a little time to work

Jesus culminated and completed his entire life’s work on the Cross of Calvary (Golgotha in Hebrew), and then he passed on his baton to us to run with it for a little while, so that we also could store up treasures in heaven and be ready for his Glorious Coming.

[For more about the passing of the baton check out: the “why no more miracles? article]

Like the five wise virgins with their lamps overflowing with oil, (Matthew 25:1-5) shining brightly in the darkness, so are we called to shine in the darkness. (Oil is a symbol of the Holy Ghost, aka, the Holy Spirit.)

John 12:44-50 (KJV) 44 Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. 45

And he that seeth me,
seeth him that sent me.*

[Do you see Him?]

46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. 47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. 49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. 50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

[Day Fifty]

Are you a disciple by faith?

Obviously today we don’t see Jesus physically, we see him by Faith. After Thomas put his fingers in the holes of Jesus hands and side, he was admonished by Jesus:

John 20:27-29 (KJV) 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Today … If you can’t see Him by Faith? How can you follow Him? How can you know Him? How can you Hear His Voice? How can you reason with Him from His Word? “My Sheep hear My Voice, I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:25-31)

True faith comes from reading, knowing, and doing his word. True faith is not a feeling. It is not an emotion. It is not a spiritual high. True faith is simply agreeing with God’s word, making it the top priority of your life, and doing what he said to do. As a result of obedience, the worshiper becomes a doer of the word, through diligence, through habit, and through perseverance.

These are not emotionally driven processes, they are issues  that reside deep inside The Will of the man. Do you will to do The Will of God? Then you will do it.

Do you not will to do The Will  of God? Then you will not do it. It is as simple as that.

[Day Fifty-One]

Knowing God is Seeing Him by faith

How can you walk with Him in His Truth, if you neither see him, nor hear him?

If you know not …  His Love? His Forgiveness? His Cleanness? His confidence? His Power? His Wholeness? His mental and emotional stability? His Purity? and His Grace?

If you don’t see him, and don’t know him, how can you walk in agreement with him? Or do what he says? Or know what He wants? How could you be a part of His Team? His Family? His Kingdom?

Would that not be impossible? According to my reckoning it would be, and that agrees with the scriptures as well. (See John 15:1, and learn how one is able to bear the Fruit of the Vine of God, and why one is not able to bear the Fruit of God.)

One of the worst things a person can do:  is to claim that he knows, and sees, and follows Jesus (that is the fundamental claim of “being a Christian,” a Christ Follower, a little-christ), but in fact, his actions, his lifestyle, his deeds, and the fruit of his life declare the opposite. And it’s not hard to see when someone isn’t living in the Message of the Messiah. The indictment to that person will be “Woe to you Hypocrites!” (See Matthew 23:13 to Matthew 23:23).

You can tell a tree by it’s Fruit.
(Luke 6:44; Matthew 7:15-23; 12:33)

[Day Fifty-Two]

The Difference between
True and False Converts

You believe In God … Good

You do well!

But is that sufficient?

Is it possible that believing all by itself is not sufficient?

James said:

“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”

Apparently humans are not the only ones who believe in God. Angels believe in God, and sometimes I wonder how many in the animal kingdom know and believe in God? (Balaam’s Donkey believed and obeyed God, and even spoke for God. Numbers 22:21-35)

But the kicker is that: Demons and Devils also believe in God. They know he exists. They have no doubt about that fact. But does their belief in God, conform their character and will to do the works of God?  


Demons do not benefit from their belief, nor do they have any real love for God, nor does their belief draw them into obedient fellowship with God, nor does it teach them to make disciples who will faithfully follow after God.

Many humans who believe in one God, have much the same belief systems as demons, so neither do they benefit from their beliefs. 

[Day Fifty-Three]

The Difference between Going to Church and Being a Disciple

For many false converts, “being a Christian” means: Going to Church.

Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth, because simply going to church doesn’t make someone a doer of the Word.

Here is a dumb saying, but its Truism makes a good point:

“Going to Church doesn’t make you a christian, anymore than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger.”

Becoming a member of a church organization is not the same as Being a Member of the Eternal Body of Christ. Going into a church building, signing a confession, becoming a member, and then sitting in a pew for the next 60 years of your life, is not the same as walking with the Living King of Heaven–Jesus Christ, day by day, moment by moment.

There is no magic formula, no mysterious secret for being a disciple. It simply comes down to “Doing the Word” seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

No Sunday idol worshipping “fake” believer, who does not live 100% for the Kingdom of God is worthy of the Blood Sacrifice of God. In other words, Jesus didn’t leave heaven, come to earth, to suffer and hang on the cross, then go to hell, and rob Hades and Hell of their Keys, then come back to life, and then return to heaven, sitting on the right hand of God, so that you and I could go to church and attend a false Sunday Worship Service.

