Source:  KJvsNKJV.TXT


Retrieved December 14, 2022.



In this analysis we will compare the  ‘New King James Version’

(NKJV) (1983 edition) to the King James (KJ) Bible.

                           K J   V S.   N K J V 

Gen. 1:21    KJ:       “And God created great WHALES, …”

             NKJV:     “So God created great sea creatures …”

             COMMENT:  There is a difference between sea creatures and



Gen. 2:7     KJ:       “… and man became a living SOUL.”

             NKJV:     “… and man became a living being.”

             COMMENT:  A MAJOR difference between man and beast is that

                       man is the ONLY creature with a SOUL. 


Gen. 2:13    KJ:       “… land of ETHIOPIA.”

             NKJV:     “… land of Cush.”

             COMMENT:  I know where Ethiopia is, but where is Cush?

                       Question: Is the NKJV’s ‘Cush’ a “simpler

                       and more easily understandable word” than the

                       King James’ “ETHIOPIA”?


Gen. 3:4-5   KJ:       “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall

                       not surely die: For God doth know that in the day

                       ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,

                       and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”


             NKJV:     “And the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will

                       not surely die. For God knows that in the day you

                       eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will

                       be like God, knowing good and evil.'”


             COMMENT:  This is major blasphemy! God (with a big G) is

                       not evil!  Think about the difference.


Gen. 22:8    KJ:       “And Abraham said, My son, God will provide

                       HIMSELF a lamb for a burnt offering: …”

             NKJV:     “And Abraham said, ‘My son, God will provide for

                       Himself the lamb for a burnt offering’…”

             COMMENT   It is true, as the NKJV says, that God did

                       provide FOR himself a sacrifice. However, that

                       is only part of the story. The NKJV totally

                       misses the DEEPER, and more AMAZING truth: GOD

                       WAS the sacrifice!  The KJ wording is perfect:

                       “God will provide HIMSELF” (in the form of his

                       only begotten son Jesus Christ) as the



Gen. 24:47   KJ:       “… and I put the EARRING UPON HER FACE, …”

             NKJV:     “… So I put the nose ring on her nose …”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV put WHAT on her nose?


Deut. 23:17  KJ:       “There shall be no … SODOMITE of the sons

                       of Israel.”

             NKJV:     “There shall be no … perverted one of the

                       sons of Israel.”

             COMMENT:  “SODOMITE” is watered down to just

                       ‘perverted one’. Sodomy is an ABOMINATION

                       (Lev. 18:22), but the NKJV has REMOVED



2Sam. 16:4   KJ:       “… And Ziba said, I humbly BESEECH thee [that]

                       I may find GRACE in thy sight, my lord, O king.

             NKJV:     “… And Ziba said, ‘I humbly bow before you,

                       that I may find favor in your sight, my lord, O



1Kings 10:28 KJ:       “… and LINEN yarn: the king’s merchants

                       received the LINEN yarn at a price.”

             NKJV:     “… and Keveh; the king’s merchants bought them

                       in Keveh at the current price.”

             COMMENT:  I know what linen is, but what is Keveh? Is the

                       NKJV’s ‘keveh’ actually a “simpler, more easily

                       understood word”, than the KJ’s LINEN?


1Kings 14:24 KJ:       “And there were also SODOMITES in the land: …”

             NKJV:     “And there were also perverted persons in the

                       land …”

             COMMENT:  SODOMITES is watered down to ‘perverted persons’.

                       Sodomy is an ABOMINATION (Lev. 18:22). But

                       notice, the NKJV has removed sodomy. 



1Kings 15:12 KJ:       “And he took away the SODOMITES out of the land,


             NKJV:     “And he banished the perverted persons from the 

                       land, …”

             COMMENT:  Again, the NKJV changes SODOMITES to just

                       ‘perverted persons’. Sodomy is GONE, in the

                       NKJV, here in 1Kings 15:12, AND in

                       1Kings 14:24, AND in 1Kings 22:46 AND in 

                       2Kings 23:7.


1Kings 20:38 KJ:       ” … with ASHES upon his FACE.”

             NKJV:     ” … with a bandage over his eyes.”

             COMMENT:  In English, “ASHES” and ‘bandage’ are two

                       different words entirely. So are FACE and eyes.


Ezra 8:36    KJ:       “And they delivered the king’s commissions unto

                       the king’s LIEUTENANTS, …”

             NKJV:     “And they delivered the king’s orders to the

                       king’s satraps …”

             COMMENT:  Is the NKJV’s ‘satraps’ a “clearer, more easily

                       understood word” than the King James’



Psalm 109:6  KJ:       “Set thou a wicked man over him: and let SATAN

                       stand at his right hand.”

             NKJV:     “Set a wicked man over him, And let an accuser

                       stand at his right hand.”

