Are we iN the End Times?

End Times Visual Depictions from the Book of Revelation: Have a Specific Purpose.

What is that Purpose?

Disclaimer: These visuals are not definitive, not authoritative, and are not clearly understood.

The Images are symbolic (they represent things that have yet to be realized)  … and only when they happen will they be fully understood.

They symbolism involved in Biblical Apocalyptic Literature is Catastrophic by nature, and needs interpretation, but the symbols themselves do represent events that have been promised to come. That is why they have been written down for us.

If anything … These visual pictures are designed to grab our attention and help us to be sober about our life decisions.

Remember, what we allow through our eye gate has a lot to do with how we allow ourselves to see and what feel about our world, and just as importantly, how and what we see and feel about the world to come, and how that will motivate us to get ready for it now.



End Times Visual Depictions Have a Specific Purpose.

… If anything … These visual pictures are designed to grab our attention and help us to be sober about our life decisions.

Remember, what we allow through our eye gate has a lot to do with how we allow ourselves to see and feel about our world and just as importantly, how we see and feel about the world to come, and how that will motivate us to get ready for it now.



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