That is the false conception of modern christianity. It equates fellowship with Christ to joining a club. Jesus never said, “Join my Club and be happy.” Jesus said, “Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men.” “Pick up your Cross and Follow me,” or “be not worthy of me.”

If Jesus does not have all of my heart, devotion, obedience; All of my mind, will, and emotions; 24 hours a day; How can he have all of me?  And How can I have all of Him?

How have I obeyed the first commandment to love God with all my heart, mind, and strength? In the blood covenant of God I am called to give everything I have of mine to Jesus, and in exchange Jesus gives everything HE has to me. And since He has far more than I, I am the great beneficiary, and he is the great benefactor.

That is the essence of the Blood Covenant Agreement: all of me for all of him, all of him for all of me. In the exchange I give Jesus all my sins, all my iniquities, all my wickedness, all my selfishness, all my foolishness, and depravity, as well as, all my worldly entertainment. In exchange he gives me all of His Wisdom and Virtue; All His selflessness and righteousness; All His moral perfection and sinless nature.

Together we bury my “old man” at the foot of the Cross on the Hill of Golgotha, the same place where Christ died.

Because of my evil life: I know I deserved to die upon that Cross. Instead, He died for me. He took my punishment that I deserved. Then He gave me his place of Glory, Honor, Majesty, Acceptance and Holiness before His Father, that I did not deserve, nor could I have ever earned. It was a free gift that I could never repay.

The only thing he asks of me, is that I follow him, from that day forward. He promises to lead me into good things, if I will but obey him in every detail and every aspect of my Life.

When I say yes, to His Invitation, I put myself and my entire life under a willing and freeing obligation: To indeed follow him, and become a fisher of men.

Again. He being Perfect, died in my place. I should have died. I deserved to die. And in my death I should have been punished for eternity, just as the devil will be punished. I did the same things the devil did. I walked in the same ways as the devil walked. I earned my wages of punishment, sin, and death, but God the Father provided a way of Escape.

He provided a lamb of sacrifice. His Lamb. His holy and perfect Son came to give his life as a ransom for many.

If I choose, by my own freewill to enter into the eternally binding Blood Covenant of God, I will renounce and put down (putting to death) all my own old ways of sin, depravity, and all my evil, selfish doings. And I will also pick up my Cross, and I will confess His Name, and Follow in His Footsteps as He will choose to Lead me from that day forward.

But here comes the Huge deception: which is viral in the modern church and has been so throughout false church history.

If I renounce my old life, and name Jesus Christ as my new LORD (so I no longer serve the flesh, the devil, the world, or Mammon), but then I do not obey Christ as LORD, I am no longer a true follower of Christ, I am a false convert: A tare (weed) in the wheat; A foolish virgin; an unfruitful soil; a fruitless and dead withered vine branch; an unfaithful and disobedient soldier in his army, and many lives will be lost because of my disobedience.

If I am not a fisher of men, a harvester of souls, a laborer in God’s Vineyard, but in fact I am a lazy servant indulging myself in the delights of this world without telling others about how to get their sins washed white as snow, I am not a “born again” servant of the Man, Christ Jesus. I am a “born of the flesh” hypocrite in full bloom of my own making.

If I am worried about all the things in the world, if I am distracted in doing all kinds of worldly obligations, and as a result: I have no time, no energy, no effort, no labor, no prayer, no souls of salvation to share the Word of Life and make sure their pathway to heaven–How am I a wise and faithful servant of Christ?

If I am not a destroyer of Satan’s Works, but in reality a participant in his carnal, selfish, wicked distractions, works and entertainments. What will be my wages on the day of God’s Holy Judgement?

Ans a result of my false concept of salvation that doesn’t include instant obedience to the Word of my Master, to follow in the Ways of my Lord, and to do the will of My Father who is in Heaven, becoming a faithful and skilled fisher of men, I can easily become a distracted lukewarm believer that He will spit out of his mouth. I trust … that will be an altogether unpleasant experience that the pierced heart, and the contrite spirit will seek to avoid, with all his heart, mind, soul, and spirit.

[Day Fifty-Four]

To Obey is Better
than Sacrifice

The Obedience to the Leading of God is a critical issue.

An unbroken, un-pierced heart, will not be able to comprehend this subject.

But to the contrite soul, this topic is monumental.

Man is called to follow God in the leading of the Spirit, but due to his carnal nature of rebellion he is likely to miss his call when the King of Heaven comes knocking at his door.

Case in point:

The believer just feels like watching a movie one night.

It wasn’t a particularly bad movie as movies go, “it had some good content,” the believer says to justify his actions.

But in reality the movie was a huge and wicked distraction. The man was called of God to pray for the salvation of his family member. It was a critical time in this person’s life. He was in the valley of decision, and he could have made a right choice or a wrong choice that would affect his eternity.

