This Man Learned the Power of Forgiveness

… which kept his heart from being defiled and filled with hatred,
and allowed Christ to shine through him to everyone he met.

One man stands up to Atheist Persecution and Overcomes

[Many of his friends, caved in, were murdered, or committed suicide.]

Communists/Atheists/Evolutionists …  Beat, Tortured, Defamed, Slandered, Lied to, Defiled, Mocked, and Abused, this Pastor, and also harmed/persecuted His Wife, and their son … for Several Years–treating him worse than an animal (14 years, if I remember right), because they didn’t like his faith.

The Story of Richard Wurmbrand, the Founder of “Voice of the Martyrs”; An example of simple pure faith being lived out, and not dissuaded due to torture. Here is a man  who choose to serve Christ and obey the Gospel, even when it was not politically correct, nor convenient, nor comfortable to do so. This was a common experience for many believers throughout the New Testament’s Writing, and throughout World History. This kind of persecution is not only 1) expected by true disciples, but 2) it is promised by the Messiah, and 3) anticipated by those who truly follow him. They know that genuine persecution gives birth to genuine faith. It refines and purifies false motives like nothing else.

Excerpts: (<Let me know what you think from viewing this video>)

About 1 hour, 13 minutes long.


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