             COMMENT:  Satan has been REMOVED from this verse in the



Eccl. 5:20   KJ:       “… God ANSWERETH [HIM] in the joy of his


             NKJV:     “… God keeps him busy with the joy of his


             COMMENT:  The translators blew this one.


Isaiah 11:3  KJ:       “And shall make him of quick understanding …”

             NKJV:     Omitted.

             COMMENT:  This verse is about Jesus Christ and says that

                       he will be “of quick understanding”. The NKJV

                       omits this.


Daniel 3:25  KJ:       “… and the form of the fourth is like THE SON

                       OF GOD.”

             NKJV:     (footnote) “or a son of the gods”

             COMMENT:  ‘A son of the (plural) gods?’ It was Jesus

                       Christ, The Son Of God, who was in the fiery

                       furnace with Shadrach, Messach, and Abednego. It

                       was Jesus Christ who protected them and it is

                       Jesus Christ who protects us from the fiery

                       furnace (i.e. from hell).


Daniel 7:10  KJ:       “… THE JUDGMENT WAS SET, and the books were


             NKJV:     “… The court was seated, And the books were


             COMMENT:  The JUDGMENT OF GOD has been removed.


Hosea 11:12  KJ:       “… but Judah YET RULETH WITH GOD, AND IS 

                       FAITHFUL WITH THE SAINTS.”

             NKJV:     “… But Judah, still walks with God, Even with

                       the Holy One who is faithful.”

             COMMENT:  The topic of the verse is Judah. But, halfway

                       through the NKJV changes the topic to God.


Hosea 13:9   KJ:       “O Israel, THOU HAST DESTROYED THYSELF; but in

                       me [is] thine help.”

             NKJV:     “O Israel, you are destroyed, But your help is

                       from Me.”

             COMMENT:  How did Israel get destroyed? The NKJV does not

                       tell us.


Zech. 11:17  KJ:       “Woe to the IDOL shepherd that leaveth the flock!


             NKJV:     “Woe to the worthless shepherd, Who leaves the

                       flock! …”

             COMMENT:  “IDOL” and ‘worthless’ are DIFFERENT.


Matt. 2:4    KJ:       “… he (King Herod) DEMANDED of them where

                       Christ should be born.”

             NKJV:     “… he inquired of them where the Christ was to

                       be born.”

             COMMENT:  King Herod, FURIOUS over the arrival of Jesus,

                       (and wanting to DO AWAY with him) did NOT inquire

                       where Christ should be born; he DEMANDED to know!


Matt. 7:14   KJ:       “Because strait [is] the gate, and NARROW [is]

                       the way, …”

             NKJV:     “Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the

                       way …”

             COMMENT:  ‘Difficult is the way’?  No, “NARROW” is the 



Matt. 8:19   KJ:       “And a certain scribe came, and said unto him,

                       MASTER, I will follow thee …”

             NKJV:     “Then a certain scribe came and said to Him,

                       ‘Teacher, I will follow you …'”

             COMMENT:  Jesus AS MASTER is watered down to ‘teacher’.


Matt. 11:23  KJ:       “And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto

                       heaven, shalt be brought down to HELL: …”

             NKJV:     “And you, Capernaum … will be brought down to

                       Hades; …”

             COMMENT:  Hell is GONE in this verse in the NKJV.


Matt. 12:32  KJ:       “… but whosoever speaketh against the Holy

                       Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in

                       THIS WORLD, neither in THE [WORLD] TO COME.”

             NKJV:     “… but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit,

                       it will not be forgiven him, either in this age

                       or in the age to come.”


Matt. 12:40  KJ:       “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in

                       the WHALE’S belly; …”

             NKJV:     “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in

                       the belly of the great fish, …”

             COMMENT:  The Lord Jesus Christ knew the difference between

                       a “WHALE” and a ‘fish’.


Matt. 13:39  KJ:       “… the harvest is the end of the WORLD, …”

             NKJV:     “… the harvest is the end of the age, …”

             COMMENT:  The harvest comes at the END OF THE WORLD.


Matt. 16:18  KJ:       “… upon this rock I will build my church; and

                       the GATES OF HELL shall not prevail against it.”

             NKJV:     “… on this rock I will build My church, and the

                       gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

             COMMENT:  Hell is gone (again) in the NKJV.


Matt. 18:11  KJ:       “For the Son of man IS COME to save that which

                       was lost.”

             NKJV:     “For the Son of Man has come to save that which

                       was lost.”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV says Jesus Christ ‘has come’, a PAST

                       TENSE statement. The NKJV implies that ALL who

                       were to be saved, HAVE BEEN saved. NOT TRUE.

                       Anyone TODAY can be saved by Jesus. The correct

                       reading is PRESENT TENSE. This NKJV corruption

                       is very subtle and there are NUMEROUS places

                       where the NKJV changes the verb tense.