As it turned out, the family member made the wrong choice and died in a drunken car accident, that killed two other people.

As it turned turned out, the believer also made the wrong choice, instead of entering into the place of spiritual warfare in prayer and intercession for his brother, he spent the night watching mindless and fruitless TV. The next day, the believer gets the phone call. He is full of remorse. In that remorse, he makes a vow to visit the family of the deceased, but that vow can never replace his call to obey.

To Obey is Better
than Sacrifice.

Because he was tired, a soldier failed to obey the critical orders his commanding officer, as a result many souls perished in a flash. No amount of future sacrifice can make up for the loss of life on the field that due to his disobedience.

Even living an entire lifetime of regret and shame cannot change the outcome of his thoughtless, careless, selfish disobedience.

To Obey is Better
than Sacrifice.

[Day Fifty-Five]

A Sobering Thought

How can I know that I have truly accepted Jesus as my Savior. That I truly believe in Him. That I have truly trusted in Christ to save me from my sins? 

How can I know that I have truly been granted eternal life?

The test of the believe is in the fruit of his life? What kind of fruit is the believer bearing?

  • Good fruit in the Salvation of his Life and the others around him, is proof of his genuine and authentic faith in Christ.
  • Bad Fruit in the Degradation of his Life, (perpetual sin and perpetual disobedience to Christ, and the negative affect of his walk in away from Christ, is proof of his inauthentic faith in Christ.

What happens to the sinner who chooses to remain in his sins?

What is the sign that he is not following after Christ?

In other words, if Jesus has not saved me from my sins? How can he save me from going to hell, the very place my sins are going? If I am not saved from my sins, how will going to church be of any benefit to me?

If the message at church is: “God loves you as you are, and you don’t need to give up your sins,” “or they don’t preach a message strong enough to separate you from you sins, your future is doomed.  

Your church is teaching false doctrines and making false disciples, and setting up its people for the a hellish nightmare experience that is going to last for eternity.

Unless the message in your Church is strong, and the Word of God is being proclaimed, so that men can become pierced, broken, convicted, and condemned in their wicked deeds, so that they may be rescued and transformed. Everyone attending that church is in danger.

If sin is being coddled, if it is being shielded, if it is being embraced, or allowed in any way, then that church is not a place to become a true and faithful convert, or disciple of Christ.

If that church is not powerfully teaching you how to become an effective and diligent “Fisher of Men” what are they teaching you, and what are you believing in?

That church is not teaching you how to become a disciple that makes disciples, teaching you, and leading you (bt example and focused training), mentoring you and disciplining you to become a fruitful worker in the LORD’S VINEYARD, by those in the church who are skilled “Fishers of Men” … if you are not being trained how to become a excellent and skilled laborer in the Great Harvest of God–flee that Church and find one that will lead you in the Ways of God.

If any person wants to become a disciple, he must become a doer of the Word.

[Day Fifty-Six]

The False Concept of Church (part 1)

It can be argued : it is far more important that you become a doer of the Word at home, at school, at work, in your free time, at rest, in the morning and evening, in your entertainment (turning off all worldly entertainment and doing the Will of God in place of it), than it is to be a doer of the Word at Church.

BTW–What entertainment does a doer of the Word need? If you are a doer of the Word, bringing men and women out of darkness, into Light. Training them to destroy the works of the devil. Demonstrating to them the Mighty Miracle Working Power of God, getting your prayers answered for healing, deliverance, salvation, and the Presence of God?

How can that compare to going to a totally fake worldly movie full of carnal lies, deceptions, pot shots at God and his word, and the unclean spirits of Hollywood?

[Day Fifty-Seven]

Training for Warriors

Church is meant to be a place to gather for training in the Word of God, the rest of the week is your practice time. Where you put into practice everything you studied at church.

If I am not practicing my faith at home, at work, and  in the world around me, I am not a true disciple of Christ, and the Word of God would identify me as a hypocrite: one who says one thing but does another. One who appears one way, (to be a follower of Christ) but if in fact I was only acting, I will receive from God a worse punishment than the average sinner. 

Luke 12:46-48 (KJV)
46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. 47 And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

In other words, God’s actions will speak even louder than his words, because our actions will speak louder than our words.

Today, in church we may have many excuses and justifications for not making God’s priorities our highest priorities.

But on the day we stand before God, those excuses and self justifications will burn like acid in our throats.

The bottomline:

If I am not a doer of the Word (every day),
I am not a true disciple of Christ.

If I my religion is based on going to church to serve God one day a week, my religion is idolatry, and it is not worthy of Christ Blood Bought Covenant of Love and Sacrifice that Jesus paid such a high price to purchase us back from the kingdom of Darkness, and redeem us into the Kingdom of Light forever.

