Please read this article: but don’t miss the video link below; It is the best I have ever seen on this subject: Noah’s Ark vs. Gilgamesh Cube Which Baby is Going to Hold More Water? (Or keep out
Category: Evolution
Where do I come from? @ Where do you and I come from? is an easy question to answer, when certain false assumptions (lies) are exposed and removed from one’s own faulty education. I personally,
This article is just beginning to be written … A Story About The Millions of Years Lie The story about how: One lie is never enough. One lie by it’s very nature must compound itself into two lies,
Can you please finish this sentence: It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when … 1:39 (seconds) Is rape a Good reason to have an abortion? 15K views 5 years ago Living Waters Watch this
Is God’s Perspective Higher than Man’s? This is no easy way to answer this question. To truly know for oneself, one must do one’s own personal, full, deep, pervasive investigation, and exploration of the subject. Cherry picking a couple
What is Man? Introduction – Part 1 Man is not what he thinks he is. The vast majority of men do not know who they are, why they are here, where they came from, or where they are going:
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. If DNA Is a Language, Who Is the Speaker? News 9-11 minutes In a talk at the Dallas Conference on Science and Faith (2021), philosopher Steve Meyer looked at the question of whether a multiverse, as in Multiverse of (use link for full resources on the article below) Origin of life – by Don Batten 52-66 minutes An explanation of what is needed for abiogenesis (or biopoiesis) Last amended 8 November 2021. Introduction The origin of life
Chapter 7 The Blood Covenant of God OR The Fall of Mankind (Pick One) Fish The Genesis Road of Redemption: “God’s Covenant with Creation” Day 5: Fish & Birds Five Loaves
Chapter 9 The Blood Covenant of God OR The Fall of Mankind (Pick One) The Genesis Road of Redemption: “God’s Covenant with Creation” Day 4: The Sun, Moon, and Stars How do
Chapter 8 The Blood Covenant of God OR The Fall of Mankind (Pick One) The Genesis Road of Redemption: “God’s Covenant with Creation” Day 3: Dry Land, Herbs and Trees God’s Nature you can read the article here or go directly to their website: 15 questions for evolutionists – by Don Batten 10-12 minutes (The General Theory of Evolution, as acknowledged by prominent evolutionists, includes the origin
Chapter 7 The Blood Covenant of God OR The Fall of Mankind (Pick One) The Genesis Road of Redemption: “God’s Covenant with Creation” Day 2–Clean & Living Water God’s Covenant with Creation
Chapter 6 The Blood Covenant of God OR The Fall of Mankind (Pick One) The Genesis Road of Redemption: “Let there be Light” The Genesis Road of Redemption, obviously begins with Adam
Is There Evidence of a Global Flood? with Dr. Georgia Purdom Answers in Genesis This presentation will equip you with biblical and scientific answers that show that the Genesis account of the Ark and Flood are … Major Flood Evidences | Counterexamples to Evolution – Conservapedia 20-26 minutes The theory of evolution does not permit the existence of any counterexamples. If any one of the 52 counterexamples listed below is correct, then the theory of evolution fails. Moreover, even if