Matt. 18:26  KJ:       “The servant therefore fell down, AND

                       WORSHIPPED HIM, saying, LORD, have patience

                       with me, and I will pay thee all.”

             NKJV:     “The servant therefore fell down before him,

                       saying, ‘Master, have patience with me, and

                       I will pay you all.'”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV deletes WORSHIPPED HIM, and LORD

                       is watered down to just ‘Master’.


Matt. 20:20  KJ:       “Then came to him the mother of Zebedee’s

                       children with her sons, WORSHIPPING [him], …”

             NKJV:     “Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Him

                       with her sons, kneeling down …”

             COMMENT:  ‘Kneeling down’ is not even close to TRUE



Matt. 23:8   KJ:       “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your

                       MASTER, [even] Christ; …”

             NKJV:     “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is

                       your Teacher, the Christ, …”

             COMMENT:  Jesus AS MASTER is watered down to ‘teacher’.


Matt. 24:3   KJ:       “… Tell us … of the end of the WORLD …”

             NKJV:     “… Tell us … of the end of the age …”

             COMMENT:  Jesus isn’t being asked about a “new time

                       period”, or a “new dispensation”. He is being

                       asked about the WORLD COMING TO AN END.  There

                       is a difference.


Matt. 27:4   KJ:       “… I have sinned in that I have betrayed THE

                       INNOCENT BLOOD …”

             NKJV:     “… I have sinned by betraying innocent blood


             COMMENT:  Lots of people are innocent of certain crimes.

                       But ONLY JESUS CHRIST was “THE” INNOCENT BLOOD. 

                       Think about it.


Matt. 27:27  KJ:       “Then the soldiers … took Jesus into the COMMON

                       HALL, …”

             NKJV:     “Then the soldiers … took Jesus into the

                       Praetorium …”

             COMMENT:  Is the NKJV’s ‘Praetorium’ “simpler and more

                       easily understandable”, than the King James’

                       COMMON HALL?


Mark 13:6    KJ:       “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am

                       [CHRIST]; …”

             NKJV:     “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am

                       He,’ …”

             COMMENT:  ‘He’ could be ANYBODY.


Luke 11:4    KJ:       “… And lead us not into temptation; but deliver

                       us from EVIL.”

             NKJV:     “… And do not lead us into temptation, But

                       deliver us from the evil one.”

             COMMENT:  It is true, as the NKJV says, that we need to be

                       delivered from the ‘evil one’. But also, OUR

                       FLESH IS SINFUL (Romans 8:3). So we need to be

                       delivered from it, too. The King James is correct

                       and MORE COMPREHENSIVE: We need to be delivered

                       FROM EVIL (from ALL of its forms).


Luke 16:23   KJ:       “And in HELL he lift up his eyes, …”

             NKJV:     “And being in torments in Hades, …”

             COMMENT:  Hell is DELETED in this verse in the NKJV.


Luke 21:8    KJ:       “… for many shall come in my name, saying, I

                       am [CHRIST]; …”

             NKJV:     “… For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I

                       am He,’ …”


Luke 24:46   KJ:       “… and thus it BEHOVED Christ to suffer, …”

             NKJV:     “… thus it was necessary for the Christ to

                       suffer …”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV misses a HUGE POINT:  It BEHOVED Christ

                       to suffer. He did it WILLINGLY.


[be·hoove| bəˈho͞ov | (British behove | -ˈhōv | ) verb [with object] (it behooves someone to do something) formal it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something; it is incumbent on: it behooves any coach to study his predecessors. [with negative] it is appropriate or suitable; it befits: it ill behooves the opposition constantly to decry the sale of arms to friendly countries. ORIGIN Old English behōfian, from behōf (see behoof).

behoove | verb 1 my brother-in-law is ill and it behooves me to see him: be incumbent on, be obligatory for, be required of, be appropriate for, be expected of, be advisable for, be sensible for, be wise for2 it ill behooves our national broadcasting channel to be so underhanded: befit, become, suit; be fitting to, be for, be seemly for, be proper for, be decorous for.]


John 1:3     KJ:       “All things were made BY him; …”

             NKJV:     “All things were made through Him, …”

             COMMENT:  “BY” and ‘through’ are totally different. Think

                       about it.


John 1:10    KJ:       “He was in the world, and the world was made BY

                       him, …”

             NKJV:     “He was in the world, and the world was made

                       through Him, …”

             COMMENT:  Again, “BY” and ‘through’ are not the same.


John 4:24    KJ:       “God [is] A Spirit: …”

             NKJV:     “God is Spirit, …”

             COMMENT:  For the NKJV to say: “God is Spirit” infers that

                       ALL spirits are of God. NOT true. There are evil

                       spirits, but in God, there is NO evil. So the KJ

                       is correct: God is ‘A’ spirit.