[Day Fifty-Eight]

Church and Seminary

I could have a 10 year seminary doctorate degree.

I could be trained in Church Theology, Hermeneutics, Greek and Hebrew, Church History, Church Philosophy. I could exegete the Word accurately, and still not be a doer of the Word.

I could be trained in how to lead a Bible Study. How to lead a prayer group. How to lead a missionary team. How to do medical missions. How to run a christian daycare, kindergarten, preschool, elementary, middle or high school, but if I am still not a doer of the Word, I am nothing.

I could have been saved, baptized, and filled with the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues. I could have been the pastor of a church for 30 years. I could have taught  Greek and Hebrew as a Seminary Professor, but if I am not a doer of the Word, I am not a true disciple of Christ. And my supposed ticket to heaven will be invalid.

Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV)
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

In other words, if we do not do the will of God by becoming doers of the Word, and occupy our time, our resources and our efforts to Doing the WILL of the Father, we will be doing something else. That only makes sense, right?

[Day Fifty-Nine]

It truly is that simple

If I am not a doer of the word, a disciple that makes disciples, that makes disciples, that makes disciples.

If I don’t care to share how my sins became white as snow, I must not really care about that experience. It must not have meant that much to me. And as such, it really didn’t change my life, which draws into question, did I believe and did I receive the real thing or some false artificial alternate thing. Did I receive another Gospel, did I receive another spirit? If I am not making disciples who have been convicted of their sins, and are deeply committed to the Work of God as I am …

How can I be a disciple of Christ?

Will not a true disciplined learner and doer of his word, do the things Jesus did?

Did he not pass the baton onto us? Did Jesus not give us “the great commission” to go and make disciples of all nations? Are we not to go and take his message into all the world and make disciples, “teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you”?

If I am not about my Father’s Business: if I am not an active hard working laborer in my Father’s Vineyard, if I am not actively and diligently gathering fruit, in the field that is ripe for harvest, if I am not letting my lamp burn brightly … what am I doing?

[Day Sixty]

How can I be sure
I am following Christ?

If I am not a “doer of the word”, a disciple that makes disciples, that makes disciples: Chances are good, I maybe a false convert. I may be deceived believer, or a lazy and/or disobedient (wicked) servant, which is not a good title to carry around, and it may come to a perilous end, if I do not wake up and make a radical change in my priorities, and in my life pursuits.

If you do a careful study of God’s Word, it is clear: God is seriously concerned how every follower of his spends his time and his money, and his skills and resources–AND HOW HE SPENDS HIS LABOR.

Is it to build up the Kingdom of God, or is it to advance the kingdom of self?

[Day Sixty-One]

Is Your Church filled with False Converts?

This is no surprise to the true disciple of Christ (they know for certain), that there are many two-faced, hypocritical so-called Christians walking around in churches. But this very idea seems to offend many unbelievers who use this as a deliberate excuse not to believe in God, nor to follow God, nor to read his Word, nor to obey His Commandments.  And of course this is the enemy’s plan, and “excuse makers” generally fall right into it.

Notice I said, “deliberate excuse.” The un-pierced soul is looking for any and every excuse he can lay his hands on to not enter into the reasonings of God.
(I know. I did it too.) 

The unconverted soul still wants to look good on the outside, but his soul is filled with carnal delights and carnal pursuits on the inside.

God says, it is not what is on the outside that counts, but what is on the inside, that is what really counts. 

[Day Sixty-Two]

Is your Your Church Run by false converts?

Now we are getting to a serious topic. This could really tread on some peoples toes, but it needs to be exposed.

If a church is full of false Sunday Idol worshipping, entertainment based, hearer only Christians, who have not been pierced by the Word of God … guess what, someone is leading them in that direction. The Word calls the leaders “the Shepherds of the Sheep” if they are not feeding the Sheep on the Word of Faith that will convert the soul, and make every day doers of the Word, chances are good they have not been converted either.

Like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together, and so do false converts, and their false leaders–and they love it so.

Jeremiah 5:31 (KJV) The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means [they rule by their own authority, not God’s, they rule by the flesh, and not by the Spirit of God]; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?

If the sheep are false converts, that says a lot about the shepherd’s also predictably being false converts. 

Many churches have dynamic speakers: teaching bible studies, leading worship, leading youth ministries, teaching Sunday school, and preaching from the pulpit–but who themselves are not doers of the Word.

Typically, these false shepherds really don’t care for or care about the sheep at all. (John 10:12–13). In fact, instead of feeding the sheep, they feed off the sheep

They are there to promote themselves. Promote their books. Promote their ideas. Promote their teaching and preaching ministry.  Promote their philosophies, and to gather followers after themselves, to get people to become like them (as opposed to becoming like Christ, by taking up their cross and following Christ). These shepherds or leaders are to be avoided like the plague.

