In Part One, we looked at OMITTED words, and two shady translators who deleted words, erased verses, even stole whole stories from the children of God (especially noted: John 7:53 to John 8:9, ten verses, as well as, Mark 16.

Here, in Part Two, we will look at, Added Words, and how they were added properly, in the form of a translation. We will also look at the “You” plural and “You” singular superiority of the King James Translation that are present both in the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts (but not present in the Modern Translations.)

Next, We will look at another translation phenomenon: Translators who went mute, lost their voice, and could not speak, after falsely translating the Word of God. In Part 3.

[excerpt again from:] 

Added Words in Italics

The italic words in the KJV actually PROVE that the translators were honest in their work. When translating from one language to another, the idioms change, thus making it necessary to add certain words to help the reader grasp the full meaning of the text. When the KJV translators added such words they set them in italics so that we’d know these words were added, UNLIKE what we find in so many new versions today, which do NOT use the italics.


Thou, Thee, Thy, Thine, and more …

Also, for clarity and accuracy, The KJV, uses both the singular and plural form of YOU! Check this out:


  1. When you see a T-Word, it’s singular (the ‘T’ only has one line on it’s top): Thou, Thee, Thy, Thine
  2. When you see a Y-Word, it’s plural (the ‘Y’ has two lines growing up from the stem): Ye, You, Your, Yours


[excerpt again from:] 

Thou, Thee, Thy, Thine and Ye, You, Your, Yours

1.) If the Lord Jesus Christ was concerned about every jot (smallest Hebrew letter) and tittle (small Hebrew mark), then surely He was concerned about the pronouns He chose for the Bible (Matt 5:18). There is a Bible version far more accurate than the others, and it requires thee’s and thou’s! When addressing one person, High English uses thou, thee, thy, or thine, for the subjective, objective, or possessive cases of the second person pronoun. When addressing two or more people, High English uses ye, you, your, or yours. Modern English has only you, your, and yours to cover either a single person or a group of people. You cannot tell if one or more is being addressed.

In the King James Version, all second person pronouns beginning with t are singular, and all second person pronouns beginning with y are plural. Thee, thou, thy, and thine are always singular – always! Ye, you, your, and yours are always plural – always! Hebrew and Greek also distinguish between the two, but only the superior English of the King James Version distinguishes the precise pronouns of the Hebrew and Greek. Though modern versions claim to be honest to the “originals,” they get rid of the precise pronouns of the “originals.” Do not get rid of thee and thou. Demand thee and thou! Reject the NKJV and other versions that change them, for they are corrupting the accuracy of God’s word.

“So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading” (Neh. 8:8). “Every word of God is pure … Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar” (Pr. 30:5-6). “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God” (Luke 4:4).”Thou hast kep my word” (Rev. 3:8-10).

For more data, See Part 3

KJV versus Modern Translations (Part 3)

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