John 14:16   KJ:       “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give

                       you another COMFORTER, …”

             NKJV:     “And I will pray the Father, and He will give

                       you another Helper, …” 


John 14:26   KJ:       “But the COMFORTER, which is the Holy Ghost, …”

             NKJV:     “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, …”


John 15:26   KJ:       “But when the COMFORTER is come, …”

             NKJV:     “But when the Helper comes, …”


John 16:7    KJ:       “… for if I go not away, the COMFORTER will not

                       come …”

             NKJV:     “… for if I do not go away, the Helper will not

                       come …”


John 18:28   KJ:       “Then led they Jesus … unto the HALL OF

                       JUDGMENT: …”

             NKJV:     “Then they led Jesus … to the Praetorium, …”

             COMMENT:  Is the NKJV’s ‘Praetorium’ “simpler, and more

                       easily understandable”, than the King James’

                       HALL OF JUDGMENT?


Acts 2:31    KJ:       “He seeing this before spake of the

                       resurrection of Christ, that his soul was

                       not left in HELL, neither his flesh did see


             NKJV:     “he, foreseeing this, spoke concerning the

                       resurrection of the Christ, that His soul

                       was not left in Hades, nor did His flesh

                       see corruption.”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV DELETES HELL (again).


Acts 2:47    KJ:       “… And the Lord added to the church daily such

                       as SHOULD BE saved.”

             NKJV:     “… And the Lord added to the church daily those

                       who were BEING SAVED.”

             COMMENT:  Salvation is an IMMEDIATE EVENT. It is NOT A

                       PROCESS. People are either saved or they are

                       not. They are NOT ‘being saved’.


Acts 3:13    KJ:       “The God of Abraham, … hath glorified HIS

                       SON Jesus; …”

             NKJV:     “The God of Abraham, … glorified His Servant

                       Jesus, …”

             COMMENT:  Jesus as GOD’S SON has been watered down to

                       just ‘servant’.


Acts 3:26    KJ:       “… God, having raised up HIS SON Jesus, …”

             NKJV:     “… God, having raised up His Servant Jesus,


             COMMENT:  Again, the NKJV waters down Jesus as GOD’S

                       SON to Jesus as just a ‘servant’.


Acts 4:13    KJ:       “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and

                       John, and perceived that they were unlearned

                       and IGNORANT men, …”

             NKJV:     “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and

                       John, and perceived that they were uneducated

                       and untrained men, …”

             COMMENT:  Untrained? Untrained? WHAT? Peter and John had

                       been WITH JESUS for some time. They WERE NOT

                       untrained! JESUS HAD TRAINED THEM. They were

                       trained BY GOD ALMIGHTY: THE BEST TRAINER in

                       the UNIVERSE! They were, however, ignorant.


Acts 4:25    KJ:       “… Why did the HEATHEN rage, and the people

                       imagine vain things?”

             NKJV:     “… Why did the nations rage, And the people

                       plot vain things?”

             COMMENT:  It wasn’t nations that raged. It was the



Acts 4:27    KJ:       “… thy HOLY CHILD Jesus, whom thou hast

                       anointed, …”

             NKJV:     “… Your holy Servant Jesus, whom you anointed,


             COMMENT:  Again, the NKJV waters down Jesus. This time

                       GOD’S HOLY CHILD is watered down to just

                       a ‘holy servant’.


Acts 4:30    KJ:       “… thy HOLY CHILD Jesus.”

             NKJV:     “… Your holy Servant Jesus.”

             COMMENT:  One more time: The NKJV waters down Jesus. GOD’S

                       HOLY CHILD is watered down to ‘holy servant’.


Acts 8:9     KJ:       “… a certain man, … used sorcery, and

                       BEWITCHED the people …”

             NKJV:     “… a certain man … who previously practiced

                       sorcery … and astonished the people …”

             COMMENT:  No! No! No!  He didn’t ‘astonish’ the people

                       as if they were being entertained/amazed. No,

                       he BEWITCHED them (to their DETRIMENT).


Acts 12:4    KJ:       “… after Easter …”

             NKJV:     “… after Passover.”

             COMMENT:  Herod was a HEATHEN King. He did NOT REGARD

                       Passover! He would have regarded Easter,

                       though. Note: Easter is PAGAN.  Passover

                       is BIBLICAL.


Acts 15:18   KJ:       “Known unto God are all his works FROM THE

                       BEGINNING OF THE WORLD.”

             NKJV:     “Known to God from eternity are all His works.”


Acts 17:22   KJ:       “Then Paul stood in the midst of MARS’ HILL, and

                       said, …”

             NKJV:     “Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus

                       and said, …”

             COMMENT:  Is the NKJV’s ‘Areopagus’ “simpler, and more

                       easily understandable”, than the King James’

                       MARS’ HILL?