The truth be told many churches, seminaries, missions, and church boards are run by agnostics, occult leaders, practical atheists, and even Satanists, or worse normal everyday BUSINESSMEN, who are idol worshippers, who are serving Mammon, and not Christ. Of course, this fits into Satan’s plan perfectly.

As a rule, you can just ask yourself the question, is this church leadership in it for the benefit of the sheep, or the benefit of the shepherd(s)?

If the Shepherd(s) are making money off the Gospel (not living in a modest, non-luxurious lifestyle), you can accurately predict and generally prove— they are in it for themselves (and for the money), no matter what their website says, no matter what their doctrinal statement says.

If they hire their children and to work in the ministry, paying them to so-called, serve Christ. That’s a strong indicator. If they have more than one house: More than one nice car, wear designer clothes, maintain designer hairstyles, designer shoes, eat expensive gourmet meals, drink expensive wines, if they are on TV, or want to be, you don’t have to learn much more about them. You should do best to avoid them.

[Day Sixty-Three]

Are Satanists in the Church translating your Bible?

Did you know the Word of God is under attack from every angle possible, and it has been for centuries, even and especially now from within the Church?

Satan has left no stone uncovered. He has hired and promoted certain people to make it their life’s goal to corrupt the Word of God, both from outside the church, and also from inside the church, even the modern Bible many people believe is the Word of God is corrupted and has been intentionally twisted, deleted, and added to against the strict indictment of God.

Did you know that the two promoters, Westcott and Hort, of the so-called “Oldest and most reliable Manuscripts” were both occultists: Members of occult groups. And so are some of the modern translators of the many modern bible versions, some are occultists, and that some are homosexuals in charge of translating the scriptures, that are using the Westcott and Hort Manuscripts, to create our modern Bible Translations.

This would almost be funny and comical if it wasn’t true. Satan can now use the Bible to attack Jesus

These people are weeds planted by the enemy, in the midst of the field of wheat. They are growing strong and hardy weeds, but they have no fruit. That is how you can tell who and what they are, and who and what is running the church you are going to? 

Reading your Bible will make this very clear (that is if it is not a corrupted modern translation version using the Westcott and Hort translations).

[Day Sixty-Four]

Can you guess the motivation behind modern translations?

Here’s a hint it is not to better care for the sheep, again it is another way to feed off the sheep. If you guessed money, you would be right. Every new translation gets copyright infringement payments in multiple millions of dollars, selling multiple millions of Bibles. Each school, each church, each denomination, each seminary promoting their own favorite version, and yes kickbacks are a part of the deal… Is Satan’s plan working? How many modern bible translations are there? Which one is uncorrupted? Which ones cause confusion, doubt, fear, false doctrine, and dilute the Word of God? This is a study each believer needs to do for himself. 

I personally, collected several sources to help a seeker get started, in the King James vs. Modern Translation series (1-5). They are short to the point, and only scratching the surface of several quite alarming facts about fake and fraudulent Bible Translations and their translators. It is an eye opening study. 

[Day Sixty-Five]

Puffed up Peddlers of
God’s Word vs Holy Servants

Jesus had this to say about the character of a godly leader:

And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.      ~Mark 9:35 

From my personal experience, the leaders I regularly come across are often wanting others to serve them. They get paid to go to church, so they are the professionals, but they want everyone in the body to volunteer their time and serve them, in “their” ministry. This seems unbalanced somehow.

In the early church pastors were not hired. Being a pastor and shepherd of the sheep was not a paid position. It was a volunteer position. And it was not sanctified by a local seminary. The Body clearly recognized the call, and the authority, and the purity and powerful witness, on a leader, and gave him room to grow and develop his talent and calling, as a part of a family of believers.  Never did the early church look to one leader to bring the word of God, the entire church was filled with men who were able to speak the Gospel powerfully and effectively in an instant, and able to give testimony, correction, and training in righteousness at the drop of a hat. They didn’t need a whole week to prepare a sermon locked away in their study, away from the flock of Christ–that is a modern day fallacious practice, and is detrimental to the Body of Christ. 

It comes from the practices and beliefs of the Nicolaitans. (more on this later.)

[Day Sixty-Six]

The Early church was a family,
not a business.

In the early church, the Whole Body trusted God for the finances and needs of the whole community–like a large extended and diverse family. Everyone shared equally. And each person contributed according to their means, being directed by the Holy Spirit of God, not manipulated by the greed and covetousness of man.

Acts 2:44-45 (KJV)
44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

The leaders were not trying to use the Church to gain money to buy personal property, and materials things like cars, houses, apartments, beach and lake front properties, mobile homes,  private planes, Rolls Royce’s, jets, and the like. Neither did they fund their designer fashion clothes, their gourmet dinner palettes, nor their wine collection, nor their manicure, pedicure, and fashion hairs style expenses from the churches funds, nor pump the body (audience) for money for their fine jewelry and so on–that would have been pure demonic sacrilege.

