When the Way Seems Difficult …

When tempted to turn back, to quit your race, to give in to your enemy, to leave your spouse, to dump your faith, to abandon your eternal call    …   may these few witnesses below renew your mind, restore your resolve, remind you of who you are, and whose you are, and that even in the midst of the darkest pit, or the deepest loss, the most trying trial, there is hope, and there is grace to Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light. Let the Blood of Jesus, cleanse your heart of all sin, and restore you to your place beside Him again. (1 John 1:10)


You are not alone.

If you don’t know Him: if your sins are too powerful for you, your way of life too foreign to humble yourself before Him,  if you believe you are too proud to accept Him, if you think you are beyond redemption, beyond grace and forgiveness, beyond the ability: to believe, the ability to receive, the ability to achieve faith and healing and Salvation … may the Words of Mincaye, (a former murderer, a former primitive tribal warring savage), may his word and his testimony speak to you about the transforming Love of his Savior and King. Let his words rest upon your mind and challenge your beliefs and your presumptions, assumptions, your pre-programmed prejudices to think in a new way.


I want to introduce to you my father’s murderer …



Can man and woman walk in a High Calling of Love and still remain steady in following Christ?

Tha Daughter of Jim and Elizabeth who lived among her father’s murderers, and learned to love them.




The Faithful Brother of Jim who the world knows almost nothing about (but has with the help of his wife and others planted more than 200 churches in Ecuador and feels more at home there than among his people in the USA.)


A message from a Personal Journal that inspired the writer to follow by faith his belief in an Eternal Savior.




A message:




A legacy.


Message for Kids:


Cartoon for Kids of all Ages:


Mincaye can now see Him. Do You See Him? (Meet My Father’s Murderer …. )





A Testimony of Love:




Virginity is an Irreplaceable Gift The Elisabeth Elliot Foundation The Elisabeth Elliot Foundation


The last trip home:


The Next Generation of Those who have given it there all:


  Elisabeth Elliot Session 2: Giving Your Life Away in Every Season of Life, Part 1


A Challenge to the Laodicean:

Do I carry the scars? Have I walked in His Steps?


A song to Keep us mindful:


The Terrible Truth: Suffering Is Not For Nothing with Elisabeth Elliot



A memorial service for Elizabeth Elliot:











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