Acts 17:22   KJ:       “… [Ye] men of Athens, I perceive that in all

                       things ye are TOO SUPERSTITIOUS.”

             NKJV:     “… ‘Men of Athens, I perceive that in all

                       things you are very religious;'”

             COMMENT:  Come on!  Being ‘very religious’ and “TOO

                       SUPERSTITIOUS” are entirely different!


Acts 17:29   KJ:       “… we ought not to think that the GODHEAD

                       is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, …”

             NKJV:     “… we ought not to think that the Divine

                       Nature is like gold or silver or stone, …”

             COMMENT:  The GODHEAD is watered down to just ‘divine



Acts 18:12   KJ:       “And when Gallio was the DEPUTY of Achaia, …”

             NKJV:     “… when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, …”

             COMMENT:  Is the NKJV’s ‘proconsul’ a “simpler, more

                       easily understood word”, than the King James’



Acts 19:35   KJ:       “… the city of the Ephesians is A

                       WORSHIPPER OF the great goddess Diana, …”

             NKJV:     “… the city of the Ephesians is temple

                       guardian of the great goddess Diana, …”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV waters down the IDOLATRY practiced

                       in Ephesus.


Acts 24:14   KJ:       “But this I confess unto thee, that after the

                       way which they call HERESY, so worship I the

                       God of my fathers, …”

             NKJV:     “But this I confess to you, that according to

                       the Way which they call a sect, so I worship

                       the God of my fathers, …”

             COMMENT:  The unbelievers who came against the Apostle

                       Paul did NOT think Christianity was a sect.

                       No! They thought it was HERESY.


Acts 28:29   KJ:       “And when he had said these words, the Jews

                       departed, and had great REASONING among


             NKJV:     “And when he had said these words, the Jews

                       departed and had a great dispute among



Romans 1:18  KJ:       “… men, who HOLD THE TRUTH in unrighteousness;”

             NKJV:     “… men, who suppress the truth in


Romans 1:25  KJ:       “Who CHANGED the truth of God into a lie,


             NKJV:     “who exchanged the truth of God for the lie,


             COMMENT:  Those 2 verses are NOT the same.


Romans 6:8   KJ:       “Now if we BE DEAD with Christ, …”

             NKJV:     “Now if we DIED with Christ, …”

             COMMENT:  NO ONE died (past tense) WITH Christ. Jesus

                       Christ died ALONE to pay ALL our sin debt.

                       We did NOT help him! And because he died ALONE,

                       we can NOW (present tense) be dead WITH HIM.

                       Notice: The NKJV changes the verb tense thus

                       corrupting the meaning of this verse.


Romans 6:18  KJ:       “Being then made free from sin, ye

                       became the SERVANTS of righteousness.”

             NKJV:     “And having been set free from sin, you

                       became slaves of righteousness.”

             COMMENT:  Are we ‘slaves’ or “SERVANTS”? Answer:

                       SERVANTS! Think about the difference.


Romans 6:19  KJ:       “… now yield your members SERVANTS to

                       righteousness …”

             NKJV:     “… now present your members as slaves

                       of righteousness …”

             COMMENT:  Again, are we ‘slaves’ or “SERVANTS”?

                       Answer: SERVANTS! There is a difference.


Romans 6:22  KJ:       “But now being made free from sin, and

                       become SERVANTS to God, …”

             NKJV:     “But now having been set free from sin,

                       and having become slaves of God, …”

             COMMENT:  What? ‘Slaves of God’? No! No! No! We

                       are “SERVANTS” to God, as properly

                       stated in the King James Bible.


Romans 13:2  KJ:       “Whosoever … resisteth the ordinance of

                       God: … shall receive to themselves


             NKJV:     “Therefore whoever … resists the ordinance

                       of God, … will bring judgment on


             COMMENT:  The NKJV waters down this WARNING.


1Cor. 1:18   KJ:       “For the preaching of the cross is to them

                       that perish foolishness; but unto us which

                       ARE SAVED it is the power of God.” 

             NKJV:     “For the message of the cross is foolishness

                       to those who are perishing, but to us who

                       are being saved it is the power of God.”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV is teaching AGAIN that salvation is a

                       PROCESS. NOT TRUE. It is an IMMEDIATE EVENT.


1Cor. 1:21   KJ:       “… it pleased God by the FOOLISHNESS OF

                       PREACHING to save them that believe.”

             NKJV:     “… it pleased God through the foolishness

                       of the message preached to save those who


             COMMENT:  Contrary to what the NKJV says, THE GOSPEL

                       MESSAGE IS NOT FOOLISHNESS.


1Cor. 1:22   KJ:       “For the Jews REQUIRE a sign, …”

             NKJV:     “For Jews request a sign, …”


1Cor. 6:9-10 KJ:       “… Be not deceived: neither fornicators, …

                       NOR EFFEMINATE, … shall inherit the kingdom

                       of God.”