And it should be sacrilege today. Can you imagine Peter, Paul, John, James, or Jesus wearing Gucci shoes? Gold? Wearing designer fashions? and makeup? Going to a sun tan saloon?

Of course, these are all reasons, and causes for men to stumble over God’s Word. And that is the enemy’s plan. And it is working, but only on those who do not have a pierced heart.

The garbage in the false church, just motivates the true believer and genuine disciple to work that much harder, that much more dedicated, and delirious to be a living example of the Holy Word of God and a powerful witness of the Son of God. That is our calling as true disciples of a Glorious and Heavenly Kingdom that has only come in part, and is received by faith, and seen by faith, and experienced by faith. 

But take your spiritual eyes of Jesus, and exit the Blood Covenant of God for just a minute, and you may stumble hard concerning the abominations that are happening all around you and even in the church at large.

[Day Sixty-Seven]

The Modern Church is run like a business

If your church is making disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples, (and doing so with no grandiose budget or heavy handed man made program), and are maturing their disciples into the image and likeness and maturity of Christ, and building righteous and pure and holy and loving and enduring relationships in Christ, who is the head of the church, count your many blessings, because your church is actually doing the work of God (without man made videos, multimedia, programs, buildings, mortgages, heavy staff salaries, expensive coffee bars, and all the modern day church ego facilities), these gospel based churches are few and far between. 

The Modern American church is run on a business model. IT is based on a cash flow basis. It is submitted to the State. IT holds legally binding contracts with the US government, who is head over the church. The Church is run by a board of trustees, as a corporation is run. Decisions are not made by faith, but by finances, and God’s calls that Idolatry.

God is the head of the True Church, not man, not man’s idolatrous ways, not man’s idolatrous worship.

Both the Catholic and the Protestant, both Denominational and non-denominational organized churches run on hierachies of human government, with CEO’s at the top and janitors at the bottom, each getting a paycheck and a piece of the church paycheck pie (Those at the top of the food chain get a bigger peice of the pie, often for doing far less work.)

They are all following the worldly model created by Mammon. So who are they serving? Who is the head of the modern day money based church? Who is the father of the business based church? 

If you understand this, you can see why the divorce right inside the modern church as equal to that of the society around it. You can see that the sickness rate in the church is the same as the society that is around it.

If you understand this, you will see why the teenage rebellion rate among churched children is higher than ever. It is estimated that more than 80+ percent of modern day church children who leave home (especially for college), also leave the church, never return to it.

If you understand this, you can see why the pornography rate among pastors is not so different than the pornography rate among the society around it. 

Can you see this is the standard model with the same standard maladies for the vast majority of money based churches in America today? It is the 501c3 church, which is just another arm of the government reaching into the work of God, and re-directing it, instead of Christ himself.  Ask yourself this question:

How can that be a true Church of God?

[Day Sixty-Eight]

If Christ is not the head of the Church …. who is?

That’s a pretty scary question: Who will be bold enough to answer it: Plainly, Clearly, Accurately, and without equivocation?

If Christ is not running the Church of Christ, then who else would be or could be running the Church? 

To answer that question we have already breached the subject of idolatry in the Church, and we have already breached the subject of men serving Mammon and not God.

So let’s combine those two concepts and come up with a person who promotes idolatry and the worship of Mammon.

[Day Sixty-Nine]

In fact, who is Mammon? 

There is some speculation in answering this question. We don’t have any real strong anchor points to nail the person of Mammon down about his background or origin. 

What we can say is this: Mammon is a demon lord presiding over the arena of money and everything connected to the worship and idolatry of money: Greed, Wealth, Materialism, Prosperity, Riches, Extravagant Luxury, Fashion, and the like. This ruling demon has quite a bit of power and position, pull and sway in the kingdom of Darkness. He is one of the very few demons Jesus refers to by name, in the following passage:

Matthew 6:22-25 (KJV) The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! 24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon. 

In other words: Mammon is a Master. He is a Lord, a ruler, a director, who wants and needs to be served. Mammon is obviously not like God. He is Evil, he requires his subjects to worship him, to bow down to do his will. To promote his agenda. And he works in conjunction and in with all the other master demons and lords in the kingdom of darkness.

[Demon Lords Named by Jesus: Apollyon/Abaddon, Beelzebub, Belial, Legion, Mammon, Satan (and his many titles). I can’t think of any other Demon Lords Jesus named or others used by their personal names in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, every pagan nation followed their own demon lord(s).]

[Day Seventy]

Do you ever yourself struggle with the spirit of Mammon?

I know Mammon has a big pull on myself and my family. It keeps many from knowing God and sharing God’s message freely.

