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Category: The Gospel
The Unknown God of Mars Hill The Original, Supreme Creator, God of ALL Similar to the Chinese God: Shang Di Who has no image, stature, or likeness, Nothing made by human hands . . . “The One
What is the Purpose of Life? Common Sense that can Save a Nation (Ignoring it can Destroy One) What’s the Purpose of Life? From God’s Perspective. The answer is simple: to know God. And to know God’s direction, and to
“Feel Good” vs. “Convicting” Sermons A Gospel that can Save a Nation: Versus One that can Destroy it; Do you know which one Jesus taught? Do you know which one you have predominantly been taught? Do you know how that
The Unknown God of Mars Hill The Original, Supreme Creator, God of ALL “The One whom you worship without knowing Him, I proclaim to you” Who was: The Unknown God of Mars Hill? In Acts 17:22-34,
What are the time honored, unbiased, clearly accepted, and authenticated: Legitimate historicalreferences to Jesus? Is Jesus recognized internationally as a legitimate historical person outside of the Bible? What evidence do we have outside the Bible that Jesus ever truly existed?
“Eternity in Their Hearts” (1981) By Don Richardson A Powerful and Exciting Discovery for all of China What is “Eternity in Their Hearts”? Throughout Our World’s Ancient and Modern Cultures? Does He not sound very
Does God Love Me? @ Many people do not FEEL the Love of God? In other words, they don’t experience the Love of God, most likely because they misunderstand the Love of God. Isaiah 55:8-12 (KJV) 8
Who is Man? @ Who is Man? And, What is Man? Man is the crowning event of God’s Creation. He is the one who was created to be a blessing to God, and friend to God, a
What is the Good Person test? @ If a man can admit and own the fact, that He Came from God, and is somewhere in the process of returning to God; [either for blessing & favor;
Why am I here? @ Great Question! This can be easy to answer or difficult to answer … depending on one’s assumptions and prejudices, one must to work through to get to a confident answer. This is probably
WHO IS: The Angel of the Lord (part one) A brief Introduction to this Topic: Hold on to Your Spiritual Hat!!! You are about to dive into an ancient River of Revelation . This River Begins more than
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Bear — (Part 5) 3—Do I “Bear” [Take] the Name of the LORD in Honor or in Vain? This is a huge commitment which is often misunderstood
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Abide — (Part 7) 5— Do I Abide in His Vine? John 15:1-27 (KJV) 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Keep — (Part 6) 4—Do I “Keep” His Commandments? This will be a continuing theme you will encounter throughout this website, and throughout the Word of
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, and Share —Walk — (Part 4) 2—Do I “Walk” in the Ways of the Good Shepherd? Matthew 25:34-40 (KJV) Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the
ARTICLE TO BE EDITED SOON … Learn, Grow, & Share —Listen — (Part 3) 1—Do I Listen to the Voice of the Good Shepherd? They, His sheep, will refuse to follow any false shepherd. They
Learn, Grow, & Share —Minority — (Part 2) Am I in “the Majority” or “the Minority” ? This begs the question: How can you or I know for sure: That we are indeed bonafide members of the chosen “Few”?
Learn, Grow, & Share —Majority — (Part 1) Am I a Part of “the Majority?“ Sometimes it really feels good to be a part of the Majority, But … Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Babylon is Fallen! Below is a description of the future. God is the one who accurately writes history ahead of Time. He knows this is all going to happen and he is preparing all of his servants to be
What is Truth? Short Answer: The Truth is Eternal Reality from God’s Perspective. It is non-negotiable, unbiased, unchangeable, and forever the same. “The Truth” is not and idea in a man’s head. The Truth is not subject to man’s
For where two or three are gathered Together in my name, There am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20 (KJV) The Body of Christ is a Royal Bride. She is preparing herself for a Royal
Below is yet another article that waffles on the Subject of Unconditional Love. It has some good points until it tries to justify the idea of UCL (UN-CONDITIONAL-LOVE). Which is far from a biblical concept, and it seems every
To answer that question in short hand, the answer is: No. God’s Love and Acceptance are far from “Unconditional.” I will freely say, They both are unmerited (at least on the part of the one who receives them, but
Below is an excellent article well written, well reasoned and worth the time to read and discern the presentation. Do to the excellent nature of this article, I won’t be adding any big comments or concerns, I
God will Judge and Reward Every Man According to his Works Revelation 20:12-15 (KJV) 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the
Jesus’ Message to the 7 churches “He who has an ear let him hear, what the spirit says to the churches.” — The Call to Spiritual Discernment [Repeated 7 times, in Revelation 2 & 3] “I know A Physician’s View of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Dr. C. Truman Davis 15-18 minutes WARNING: MATERIAL IN THIS ARTICLE MAY BE UNSUITABLE FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN. PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED. About a decade ago, reading Jim Bishop’s The Day Christ Rivers Of Living Water James May 4-6 minutes RIVERS OF LIVING WATER by Pastor Jim May John 7:37-53, “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him Water and the Feast of Tabernacles 8-10 minutes The connection is not obvious. In the OT, it is never made explicit, except (possibly) for Zechariah 14:16-19. Even there, the connection is thin. It is limited to the withholding
Source: The Lamb of God Hidden in Chinese Characters Kui Shin Voo, Larry Hovee 34-43 minutes Originally published in Journal of Creation 13, no 1 (April 1999): 81-91. The Chinese invented the ancient Chinese characters nearly 4500 years ago.
Lord, help me today. Help me to know your word. Below are Some prayers that keep me going in the right direction. The short list: LORD GOD: Help me to seek your face. (Psalm 27:8-14) Help me to hear your
Resources Pertaining to: Charles G. Finney. He believed in equal access to education: whether one was male, female, black or white. He was in this sense an abolitionist, and in His Church he barred slave traders or slave owners from
Mount Moriah, literally means: the Mountain “Seen of JAH” (referring to YHWH or Yahweh, which you will remember means ‘behold the hand, behold the nail’). Another way to translate this or simplify the meaning of Mount Moriah, is to simply
Guideposts Classics: Corrie ten Boom on Forgiveness By Corrie ten Boom 8-11 minutes In this story from November 1972, the author of The Hiding Place recalls forgiving a guard at the concentration camp where her sister died. It was in a
Sorry, I missed the talk on Eternal Life – Did You? Yep. I did too. Seemed liked playing baseball, getting tubed (surfing), flirting with girls, acting tough, being macho, and trying to be popular (and failing miserably) was simply way
This is one of the most influential Books in Christian History. Right behind the Bible, and behind The Pilgrim’s Progress. Possibly the third most impacting book for true Christians. This Book picks up the History of the Church from the
Corrie Ten Boom: A Faith Undefeated (2013) Corrie faced multiple tragedies, but with undaunting faith. Why? Because she surrendered her whole life (lock, stock, and barrel) to her Savior, Jesus Christ. As result, Corrie lived joyfully serving God with wisdom,