             NKJV:     “nor effeminate” has been OMITTED in NKJV.


1Cor. 9:27   KJ:       “But I keep … my body, … into subjection:

                       lest … I myself should be a CASTAWAY.”

             NKJV:     “But I discipline my body … lest, … I myself

                       should become disqualified.”

             COMMENT:  Being a CASTAWAY and being disqualified are VERY

                       DIFFERENT. Think about it.


1Cor. 11:11  KJ:       “… neither the woman WITHOUT the man, IN THE


             NKJV:     “… nor woman independent of man, in the Lord.”


1Cor. 11:29  KJ:       “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily,

                       eateth and drinketh DAMNATION TO HIMSELF, …”

             NKJV:     “For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy

                       manner eats and drinks judgment to himself,


             COMMENT:  The NKJV waters down God’s WARNING.



1Cor. 15:45  KJ:       “… The first man Adam was made a living SOUL;


             NKJV:     “… The first man Adam became a living being


             COMMENT:  A MAJOR difference between man and beast is

                       that man is the ONLY creature with a SOUL. 


1Cor. 15:55  KJ:       “… O GRAVE, where [is] thy victory?”

             NKJV:     “… O Hades, where is your victory?”

2Cor. 2:15   KJ:       “For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ,

                       in them THAT ARE SAVED, …”

             NKJV:     “For we are to God the fragrance of Christ

                       among those who are being saved …”

             COMMENT:  Again? The NKJV is teaching salvation is a

                       PROCESS. NO! It is an IMMEDIATE EVENT.


2Cor. 2:17   KJ:       “For we are not as many, which CORRUPT the

                       word of God: …”

             NKJV:     “For we are not, as so many, peddling the word

                       of God; …”

             COMMENT:  Peddling and CORRUPTING are VERY DIFFERENT. ‘New’

                       versions, like the NKJV, try and hide from the

                       truth they are CORRUPTING the word of God.


2Cor. 5:17   KJ:       “… behold, all things ARE BECOME new.”

             NKJV:     “… behold, all things have become new.”

             COMMENT:  Note: The NKJV CHANGES THE VERB TENSE to past

                       tense. This is incorrect as the Christian walk

                       is a DAILY (present tense) walk where all things

                       ARE BECOME new.  New situations happen for the

                       Christian DAILY. This NKJV error is not the only

                       place where the verb tense has been changed.


2Cor. 10:4   KJ:       “(For the weapons of our warfare [are] not

                       carnal, but mighty THROUGH GOD to the pulling

                       down of strong holds;)”

             NKJV:     “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal

                       but mighty in God for pulling down strong holds,”


2Cor. 10:5   KJ:       “Casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing


             NKJV:     “casting down arguments and every high thing …”

             COMMENT:  It’s IMAGINATIONS that can sometimes BAIT US into



Gal. 2:20    KJ:       “I AM CRUCIFIED with Christ: nevertheless I LIVE;


             NKJV:     “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no

                       longer I who live, …”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV is saying their crucifixion is over

                       (past tense). NOT TRUE. The believers crucifixion

                       is an ongoing, PRESENT TENSE, transaction. Also,

                       we are not dead the way the NKJV implies.


Philip. 3:8  KJ:       “… DUNG, …”

             NKJV:     “… rubbish, …”

             COMMENT:  I have rubbish on the top of my office desk,

                       but I don’t want “DUNG” there!!!


Philip. 3:21 KJ:       “Who shall change our VILE BODY, that it may

                       be fashioned like unto his glorious body,


             NKJV:     “who will transform our lowly body that it

                       may be conformed to His glorious body, …”

             COMMENT:  The problem is that our bodies are VILE.


Col. 3:2     KJ:       “Set your AFFECTION on things above, …”

             NKJV:     “Set your mind on things above, …”

             COMMENT:  The ‘mind’ can be an issue, but the BIGGER

                       ISSUE is our “AFFECTION” (i.e. our HEART)

                       as stated by the King James Bible. (See

                       also Proverbs 4:23).


Col. 3:6     KJ:       “For which things’ sake the wrath of God


             NKJV:     “Because of these things the wrath of God

                       is coming upon the sons of disobedience.”

             COMMENT:  God’s WRATH is not just coming on the

                       ‘sons’ of disobedience, but on ALL CHILDREN

                       OF DISOBEDIENCE  (i.e. SONS and DAUGHTERS).


1Thes. 5:22  KJ:       “Abstain from ALL APPEARANCE of evil.”

             NKJV:     “Abstain from every form of evil.”

             COMMENT:  We SHOULD abstain from every FORM of evil.

                       But, MORE THAN THAT, we are to abstain from

                       ALL APPEARANCE of evil.