Mammon creates divisions among men, the have’s and have not’s. The wealthy and the poor. The powerful and the exploited. The arrogant and the humble. The self confident, and the God confident.

Mammon creates debts and dissatisfaction. It creates fake finances. It can wipe out your life savings in a heartbeat: from the rise and fall of stock markets, and the gambling on it. It creates jealousy and peer pressure, the need to keep up with the Jones’s. It creates ever changing fashions that need to be kept up. Dumping whole wardrobes every new season, and adopting every new fad, and dumping every old one. It creates competition, anger, frustration, lust, greed, consumerism, dissension, arguments, strife, discord, prejudice, distrust, and the excuse and the need to lie and steal and cheat.

[Day Seventy-One]

Is Mammon in your Church?

Now imagine if Christ is not the head of your church and congregation, but Mammon is … what might be some of the visible results? 

The pastor, the leadership, and the people will be normal, regular, social status people. Right? Outwardly they will look pretty much like the worldly people all around them. They will wear the same styles, sport many of the same logos and brand names. No big deal right?

That all depends.

What is on the inside? Churches often base their memberships around programs. The programs are set up for a high volume of people, with an entertainment focus. They are planned out months in advance. They are paid for by the income they will generate. Everybody needs to be entertained: Videos, Videos, Videos. Big screens in every church room. Infants. Babies. Toddlers. Preschool.  Elementary School, High School, College Career Groups, Young Adults, Young Marrieds. Middle Age Singles, etc. Everyone who comes into the church gets a video.

Then they just talk about and mimic what was said in the video.

[Day Seventy-Two]

The Feel God Message

Everyone gets to interact with others shortly after the video, so Everyone gets to feel good about themselves. Or at least try to feel good. And others will try to help them feel good about themselves.

That apparently seems to be the gospel of the modern church: 1) to feel good about oneself, and  2) be nice to other people.

That is the opposite of the early church’s ministry to preach the gospel to : 1) convict sinners of their sins. 2) drive them to their knees in the confession and repentance of sins.

The problem today: everyone is focused on self and on feeling better about themselves. 

Dear Friends, this is not the Gospel of Christ. The modern church message message is directly opposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Message of the Gospel is not focused on feeling good about yourself. It is all about Doing the Will of the Father with all your heart, mind, will, and strength. By doing so, you will not only feel good about yourself, but your will have deep, pure, righteous fellowship with the Holy Spirit of God, and see his many wonders and mighty works in the lives of those around you who welcome the presence of God into their Midst.

Jesus said, 

Matthew 10:34-39 (KJV) 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

[Can you see how different Jesus’s Pure Gospel is to the Modern “Feel Good” Gospel. They are nothing alike.] 

35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

How many people preach, teach, follow, and practice this message above in your modern day church?

Dare we guess. Not many? If this is spoken of, it will likely be white washed over. 

Imagine trying to match a feel good program for all levels and categories of people that teaches the above message: “unless you lose your life for Jesus’ sake, you will never find life in him.”

That would give your modern Christian Marketing companies a nightmare heart attack.

“Unless you lay down your life for God (lose your life), you will never enter into his kingdom.”

How many board of directors would disallow this message being preached in their churches?

How would you create a program that would teach this lesson in depth in a modern church? Who would attend it?

You would probably lose the bulk of your congregation.  

Many modern churches have agreements between the hired pastor, (who is the servant of the board first, who pays his salary, then a servant to the government, a servant to his family, his seminary, his bible translation, his worship committee, and somewhere down the line he is a servant and representative of Christ) and the church board will tell the pastor what can and cannot teach.

Our modern day churches are very similar to the government run, Three Self Church in Communist China. True churches in America would be similar to the underground church which is persecuted by both the government and the modern compromised church.

In other words, modern church pastors (in both America and China) are not allowed to be led by the Spirit of God to Preach what the Holy Spirit of God is convicting them to preach. They must only preach and teach what the Board of Trustees, and the Government allows–thus eliminating the Spirit of Conviction from the Body of Christ. If you asked me, I would call this a truly compromised church, a church run by Mammon, and not run by the Victorious, Life Transforming, Spirit of the Risen Christ.

Modern people come into new groups and new ministries, to learn something new, to gain new experiences “to find themselves.”

But, Jesus is teaching his disciples to lose themselves.

Modern churches are always cooking up something new to teach, something provocative, something inspirational, something entertaining.

But, Jesus is teaching an old way, an ancient way, a blood sacrifice way, the way of the Blood Covenant of God, ending and ultimately completing His work at the Cross of Christ. There is nothing really new about it, except that He is the full fulfillment to the Blood Covenant, and we are his inheritors of this sacred, ancient, and powerful covenant.

“Come let us reason together, saith the Lord.”

[Day Seventy-Three]

Why is the modern church
so powerless? 

Jesus’ message and ordained commission, has given the Church the Power and and Authority and the resources to change the World from the inside out one soul at a time.

But the modern church is powerless to change the world because it wants to be like the world, and it is run by the un-contended leader of the world, Mammon. Maybe that is why it has no real power over the world, because it has joined forces with the world and it has actually become subject unto the world. The modern church has become an underling and a hireling to the world of Mammon.

The early church transformed the entire social and spiritual fabric of the world in one generation that radically impacted the last 20 centuries of human history while having very little money and very little natural resources to do the job (no printing press, no radio, no telephone, no reliable maps, poor roads, poor directions, no railroad, no access to libraries, very little access to books, no cars, no buses, no jet planes, no computers, no internet,  no videos, no televisions. How did they do it? The walked from town to town. The met people where they lived. The stayed with them, and stayed  among them while preaching and living the most powerful life transforming message in the World. And the Holy Spirit confirmed the Word with signs and wonders following.

Again, How did the early church change the landscape of the entire world in such a short time with so little resources? They had the word of God, and they had their 2 feet. And they had the Spirit of God going with them. That is all they needed to transform the society and world they lived in.

They had it in their heart to labor hard to reach every single available soul within their reach. They felt that was the least they could do to show their gratitude to God for sending his one and only son to die in their place and take on the punishment they deserved. They took their responsibility seriously, and the invested themselves into the work and labor of the great harvest of God.

They received the promise from above, because they entered into the Reasonings of God, and were convinced of His Wisdom and Will.

[Day Seventy-Four]

What’s the Difference between the Modern and the Early Church?

The big difference between modern church and the early church: They had the Holy Spirit of God leading and guiding them. That is the missing ingredient of the modern church.

The modern churches are led by men, the early church was led by God himself through the Holy Spirit he sent to guide them.

If the Holy Spirit is Living and Guiding a church today, we will expect to see the same signs of salvation, deliverance, healing, and Grace that was manifest in the Early Church. We will expect to also see the same charity, chastity (modesty), humility, gentleness, patience, generosity, intimacy, purity, righteous Love and Loyalty that we see in the early Church.

If the presence of God living inside of every member of the Body of Christ, how could we not see his power, his glory, his righteousness, his majesty, his holiness, his purity, and his truth–witnessed in the Church.

These things are far more enriching, captivating, enduring, and life transforming than a video driven ministry, based on a feel good philosophy, in the modern Lukewarm church.

The modern church possesses more resources, more time, more freedoms, and more money than ever before to do the work of God, but it has slipped and backslid over and over, and has not impacted this generation hardly at all. And much, if not most, of its impact has been negative. Why is that?

Maybe because Mammon is the Master of the Church, as he is the master of the leaders of the church, as well as the master of the followers of the church. He is the ruler over the Board deacons on the church board, and the elder board, and all the employees of the Church: the pastor and his staff. Such is the state of the modern church.


What will happen to the Church that is selfish, self focused, self-satisfied, carnal, materialistic, rich, and lukewarm? Yet, not in an obedient relationship with the Head of Church,  Jesus Christ, nor following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and is therefore not bearing the Fruit of the Kingdom of God?

Does that describe any Church you know of? Any church you have been to? Any church where you have been on the leadership Team? Any church where you have been the head Pastor? If so, is it still that way?

[Day Seventy-Five]

What did Jesus himself say
to the Lukewarm Church?

Revelation 3:14-22 (KJV)
These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness [That is Jesus], [the one from] the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would [wish/want]  thou wert [would be] cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.


I don’t know about you, but I don’t know what it means that Jesus will spew me out of his mouth, and I don’t want to know, at least not firsthand. But it appears many will have this experience who had deceived themselves into believing they were all “A” OK with God, when they were not.

But this am I completely sure and secure in: If I become a doer of God’s Word (and not a hearer only), and in so doing I become a disciple that makes disciples, that make disciples, that make disciples, that bear much fruit, then I will become so busy, and prosperous in the Word of God, that I will not have time to worry about being lukewarm or carnal, or selfish, or materially rich, wretched, blind, or naked.

Just Keep me O Lord, abiding in your Word, that I may bear much fruit. (John 15:1-5) That is what we will be looking at in Part 2 more fully.

 That concludes Part 1, of The Reasonings of God, if you would like to continue to Part 2, please click here.


Excerpt from Part 2:

“When you choose to fully enter into the Room of the “Reasonings of God”, you will soon realize you are entering into an ancient Blood Covenant Worldview that is quite different from any modern paradigm.”

“The first thing you will notice is that there is no negotiating table. There are no lawyers present. The commitment of both parties is ALL or Nothing. Once you hear the terms of the Covenant you are either all in or all out. There is no middle ground…  And it is not wise to walk away from covenant meeting with God Almighty with nothing …”


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