1Tim. 6:5    KJ:       “… men of corrupt minds, and destitute of

                       the truth, SUPPOSING THAT GAIN IS GODLINESS:

                       from such withdraw thyself.”

             NKJV:     “… of men of corrupt minds and destitute of

                       the truth, WHO SUPPOSE THAT GODLINESS IS a

                       means of GAIN. From such withdraw yourself.”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV twists this verse. Re-read it



1Tim. 6:10   KJ:       “For the love of money is THE root of all evil:


             NKJV:     “For the love of money is a root of all kinds

                       of evil, …”

             COMMENT:  There is a big difference between the NKJV’s

                       ‘a’ root and the correct King James reading

                       of “THE” root.


1Tim. 6:20   KJ:       “… avoiding … oppositions of SCIENCE

                       falsely so called:”

             NKJV:     “… avoiding … contradictions of what is

                       falsely called knowledge-“

             COMMENT:  It’s NOT ‘knowledge’ that sometimes attacks

                       the gospel, it’s “SCIENCE” falsely so called.

                       For example: The theory of evolution, which,

                       BTW, has been proven wrong at some good

                       creationist web sites, like:





2Tim. 1:7    KJ:       “For God hath not given us THE spirit of

                       fear; but of power, and of love, and of

                       a sound mind.”

             NKJV:     “For God has not given us A spirit of

                       fear, but of power and of love and of

                       a sound mind.”

             COMMENT:  There is only ONE spirit of fear. Thus, the

                       correct reading is: God has not given us THE

                       spirit of fear (as the KJ states) NOT ‘A’

                       spirit of fear (meaning there is more than

                       one spirit of fear) as the NKJV states.


2Tim. 2:15   KJ:       “STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God,


             NKJV:     “Be diligent to present yourself approved

                       to God, …”

             COMMENT:  We are supposed to STUDY the word of God.


2Tim. 2:25   KJ:       “… instructing those that OPPOSE THEMSELVES;


             NKJV:     “… correcting those who are in opposition,


             COMMENT:  The NKJV is exactly backwards.


2Tim. 3:3    KJ:       “… despisers OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD,”

             NKJV:     “… despisers of good,”

             COMMENT:  Quite a difference in the meaning of those

                       two phrases.


Titus 3:10   KJ:       “A man that is an HERETICK after the first

                       and second admonition reject;”

             NKJV:     “Reject a DIVISIVE man after the first and

                       second admonition,”

             COMMENT:  What??  JESUS CHRIST WAS DIVISIVE!!! The KJ

                       is correct: The one that holds to false

                       doctrine (the HERETICK) is the one to be

                       rejected, NOT the one exposing the false



Heb. 2:11    KJ:       “For both he that sanctifieth and they who

                       ARE SANCTIFIED [are] all of one: …”

             NKJV:     “For both He who sanctifies and those who

                       are BEING SANCTIFIED are all of one, …”

             COMMENT:  Another example of the NKJV changing verb



Heb. 2:16    KJ:       “For verily he took not on [him the nature

                       of] angels; but he took on [him] the seed

                       of Abraham.”

             NKJV:     “For indeed He does not give aid to angels,

                       but He does give aid to the seed of Abraham.”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV is not even close.


Heb. 3:1     KJ:       “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the

                       heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and

                       High Priest of our PROFESSION, CHRIST JESUS;”

             NKJV:     “Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the

                       heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and

                       High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus,”

             COMMENT:  Don’t the translators know the difference

                       between PROFESSION and confession?


Heb. 3:16    KJ:       “FOR SOME, when they had heard, did provoke:

                       howbeit NOT ALL that came out of Egypt by


             NKJV:     “For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed,

                       was it not all who came out of Egypt, led

                       by Moses?”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV is exactly backwards.


Heb. 4:8     KJ:       “For if JESUS had given them REST, then would

                       he not afterward have spoken of another day.”

             NKJV:     “For if Joshua had given them rest, then He

                       would not afterward have spoken of another


             COMMENT:  Our “REST” is in the LORD JESUS, not in Joshua!


Heb. 10:14   KJ:       “For by one offering he hath perfected for

                       ever them that ARE SANCTIFIED.”

             NKJV:     “For by one offering He has perfected forever

                       those who are being sanctified.”


James 5:16   KJ:       “Confess [your] FAULTS one to another, …”

             NKJV:     “Confess your trespasses to one another, …”


1Peter 3:20  KJ:       “… in the days of Noah, … eight souls were

                       saved BY water.”

             NKJV:     “… in the days of Noah, … eight souls, were

                       saved THROUGH water.”

             COMMENT:  “BY” and ‘through’ are not the same. Notice:

                       Noah was saved BY water. In other words, what

                       destroyed the world, i.e. WATER, was also USED

                       BY GOD, to FLOAT the ark and SAVE Noah!

                       Likewise, the same FIRE that SLEW the men that

                       threw Shadrach, Messach, and Abednego into the

                       fiery furnace (Dan. 3:22) ALSO burned off the

                       bindings that tied those men, such that they

                       WALKED in the midst of the FIRE! (Dan. 3:25)

                       Anyway, back to Noah’s ark: An amateur

                       archeologist has found the remains of Noah’s

                       ark. I’ve seen their DVD and I believe it is

                       real.  Their web site is:


                       There are people today that are looking for

                       the ark on Mount Ararat. But, check your King

                       James Bible. In Genesis 8:4 it says “the ark

                       rested in the seventh month, on the

                       seventeenth day of the month, upon the

                       MOUNTAINS (PLURAL) of Ararat”. The amateur

                       archeologist found the remains of Noah’s ark

                       12 miles from Mt. Ararat within the MOUNTAINS

                       of Ararat. The discovered ark is 1 inch off,

                       that’s right 1 inch off, from 300 cubits

                       (Gen. 6:15) in length.


2Peter 2:1   KJ:       “… there shall be false teachers among you,

                       who privily shall bring in DAMNABLE HERESIES,


             NKJV:     “… there will be false teachers among you,

                       who will secretly bring in destructive heresies,


             COMMENT:  The problem is that the heresies are DAMNABLE.


1John 2:20   KJ:       “But ye have AN UNCTION from the Holy One,

                       and ye know all things.”

             NKJV:     “But you have an anointing from the Holy One,

                       and you know all things.”

             COMMENT:  Are “UNCTION” and ‘anointing’ the same?


1John 3:16   KJ:       “Hereby perceive we the LOVE [OF GOD] …”

             NKJV:     “By this we know love, …”

             COMMENT:  God is left out! What happened to GIVING GOD

                       THE GLORY for his love?


1John 5:8    KJ:       “And there are three that bear witness in

                       earth, the spirit, and the water, and the

                       blood: and these three agree IN ONE.”

             NKJV:     “And there are three that bear witness on

                       earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood;

                       and these three agree as one.”


1John 5:13   KJ:       “… that ye may know that ye have eternal

                       life, AND THAT YE MAY BELIEVE on the name

                       of the Son of God.”

             NKJV:     “… and that you may continue to believe …”

             COMMENT:  ‘Continue to believe’? The NKJV is inferring

                       that a believer could LOSE HIS ABILITY TO

                       BELIEVE … i.e. a WORKS BASED SALVATION.


Rev. 1:18    KJ:       “I [am] he that liveth, … and have the

                       keys of HELL and of death.”

             NKJV:     “I am He who lives, and … have the

                       keys of Hades and of Death.”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV changes “HELL” to ‘Hades’ here

                       in Rev. 1:18 and in Rev. 6:8 and in

                       Rev. 20:13 and in Rev. 20:14.


Rev. 7:3     KJ:       “Saying, Hurt not the earth, … till

                       we have sealed the servants of our God

                       IN their foreheads.”

             NKJV:     “saying, Do not harm the earth, … till

                       we have sealed the servants of our God

                       ON their foreheads.”

             COMMENT:  The NKJV changes the sealing of the servants

                       of God from “IN” their foreheads to ‘on’

                       their foreheads here in Rev. 7:3 and in

                       Rev. 9:4 and in Rev. 14:1 and in Rev. 22:4.


Rev. 13:16   KJ:       “And he causeth all, … to receive a mark IN  

                       their right hand, or IN their foreheads:”

             NKJV:     “And he causes all, … to receive a mark ON   

                       their right hand or ON their foreheads,”

             COMMENT:  The “mark of the beast” will be IN the right

                       hand or IN the forehead (as in the possibility

                       of a microchip, or something IN the skin that

                       CANNOT be washed off etc.). Note: Something ON

                       the right hand or ON the forehead could be

                       more easily REMOVED.

                       Note: The NKJV change from “IN” their right

                       hand and “IN” their forehead to ‘on’ their

                       right hand and ‘on’ their forehead occurs

                       here in Rev. 13:16 and in Rev. 14:9.


Rev. 19:8    KJ:       “And to her was granted that she should be     

                       arrayed in fine linen, clean and WHITE: for

                       the fine linen is the RIGHTEOUSNESS of saints.”

             NKJV:     “And to her it was granted to be arrayed in

                       fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine

                       linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”

             COMMENT:  The linen of the saints is WHITE because WHITE

                       symbolizes PURITY. ‘Bright’ could be ANY COLOR.

                       Also, fine linen is the RIGHTEOUSNESS of saints

                       (which GOD GAVE TO US and HE GETS THE GLORY for

                       it). The fine linen IS NOT the righteous ACTS

                       of the saints (which would give man the glory).



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